Agenda and minutes

The Former Joint Meeting - Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Streetpride Services - Monday 1 June 2009 10.00 a.m.

Venue: 3rd Floor Training Room, Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, ROTHERHAM.

No. Item


Disabled Parking Scheme - Enforcement

Martin Beard, Parking Services Manager, to report.

- to consider a summary of proposals for the introduction of parking enforcement procedures to combat illegal use of blue badges.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Parking Services Manager, which explained that the Department for Transport’s recent recognition of the quality of the Council’s service resulted in the award of Centre of Excellence status.


It was explained that as a Centre of Excellence, Rotherham must ensure that both administration and enforcement of the scheme comply with best practice. The submitted report outlined proposals for new enforcement procedures to a standard commensurate with the Centre of Excellence status.


Reference was made to the vast majority of offences as a result of a blue badge being displayed by a person other than the badge holder when the badge holder was not present.


The report therefore detailed proposed enforcement procedures, in line with the Department for Transport’s Guidance and advice from the Council’s Legal Services.


It was also pointed out that a comprehensive media campaign was also proposed for a period of one month prior to the commencement of enforcement.


Those present discussed the following issues:-


-                      how the procedures would be enforced

-                      parking on double yellow lines and road safety issues

-                      training of staff

-                      media campaign and the need to buy space in the press

-                      inclusion of information in the next edition of the Council’s newspaper

-                      release fee


Resolved:-  (1)  That the procedures set out in the report now submitted be adopted as policy to allow enforcement to proceed once appropriate training has been undertaken.


(2)  That all Members of the Council be informed when the new procedures go live.


(3)  That, following a period of 3 months from implementation of the new procedures, an update report be submitted to this meeting.


(4)  That a briefing be held for all other staff in the Parking Services Team.


Revenue Outturn - April 2008 to March 2009

Fiona Earl, Principal Accountant, to report.

-           to report on the performance against budget for the Environment and Development Services Directorate Revenue accounts for the financial year April to March 2008/09.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Acting Finance Manager, detailing the performance against budget for the Environment and Development Services Directorate Revenue accounts for the financial year April to March 2008/09. 


A table within the report detailed the Outturn for each of the Service Areas, and this was supported by further information which set out pressures and measures taken to manage the overall budget.


Resolved:-  (1) That the outturn position for the Environment & Development Services Directorate Revenue budgets for the 2008/2009 financial year be noted.


(2) That Cabinet be requested to consider earmarking a carry forward of £28,819 for Culture and Leisure.


(3)  That this report be referred to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


Capital Monitoring Outturn

Fiona Earl, Principal Accountant, to report.

-           to report on the performance against the approved Environment and Development Services Directorate capital programme for the financial year April 2008 to March 2009.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Acting Finance Manager, detailing the performance against the approved Environment and Development Services Directorate capital programme for the financial year April 2008 to March 2009. 


A table within the report set out a summary of the Capital Programme Spend 2008/09 for the Directorate.


The reasons for variances against the revised budget, by Service Area, were also detailed within the submitted report.


Reference was made to the following key areas:-


-                      Flood alleviation

-                      Renaissance and Westgate Demonstrator projects

-                      gateways

-                      the current economic downturn


Resolved:-  (1)  That the actual outturn position for the Environment & Development Services capital programme as at the end of financial year 2008/09 be noted.


(2)               That this report be referred to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order to consider the year end 2008/2009 position.)


Performance Indicators, fourth quarter results - 1 April to 31 March 2008/2009

Alan Platt, Best Value Support Officer, to report.

-           to report on the year end Performance Indicators.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Best Value Support Officer, outlining the performance results up to the fourth quarter of the year 2008/2009.


The report focused on indicators affected by the following issues:-


-                      Performance measures in the EDS suite of performance indicators

-                      Performance indicators that have not reached their target setting

-                      Performance clinics

-                      All England upper quartile comparisons 2007/2008

-                      The New Performance Framework – Single Set of National Indicators, out of 198 indicators EDS indicators are identified in this report. Local Area Agreement (LAA) indicators for which EDS was responsible have also been identified.

-                      Equalities report

-                      Risk Management report.


With reference to the Exceptions Report attached at Appendix B to the submitted report, Cabinet Members’ attention was drawn to the following:-


Number of indicators reported:-  121


Number of indicators that achieved their target in the green zone:-

80 (66.12%).


Number of indicators slightly outside their target in the amber zone:- 13 (10.74%)


Number of indicators that have not achieved their target in the red zone:- 10 (8.26%)


Number of National Indicators in the grey zone that have no target and or result against them:- 18 (14.88%)


BV 200b

Plan making milestone which the current LDS sets out.  Reference was made to the need to agree a new timeline re:  the Joint Waste DPD

NI 169

Condition of Non-Principal Classified Roads –noting that the condition was slipping and the Network Manager will be reporting in September 2009

BV 224b

Condition of unclassified roads – noting that the Network Manager would be reporting in September 2009

NI 195a

Improved street and environmental cleanliness (litter) – noting that staff were redeployed to assist with winter maintenance

NI 195b

Improved street and environmental cleanliness (detritus) – noting the reasons for the increased removal of detritus, and the need for more equipment


Resolved:-  (1)  That the performance indicator forth quarter results for 2008/2009 be noted.


(2)  That the Council’s position in comparison with the Audit Commission 2007/2008 All England upper quartile results be noted.