Agenda and minutes

The Former Joint Meeting - Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Streetpride Services - Monday 1 March 2010 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Rooms 3/4 (Training Room), 3rd Floor, Bailey House, Rawmarsh Road, ROTHERHAM. S60 1TD

No. Item


Customer Care - 1st October to 31st December, 2009 pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Emma Hill, Customer Service Standards Co-ordinator, to report.

-           to report Quarter 3 performance.

Additional documents:


Consideration of this item was deferred to the next meeting.


Modifications to A630 Parkway central reserve adjacent Catcliffe Interchange pdf icon PDF 48 KB

David Phillips, Principal Highway Engineer, Streetpride, to report.

-           to report proposals for modifications to A630 central reserve.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Principal Highway Engineer, detailing proposals by Yorkshire Forward for modifications to the A630 Parkway central reserve.


It was explained Yorkshire Forward had requested that consideration be given to a section of the central reservation adjacent to the junction (the Dumbbells roundabout) being modified such that abnormal loads could use the off slip (adjacent Poplar Way) from the Parkway in the reverse direction, and cross from the Sheffield bound carriageway (westbound) to the eastbound carriageway, thereby gaining access to the M1 and the rest of the motorway network.  It was also pointed out that the manoeuvre would require a full closure of the Parkway which would be organised and financed by the specialist haulier in consultation with the Council and the Police.  It was noted that any such operation would be carried out overnight to minimise disruption.


Further details of the proposals, together with costs, were set out in the submitted report.


It was pointed out that the cost of the modifications would be met by Yorkshire Forward.


Resolved:-  (1)  That approval be given in principle to modifications being made to the Parkway central reserve to facilitate abnormal loads, subject to appropriate consultation.


(2)  That the Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services, be asked to prepare an agreement between the Council and Yorkshire Forward for the design and construction of the modifications with all associated costs  being met by Yorkshire Forward.


Budget Monitoring - April 2009 to January, 2010 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Nichola Stretton, Finance Manager, to report.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Principal Accountant, detailing performance against the revenue budget for the Environment and Development Services Directorate as at the end of January 2010 and providing a forecast outturn for the whole of the 2009/10 financial year.


Reference was made to the following:-


-                      Asset Management:-  position of the Land and Property Bank

-                      Business Unit:-  noting the slightly improved position

-                      Culture and Leisure:-  use of the museum fund to mitigate pressures;  the situation in respect of the Clifton Park Restoration Project which had not yet been finalised

-                      Planning and Regeneration:-  continued decline in planning applications

-                      Streetpride:-  noting transfer of resources to gritting activities during the severe winter weather;  position relating to Sterefibre remains unresolved

-                      Spend on agency and consultancy services


Those present discussed:-


-                      lack of clarity in respect of the responsibilities of Rotherham 2010 Ltd, Streetpride and Neighbourhood Services regarding e.g. gritting and hedge cutting around elderly people’s complexes and centres

-                      possible Service Level Agreement with the crematorium contractor

-                      current position of the Salt Cell and requirement for the full Winter Maintenance Reserve to be used


Resolved:-  (1)  That the current forecast year end outturn position of an overspend of £259,000 for the Environment & Development Services Directorate based on expenditure and income as at January 2010 and forecast expenditure and income to 31st March 2010 be noted.


(2)  That the report be referred to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.