Agenda and minutes

The former Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods (August 2010-February 2015) - Monday 18 October 2010 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, The Crofts, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Winter Changes to the Green Bin Collection pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The Waste Management Officer submitted proposals to suspend collection of garden waste for 3 months, December, 2010-February, 2011, but continue to collect cardboard from the green bin.


Garden waste and cardboard were collected via the green bin and taken to Yorkshire Horticultural Supplies Ltd. (YHS) for composting.  However, YHS had drawn attention to the fact that they experience great difficulty in composting the feedstock provided during the winter months as the majority was cardboard with little garden waste.  It was proposed to half the collection of garden waste for the 3 months but continue to collect cardboard which would not only help to alleviate the problems at YHS, but realise potential savings from gate fees and allow the possibility of selling the cardboard to re-processors.


Householders would be notified of the trial by a prominent sticker affixed to the lid of their green bin with further information on the Council website.


Concerns were raised about the timing of this trial and the Cabinet Member queried why it had not been included with changes made earlier in the year.  He was further concerned about the possible consequences to members of the public who continued to deposit garden waste and asked for assurances that they would be treated sympathetically and not penalised in any way.


Resolved:-  That a trial be implemented to halt the collection of garden waste during December, 2010, January and February, 2011, but the collection of cardboard continue during the said period.


Contaminated Land Strategy Review pdf icon PDF 109 KB

(A copy of Appendix B “Statutory Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy 2010-13 Framework Document” is available in the Members’ Room)

Additional documents:


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy which had been reviewed in light of updated guidance.  This would enable land owners and developers to be more informed on the Council’s approach for identifying and inspecting such land.  Statutory and non-statutory consultation was now required.


The report also proposed the adoption of the Yorkshire and Humberside Pollution Advisory Council guidance Development on Land Affected by Contamination: YAHPAC Technical Guidance for Developers, Landowners and Consultants (March 2010) as an assessment mechanism.  This would also enable effective benchmarking to take place with other local authorities in the Yorkshire and Humberside region who had adopted the YAHPAC guidance.


The Strategy had been reviewed and updated to include the YAHPAC document as the reference document against which to undertake inspections and reviews.  This would ensure that there was considerable regional consistency across Yorkshire which would ensure a level playing field and allow benchmarking to take place on a like for like comparative basis.  It would also benefit from annual reporting to the Cabinet Member as a means to ensure Members were informed of progress and to enhance benchmarking against other regional local authorities that reported annually on their Contaminated Land Strategies.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the release of the draft Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy be approved for consultation with Statutory Consultees and non-Statutory Consultees.


(2)  That, following consideration of consultee response, a finalised Strategy be submitted for adoption.


(3)  That the Development on Land Affected by Contamination: YAHPAC Technical Guidance for Developers, Landowners and Consultants be approved.


Area Assemblies - Devolved Budgets pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted project proposals from the Area Assembly Devolved Budget for 2010 which would enable the delivery of local initiatives which met community priorities as identified in the Community Strategy and the Area Assembly Area Plans.


The 2010/11 devolved budget was funded through NAS mainstream funding of £30,000 per Assembly, allocated in 2 separate pots of £10,000 and £20,000 with slightly different criteria for spend.


The £20,000 could be spent on either goods or services, preferably not on services.  It must be spent within the Council, excluding 2010 Rotherham Ltd., and on capital or revenue projects.


The £10,000 could be spent on any Area Plan and Community Strategy priorities also taking into account:-


-        Areas of public concern

-        Corporate themes

-        NAG priorities

-        LAP (Local Ambition Programme) priorities

-        How fits with existing HMR programme(s)


It could be spent in-house/with partners of the voluntary/community sector.


The devolved budgets did not need to have a participatory element.  All project proposals for 2010/11 were submitted to the Area Assembly by Elected Members, statutory and voluntary/community partners, NAG or Co-ordinating Group.  The Co-ordinating Group would agree which projects they wished to see delivered in their area.  It was the decision of each of the Co-ordinating Groups as to how they split or allocated the monies across Wards of Area Assemblies, however, any method required the agreement of the Group.


Attached at Appendix 1 was a list of projects approved at Co-ordinating Groups for consideration.


A query was raised in respect of a project which had been allocated £9,000 by the Wentworth South Area Assembly and it was and agreed that a report be brought to the next meeting giving more detail in respect of this before final approval was given.


Resolved:-  That the projects listed at Appendix 1 of the report submitted, be approved for funding from identified NAS budgets, with the exception of the project referred to above.



Exclusion of the Press and Public


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Proposals in respect of the 2010 Rotherham Ltd Repair and Maintenance Contract


The Director Housing and Neighbourhood Services presented the submitted report in respect of proposed temporary use of HRA balances to support effective implementation of the Externalised Repairs and Maintenance Contracts in 2010/11 and proposed 2010 Rotherham Ltd. tranche 2 IHSP downsizing.


Resolved:- (1) That support be given to the proposal to bring forward £800,000 works from the 2011/12 programme into 2010/11, to be funded through temporary use of HRA balances and the 2011/12 programme be reduced by £800,000.


(2) That that the request to release up to five IHSP staff who had previously volunteered for early severance be approved.