Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Independence Health and Wellbeing - Tuesday 26 April 2011 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2RB

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of meeting held on 11th April, 2011 pdf icon PDF 42 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th April, 2011.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th April, 2011, be approved as a correct record.


Quality Assurance Visit - Cervical Screening

- presentation by Dr. John Radford


Joanna Saunders, presented a paper detailing the outcomes and recommendations following the Quality Assurance visit conducted in June 2010 for NHS Rotherham’s Cervical Screening services. 


The purpose of the visit was:-


  • to assess compliance with minimum standards for each discipline and relationship within the whole programme (from sample to laboratory, to reporting procedure, to feedback to patient);
  • identify and promote good practice;
  • identify areas for improvement and make recommendations to achieve improvement.


It was reported that


  • there were no immediate safety risks
  • there were two requirements to meet a defined standard:-

-          to continue to work around achieving the 14 day Turnaround Time (TAT)

-          to continue to work towards an interim solution to address the problem around the incorrect completion of the HRM101 forms

·        a further eight recommendations were made in respect of improving the process overall.


Members present raised and discussed the following:-


         effect of impending re-organisation and reporting systems

         the range of organisations involved

         reasons for the 14 day TAT not being achieved and whether it was now being achieved

         the database and process (Open Exeter) used to select/identify individuals

         links with other organisations and employers to provide screening (noting this was usually offered by the private sector)

         importance of early intervention

         lack of comparative information from other areas


Resolved:-  (1)  That the overall good performance, together with the recommendations, be noted.


(2)  That confirmation be sought in respect of whether Turnaround Times (TATs) were now being met.


Annual Learning Disability Health Assessment 2011 Scores pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Health and Wellbeing reported that the fourth annual Learning Disability Health Assessment Framework (HAF) had been submitted to the Strategic Health Authority on 15th April, 2011.  The Assessment had been signed off by the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board and also by Rotherham PCT as they had formal accountability for the assessment.


The report assessed and gave an overview of health assessments undertaken over a year across the region.


The Rotherham scores for the 4 overall targets were as follows:-








People still in hospital or campus settings




Access to mainstream NHS services




Safety (in NHS services)




Services for those needing more support




The detailed sub-scores and priority actions were set out in Appendix 1 and the full submission at Appendix 2 of the report submitted.


It was pointed out that overall there were no red scores and the number of amber scores had reduced from 9 in 2010 to only 3 in 2011.  This demonstrated good practice in Rotherham and the progress that had been made since the 2010 assessment.


Members present raised and discussed the following:-


-          definition of “campus” and number of people involved

-          number of people living in the Assessment and Treatment Unit; for how long; their long term plans

-          partnership working with other agencies and organisations to support people to live independently where possible

-          further issues in respect of ethnicity, gender, autism

-          the Mental Capacity Act 2005 re:  the assessment process and involvement of client and parents, together with a number of agencies in decision making

-          progress made over the last 2-3 years

-          supporting and encouraging GP’s to undertake health checks and review medication

-          value of Patents’ Panels

-          safeguarding people with a learning disability in NHS services

-          changes to what was evaluated year on year

-          successful bid to the Heart Foundation for work on heart health for people with a learning disability

-          complexity of needs

-          out of authority placements

-          people in secure units


Resolved:-  (1)  That the scores submitted by NHS Rotherham and the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board to the Strategic Health Authority for the annual Learning Disability Health Assessment Framework (HAF) be noted.


(2)  That the priority actions that the Learning Disabilities Joint Service (provided and commissioned by the local authority) would be asked to contribute to in 2011/12 be noted.


(3)  That all staff working in this area be congratulated on their work and contribution to the findings of the assessment.