Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion - Monday 24 June 2013 12.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


There were no Declarations of Interest to record. 


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 29th April, 2013. pdf icon PDF 30 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion held on 29th April, 2013, were considered. 


In relation to Minute No. E55 (Restorative Justice – Waiving of Standing Orders) it was requested that the Minute be amended to read that the ‘Rotherham Integrated Youth Support Service’ operated the contract for restorative justice support. 


Resolved: -  That with the amendment above, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion be agreed as an accurate record for signature by the Cabinet Member. 


Single Infrastructure Grant - presentation.


The Cabinet Member welcomed colleagues from the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS), Shafique Hussain, Peter Foyle and Julie Adamson.  Shafique, Peter and Julie had been invited to the meeting along with the Community Engagement Manager (Neighbourhood and Adult Services) to report on the actions of the Rotherham (VCS) Infrastructure Network (RIN).  In particular, an update would be provided on the Single Infrastructure Grant that the VCS RIN received including:- 


·         An overview of the voluntary and community sector in Rotherham was provided;

·         The benefits and contributions provided by the voluntary and community sector;

·         The role of the VCS Infrastructure in supporting, information, training, advice and guidance to the estimated 1,500 voluntary and community organisations in Rotherham;

·         The Rotherham VCS worked collaboratively to ensure that representation of the 1,500 organisations was representative;

·         Key delivery areas of the VCS Infrastructure included: volunteer co-ordination, services support, service development and voice, engagement and representation.


In the financial year 2012/13, the Rotherham Infrastructure Network had: -


Volunteering: -


·         Brokered and supported 1,342 new volunteers;

·         Seen an increase in the number of groups registered;

·         Produced a Rotherham volunteer strategy;

·         Provided volunteer training and support for pathways into work;

·         Co-ordinated/contributed to support for key events and activities.


Services Support: -


·         Provided comprehensive weekly email bulletins;

·         Used GISMO to promote all services Borough;

·         Undertook organisational training and capacity building;

·         Assisted 302 groups to make 721 funding searches;

·         7 organisations had received specific tailored funding advice and guidance;

·         Facilitated rural community building sessions and Yorkshire community venues website;

·         Worked with Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) representative groups to target funding opportunities;

·         Worked with the Disability Network;

·         Direct Payments and BME families research;

·         Mosque training;

·         Interfaith events.


Service Development: -


·         Supported the implementation of the Financial Inclusion Strategy;

·         Provided/facilitated financial capability training;

·         Facilitated VCS Information and Collaboration Sessions;

·         Targeted initiatives for BME organisations and communities, including supporting communities to access Services and provision, and identification of and addressing market gaps.


Voice, Engagement and Representation: -


·         Undertaken recruitment and selection of strategic VCS representatives on Rotherham Partnerships and Boards, including the Local Social Partnership, Safer Futures Community Network and the Health and Wellbeing Board;

·         Had a VCS group membership in excess of 620 individuals;

·         Contributed to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy;

·         Contributed to community cohesion and awareness raising work.


Case studies where the VCS had brokered individuals into full-time, stable employment were considered.  The individuals had been matched to access placements for volunteering opportunities and had come from baselines of long-term unemployment and did not have qualifications.  Rotherham VCS had helped the individuals to gain employment skills and access qualifications, which had supported them to the next step of developing contacts and pursuing opportunities. 


During the 2012/13 financial year, the RIN had helped Rotherham groups to secure £4million of funding. 


Discussion ensued on the production of the RIN’s annual report to publicise the impacts of the organisation and demonstrate the use and impact of the Single Infrastructure Grant, and how this grant enabled the RIN to support VCS groups  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Rotherham's Integrated Youth Support Service - update.


The Head of the Rotherham Integrated Youth Support Service (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services) provided an update against the project plan on the development of the Integrated Youth Support Service for Rotherham.


Further to Minute No. E54 (Update on the creation of the Rotherham Integrated Youth Support Service) of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion held on 29th April, 2013, recent progress now reported included: -


·         The recruitment process to the Service’s structure had been concluded and interviews to 120 posts had taken place;

·         It was now envisaged that a much smaller number of posts would be made redundant from the structure;

·         The soft launch of the Service would take place on the week beginning 8th July.  Local relationships had been maintained as far as possible, and where changes were unavoidable, transition and support had been arranged for young people who would experience changes in their key workers;

·         The official launch of the Service had been planned for the week beginning 22nd July.  The official opening of the town centre base would take place during the week, and town centre events would take place to promote the re-launched Service;

·         A Communications Strategy for all stakeholders had been produced, and would address the needs of each group;

·         A new cohort of apprentices would join the Service in September, 2013;

·         Development work had taken place on the Youth Offer website;

·         All Area Teams were in place and were operating with a strong core to ensure that the needs of local areas were addressed and satisfied;

·         All Area Teams would have local Plans in place by 1st September, 2013, incorporating the statutory and local requirements, and would include the role of local infrastructure and governance and all local stakeholders;

·         Joint working was continuing with partners, including Public Health and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Teams (CAMHS);

·         Required savings had been achieved through the restructure;

·         Work was continuing on the Service’s Transport Strategy.


Resolved: -  (1) That the information shared be noted.


(2)  That the Cabinet Member receive further updates in relation to the progress and development of the Rotherham Integrated Youth Support Service.


Date and time of the next meeting: -


·         Monday 22nd July, 2013, to start at 12.00 noon in the Rotherham Town Hall. 


Resolved: -  That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Community and Cohesion take place on Monday 22nd July, 2013, commencing at 12.00 Noon in the Rotherham Town Hall.