Agenda and draft minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion - Tuesday 22 July 2014 4.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


No Declarations of Interest were made. 


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd June, 2014. pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion held on 23rd June, 2014, were considered.  The Cabinet Member received matters arising updates in relation to the issues on the previous agenda. 


In relation to Minute No. E3 (Representatives on Panels, Working Groups and Outside Bodies) the following amendments were requested: -




South Yorkshire Joint Committee on Archaeology -

Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Finance.

Councillor Astbury, Adviser, Communities and Cohesion.


Trans-Pennine Train –

Councillor Tweed, Vice-Chair of the Planning Board (substitute Cllr Smith).




·         The Equality Champions’ Group – the group was currently under review.


Resolved: -  That, subject to the above amendments being made, the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as an accurate record. 


Asylum/Migration update.


  • Community Engagement Manager (Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) to report. 


Consideration was given to the presentation of the Community Engagement Manager (Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) that concerned asylum/migration across the Borough and included the sub-regional working agreement that Rotherham was part of with G4S. 


The update provided information on the purpose of working with G4S: -


·         Control of the numbers of asylum seekers/migrants settling in Rotherham;

·         Sub-regional co-operation was continuing to ensure that asylum seekers/migrants were settled and fairly in proportion to the size of each town and city in the sub-region;

·         Assessment of the housing stock available for asylum seekers/migrants to ensure it was suitable and met the needs of the group;

·         Communication with local stakeholders, including Ward Members, where asylum seekers/migrants were housed; and

·         The national review of the Dispersal Policy being undertaken by the Home Office.


Discussion ensued and the following points were made: -


·         Importance of ensuring Rotherham received an equitable share of asylum seekers/migrants, compared to its sub-regional and regional neighbours;

·         Ensuring that asylum seekers/migrants were housed across the Borough in an equitable way, whilst meeting the requirements of the legislation;

·         The importance of keeping all local stakeholders engaged and aware. 


Resolved: -  That the update information provided be noted.  


Joint Working Charter between Parish and Town Councils and RMBC. pdf icon PDF 36 KB


Consideration was given to the report of the Parish Council Liaison Officer (Neighbourhood Partnerships, Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) presented by the Community Engagement Manager.  The report outlined the Joint Working Charter between Parish and Town Councils and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.  The Charter had been signed in 2006 and slightly amended in 2010 (Minute No. B262 of the Cabinet held on 15th March, 2006, refers).  The Charter established the framework by which the two tiers of local government worked together. 


Since the introduction of the Charter in 2006 the environment in Local Government had changed, legislation had been suspended and new legislation had been introduced, including the Localism Act.  All partners had identified, therefore, that the Charter should be reviewed and refreshed to reflect the recent changes. 


The submitted report outlined how many of the original aims of the Charter had been met.  These included the establishment of a Joint Working Group and the Borough-wide Parish Network, and the development of joint training, contacts, joint consultation and communication, website provision and planning liaison opportunities.


It was proposed that the Joint Working Group undertake a review of the Charter.  The review would include all stakeholders and would be guided by the key principles of ‘Recognition’, ‘Engagement’, ‘Consultation’ and ‘Communications’. 


Resolved: - (1)  That the report be received and its content noted. 


(2)  That a review of the Joint Working Charter between Parish and Town Councils and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council be undertaken by the Joint Working Group, and a report be presented to a future meeting. 


Communications update.


Resolved: -  That, in the absence of the Communications Manager, this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion. 


Petition - Play Area for Children - Highfield View estate, Catcliffe pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report that noted receipt of a petition containing 90 signatures requesting improved play safety, improved access and improved road safety measures around the Parish Council Play Area at Nunnery Crescent, Catcliffe. 


The petition concluded: -


·         Why is it that the other play areas local to us have the same facilities and have an enclosure at sufficient height?

·         Why have you placed an entrance down an embankment without a path and next to the main road?

·         Why isn’t there disabled access?

·         Why isn’t there sufficient pathway to the gates making the access easier for all that use the area?

·         Why, in such a built up area with many children is there no preventative measure to stop speeding drivers?


Resolved: -  (1)  That the petition be referred to the Transportation and Highways Section for investigation of matters relating to road safety and a report be presented to a future meeting of the relevant Cabinet Member/Cabinet. 


(2) That the petition be referred to Catcliffe Parish Council for investigation of matters relating to the Play Area.


(3)  That the lead petitioner be informed that the petition has been referred to the relevant Council Department and the Catcliffe Parish Council. 


World War Two Memorial - Clifton Park. pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Urban Green Spaces Manager (Leisure and Green Spaces, Streetpride, Environment and Development Services Directorate).  It outlined the continuing work with the Fellowship of the Services and Friends of Clifton Park to seek to erect a memorial in Clifton Park within the existing memorial garden.  The new memorial would be to the servicemen from the Borough who lost their lives in active service during the Second World War. 


Currently there was no central memorial in Rotherham for the servicemen who had lost their lives in the Second World War.  There had been regular requests from members of the public for there to be a permanent memorial.  The Fellowship of the Services and the Friends of Clifton Park had raised funds for the memorial from 2011 onwards in conjunction with public donations, Ward Member contributions and a donation from Morrison Construction.  The level of funds now exceeded the required amount; it was proposed that the memorial would be erected in 2014.


In accordance with the submitted report and attached design diagram, a secular design of a curved wall of light grey granite blocks with a sloping face was felt to be in keeping with the original intention of the memorial garden behind the cenotaph.  Inset black granite plaques would mirror the top of the central fountain and the steps to the cenotaph.  The names of the lost servicemen would be displayed with the the initial and second name of each person in alphabetical order, rather than by regiment and service. 


The Council’s Conservation Officer had confirmed that the proposed design and scale was in keeping with the Grade II cenotaph and would not detract from the existing memorials. 


The whole cost of the memorial would be met from the funds currently held by the Friends of Clifton Park.  The Council would assume responsibility for the future maintenance of the memorial, although risks arising from this had been mitigated by the simple robust design of the memorial. 


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion and his Advisers discussed the proposal as submitted. 


Resolved: -  (1)  That the approval to erect a memorial within Clifton Park to Rotherham’s Servicemen who lost their lives in active service during the Second World War be approved. 


(2)  That the adoption of the memorial into the Council’s inventory once installed be approved. 


Date and time of the next meeting: -


·         Monday 22nd September, 2014, to start at 12.00 noon in the Rotherham Town Hall. 


Resolved: -  That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Cohesion meet on Monday 15th September, 2014, to start at 11.00 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall.