Draft minutes

Children, Young People and Families Partnership - Wednesday 8 February 2012 2.00 p.m.

Proposed venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Bacon, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 16th November, 2011 (herewith)


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th November, 2011, were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Key matters were received including representation on Safeguarding Board, Children’s Peer Challenge and JSNA.


Issues and Concerns


(a)  RMBC

Joyce Thacker referred to the ongoing work for the 2012/13 budget.


(b)  NHS Rotherham

Sarah Whittle reported that the Health and Social Bill was to be discussed in Parliament later that day.  The organisation was continuing with its restructure with the voluntary severance scheme being implemented.


(c)  RFT

Andrew Devine reported that work was still progressing on the second year of integration.


(d)  SY Police

Richard Tweed reported that the Crime and Disorder Partnership had to complete a Joint Intelligence Strategic Assessment each year as part of the Community Safety Partnership.  That Strategic Intelligence Assessment determined the priorities and helped develop the Community Safety Strategy.  The 2 big issues that would affect the Board would be sexual exploitation and domestic abuse. 


(e)  Voluntary Sector

No issues to report.


(f)  LAC Council

Joyce Thacker reported there would be some budget funding made available in 2012/13 to develop activity and joint training with the Youth Cabinet.


The Youth Cabinet had wanted to raise issues around the Olympics and Barking and Dagenham.  There was a programme of events planned during the summer months.


The Youth Cabinet was also concerned about the inconsistency of the School Councils and was looking at this issue.


(g)   Parents and Carers Forum

Joyce Thacker reported that the main focus was the Parents Charter funding for which they had received 1-off funding in 2011/12.  They had developed a piece of work that would be considered by the Schools Forum in March and hopefully get some funding.


Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP) 2010/2013 Positioning Statement/Peer Challenge/Governance Update


Further to Minute 117 of November, 2011, Sarah Whittle reported that work was underway to clarify governance and accountability for the Partnership and submitted a proposed structure for consideration.  A copy of the revised terms of reference for Children and Young People’s Board and Think Family Boards were circulated.


It was proposed that the importance of think family practice was embedded by changing the name of the Trust Board to the Children, Young People and Families Partnership.  The Think Family Board, as a group that would provide strategic direction and have direct accountability for overseeing specific projects, was reflected in the proposed change of name to the Think Family Strategic Group.



There were clear links identified between the Children, Young People and Families Partnership, Local Strategic Partnership and Health and Wellbeing Boards.  The role of the Think Family Board was to look at both children’s and adults’ agendas and was emphasised by its position between the 2 Boards.  The role of the Adults’ and Children’s Safeguarding Boards was to provide scrutiny, challenge and support to the Adults Board and Children, Young People and Families Board respectively.


The report set out a table identifying who would be accountable for each of the 9 key areas and aspirations of the Children and Young Peoples’ Plan.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-        The Children and Young People’s Workforce Strategy Group still existed and should be reflected/feed into the Partnership

-        Addition of representatives from the Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce and voluntary sector children, young people and families consortium

-        The “Rotherham General Practitioner” should be amended to read “Rotherham Clinical Commissioner for children”


It was noted that the Think Family Board was to consider its revised terms of reference and name the following day.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the Children and Young People’s Trust Board be renamed the Children, Young People and Families Partnership.


(2)  That the Think Family Board be renamed the Think Family Strategic Group.


(3)  That any feedback to the draft revised structures and terms of reference be submitted to Jenny Lingrell as a matter of urgency.


(4)  That the ownership and accountability for areas of focus and aspirations related to Public Health be defined in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Commissioning Plan


Clare Burton presented the Board’s Commissioning Plan setting out the outcomes and objectives to be achieved together with the progress made as at Quarter 3 (December, 2011).


Information had previously been collated from partners about the current commissioning arrangements, performance and gap analysis in relation to each of the areas.  The aspirations in the CYP Plan specific to those areas had also been incorporated into the Commissioning Plan which would help the Board ensure the outcomes were achieved through regular performance monitoring and also ensure the gap analysis issues previously identified were addressed.


It had previously been agreed that the Rotherham School Improvement Partnership would be given the opportunity to improve Key Stage 2 performance but the Board would monitor the progress.


Discussion ensued on the commissioning outcomes:-


Children get the best start in life

See Minute No. 133


Fewer Children and Young People are harmed by alcohol and substance misuse

-        Not getting to the root cause – all had a part to play and massive culture change was needed in behaviours

-        Targeting the children but not effectively targeting the parents

-        Alcohol and Substance Misuse Group should be involved to gain their professional viewpoint

-        Needs to be considered in view of the budget cuts being experienced by all public sector organisations

-        Role for Mental Health Workers and linkage to the Safer Rotherham Partnership


Children and Young people affected by domestic abuse are supported and protected

-        Of the 354 recorded crimes, 204 incidents had involved alcohol as a contributory factor

-        Prevention and education was key

-        Ensuring support was in place for children – sometimes school was the only safe place for them

-        Safeguarding Children’s Board should be a named key player

-        Victims Champion in the voluntary sector but could be argued that domestic abuse was a specialised area


All Rotherham schools will perform well, or, at least above Government floor targets – Key Stage 2

-        DfE had since moved their position on statutory powers under performance for local authorities and Academies

-        Identified 4 different types of school with criteria set out in terms of floor targets that had to be met as well as Ofsted categories

-        It had to be recognised that the demographics of Rotherham had changed which could result in a school being under the floor target



Agreed:-  (1)  That the commissioning outcomes and objectives be approved and ensure their delivery through the partnership of the Board.


(2)  That Joyce Thacker pursue discussion with the Domestic Abuse Priority Group.



(3)  That progress reports be submitted on a quarterly basis.


Community Budgets


Jenny Lingrell reported that Rotherham had been accepted as a second phase pilot area to use a Community Budget approach to work with families with multiple problems.  This coincided with work to refresh the strategic and operational plan to deliver early help to vulnerable families and a new targeted approach to improving outcomes in Rotherham’s 11 most deprived neighbourhoods. 


Rotherham must also deliver on the Government initiative to turn around ‘troubled families’.  Delivery plans were currently being prepared to plot how the work would be aligned. 


The development of Community Budgets built upon previous Government initiatives such as Area Based Grants and the Total Place initiative.  Additional resources in excess of £100,000 were available to help deliver on the agenda.  However, it was important that partners considered how respective agencies would align resources with the agenda to ensure that initiatives were mainstreamed across day-to-day operational activities and the work was sustainable long term.


The introduction of payment by results introduced some uncertainty as failure to meet outcomes for families would result in no payments.  This was similar to the reward monies given under the Local Area Agreement initiative.  Through effective partnership working, leadership and a strong focus on delivery, results and improvements would be secured for families.


Agreed:-  (1)  That Rotherham’s plan to turnaround Troubled Families be included as a component of the Community Budget Plan.


(2)  That other components of the Community Budget Plan be drawn from those elements of the Early Help Strategy that required partnership-wide and service-wide change management.


(3)  That the Community Budget Plan be aligned with Rotherham’s plan to reduce inequalities between the most deprived and least deprived areas and, in particular, the taskforce approach in Rotherham’s most deprived communities.


(4)  That the Children, Young People and Families Partnership receive regular reports identifying how the agenda was contributing to their vision of improving the lives of all Rotherham’s children and young people and specifically to each of the four big things identified in the Children and Young People’s Plan.


Obesity Summit


Carol Weir updated the Board on the progress and performance of the Rotherham Healthy Weight Commissioning Framework highlighting the activity identified by the Childhood Obesity Summit.


The Framework brought together strategies to prevent and treat obesity in the population.  Due to the high number of overweight and obese people across Rotherham, there was a need to provide several services with different levels of intervention.


The Rotherham obesity activity had won both regional and national recognition and was recently invited to provide expert testimony to the NICE Obesity Development Group with NICE recognising and commencing the success and comprehensive nature of the activity.


The key issues were:-


Childhood Obesity Prevalence

Activity of Commissioned Weight Management Services

Childhood Obesity Summit September 2011

The Obesity Strategy Group


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised;-


-        The procurement process came to an end in April, 2012.  NHS Rotherham had agreed to extend the contract for a further 6 months to ensure continuity of the services.  However, there would be no recruitment  onto the programme and it would come under the remit of Public Health

-        It was acknowledged that the Carnegie Camp made a difference but it needed a huge shift in public behaviour re food and lifestyle

-        There was a need to  refresh the Obesity Strategy Group to take forward all the Adult and Childhood Obesity Actions.  An action plan would be developed with partners identified

-        35% of children in Rotherham were classified as overweight and obese – higher than the regional and national averages (33%)

-        RDaSH had identified Health and Wellbeing Champions in their services.  All front line staff had been trained and used Every Contact Counts approach and signposted members of the public

-        South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service were fully engaged with the initiative


This item was linked to Minute No. 131.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the recommendations from the refreshed Strategy Group and Summit event be supported.


(2)  That named officers to the Obesity Strategy Group to champion, lead and support the implementation of the different elements of the action be identified but to include:-


Carole Weir, Public Health Specialist, NHS Rotherham

Early Years


Learning Communities representatives



School Nursing

Health Visiting

Voluntary Action Rotherham.


(3)  That regular progress reports be submitted once actions and recommendations had been agreed.


Safer Rotherham Partnership - Lord Bradley Recommendations


Joyce Thacker submitted, for information, Rotherham’s Areas for Action resulting from the Improving Health, Supporting Justice – Lord Bradley recommendations.


Minutes of the Safeguarding Board held on 9th December, 2011


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th December, 2011, were noted.


Any Other Business


Information was provided on the following:-


-           Welfare Reforms – impact on the Borough


-           Impending launch of Early  Help Strategy and Operational Plan


Date and Time of Next Meeting.


Agreed:-  That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 21st March, 2012, in Riverside House commencing at 2.00 p.m. with a pre-meeting at 1.30 p.m.