Proposed venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Dawn Mitchell, Governance Advisor Email:
No. | Item |
Young People's Festival Minutes: The 2022 Young People’s Festival was to be held on 22nd July 2.00-5.00 p.m. at the Wickersley Partnership Trust Sports Hall, Cranworth Road, Eastwood. |
Corporate Parenting Panel - Terms of Reference Minutes:
Discussion ensued on the objectives and Terms of Reference with the following issues raised:-
Terms of Reference - It had been felt that rather than having a direct Champions role that work be championed through the CPP process and link Members up with the relevant officer
- Amend the wording of the last paragraph relating to the number of meetings – it could give the impression that the Looked After Children were only invited to 2 of the 4 meetings when in fact they were welcome to attend all 4 proposed meetings with 2 being specifically for them i.e. them setting the agenda
- Re-write of No. 3 – suggested wording included
“Looked After Children and care leavers will be consulted, involved and heard in all aspects of their care delivery. This will be age appropriate and their choice as to their level of engagement”
or “the voice of children and young people will be at the heart of service design, delivery and operation including the democratic decision making processes”.
- Due to there being no hybrid technology in the Committee Rooms at the Town Hall, a review of the number of officers present at the meeting would be undertaken to ensure the young people were not outnumbered
- Similarly for the number of Members on the Panel. Was there a need for both the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Improving Lives Select Commission or from the Adoption and Fostering Panels?
- Could Members be brought in for specific pieces of work?
- The corporate report template currently included “implications for children and young people and vulnerable adults”. The wording should be strengthened and include consideration to the impact on vulnerable children and young people
- Quarterly performance reports be submitted to each of the 4 meetings, however, it may be that at the 2 young people-led meetings the performance report focussed on a particular area of interest
- Were the Looked After Children Promises reflected in the Terms of Reference? They were a separate document that allowed the Promises to flex if required but needed alignment to allow them to support each other
- The next piece of work was to pull together a Corporate Parenting Strategy which would include an action plan to measure performance against the Promises and translating the Promises to young people into priorities (the Bristol Model)
Agreed:- (1) That the following be re-worded in light of the discussions above:-
No. 3 – Listen to, consult with and involve Looked After Children and care leavers
The final paragraph regarding the number of meetings.
(2) That the number of officers and Members in attendance at meetings be reviewed.
(4) That the revised Terms of Reference ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |