Agenda and minutes

Emergency Planning Shared Services Joint Committee (Rotherham and Sheffield) - Tuesday 13 December 2011 12.30 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Janet Cromack, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th September, 2011 pdf icon PDF 43 KB


Resolved: - That the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Emergency Planning Shared Services Joint Committee - Rotherham and Sheffield be agreed as a true record.


Matters Arising


With regards to Minute No. D5 (Terms of Reference) it was noted that all relevant action referred to had been taken.


Reference was made to Minute No. D9 (Shared Service Business Plan) where it was noted that a visit had been arranged to Riverside House for the 10th January, 2012.


The presentation on the “Shared Services – The Journey” had taken place and a copy would be provided to all attendees.


The training relating to Minute No. D11(1) and (2) had been arranged for Tuesday, 14th February, 2012 and a letter confirming this would be appropriately signed by the Cabinet Member for Waste and Emergency Planning and the Leader of Sheffield City Council.  Discussion ensued on the feasibility of locations and adequate parking and it was suggested that separate sessions be arranged for both Rotherham and Sheffield Councillors, but that the one on the 14th February, 2012 be held in Sheffield.


It was also suggested that training sessions be extended to include Sheffield wherever possible and an invitation be extended to the next session of Project Argus.


Succession Planning of Emergency Planning Manager pdf icon PDF 16 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by Ian Smith, Director of Asset Manager, that detailed the agreed process by which both Councils would appoint to the role of Emergency Planning Manager following the retirement of the current postholder.


The agreed procedure included the arrangements for the recruitment (including advertisement), shortlisting, interviews and appointment to the post. 


It was noted that it was intended that the new postholder would be in post in advance of the retirement of the current postholder in February, 2012.


It was also suggested that details of the successor be circulated to the Cabinet Member for Waste and Emergency Planning and the Leader of Sheffield City Council.


Resolved: - That the process as outlined be approved.


Emergency Planning Budget pdf icon PDF 16 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by Ian Smith, Director of Asset Management, regarding the budget of the Emergency Planning shared service and the request from Sheffield City Council to achieve a 10% budget saving against their contribution to the Emergency Planning Shared Service. 


The saving proposal had been suggested by the team members concerned and involved two full-time staff reducing their hours from full-time to part-time (three days a week) to achieve a £30.5k saving,  It was suggested that the remaining £500 budget saving required be achieved through the saving made by the re-grading of the Emergency Planning Manager’s post.  


The potential risks and benefits of the budget saving proposals as suggested were noted.  


Discussion ensued on the proposal, which now appeared to be as a result of the challenge on meeting the funding gaps and the concerns about the impact on the budget in Rotherham.


The proposal from Sheffield was supported and consideration was to be given to discussions regarding a similar reduction in Rotherham.


Resolved: - That the proposal as suggested be agreed and it be noted that a similar reduction may apply to the Rotherham contribution for 2012/13.


Training, Exercising and Emergency Plans Update pdf icon PDF 33 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by Alan Matthews, Emergency and Safety Manager, which provided an update on the work that had been underway in relation to the Shared Service’s training, exercising and emergency provision plans.  The plans were available at the meeting for inspection.


Following the inception of the Shared Service on 1st June 2011, the new Service’s focus had been on writing plans, implementing training for Officers and delivering exercises across both Authorities.   Further information was provided on the details (as set out in the report).


The Emergency Planning Shared Service had also delivered two half-day exercises and a two-day corporate event for both Authorities is planned for 2012.  These events are aimed to test the Councils’ emergency response arrangements and the business continuity arrangements associated with recovering from an emergency. 


Discussion ensued on the plans for a training session on the 14th February, 2012, which after debate, would be held in Sheffield.  Councillors from both Local Authorities would be invited, but a separate session would be also be held in Rotherham.  A letter informing all Members about these sessions would be circulated in due course and signed by the Cabinet Member for Waste and Emergency Planning and the Leader of Sheffield City Council.


Resolved: - That the Joint Committee supported the continuation of the work being undertaken on behalf of the Shared Services in relation to Plans, Training and Exercise work.


Business Continuity Management Software


Alan Matthews, Emergency and Safety Manager, introduced the concept of the Business Continuity Management Software, which was unique to Rotherham and which had been developed in-house specifically for a Local Authority.


Clare Hanson, Senior Business Continuity Officer, gave a demonstration on the bespoke design, its capabilities and what data it would capture and explained how the concept had been developed.


It was anticipated that the software would be piloted in January, 2012 for a period of approximately six weeks and then evaluated.  A full update on progress would be presented to the next meeting in March, 2012.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Clare Hanson be thanked for her informative demonstration.


(2)  That an update on progress be submitted to the next meeting in March, 2012.


Revised Terms of Reference


The Committee noted that the terms of reference as suggested had been revised.


Any other business


- Visit to Emergency Operations Rooms – 10 January 2012.


The Committee had no further business to report.


Date, time and venue for the next meeting:-

TUESDAY, 20TH  MARCH, 2012 at 12.30 p.m. at Rotherham Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.  S60 2TH


Resolved: - That the next meeting of the Emergency Planning Shared Services Joint Committee – Rotherham and Sheffield be held on Tuesday 20th March, 2011 at 12.30 pm in the Rotherham Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.