Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH
Contact: Democract Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no questions from the press or the public. |
(i) Presentation - Cabinet Member for Town Centres, Economic Growth and Prosperity – the Year Ahead 2011-2012 – Councillor G. Smith (copy attached)
(ii) Presentation - Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods – Councillor R. McNeely (copy attached)
(iii) Draft Work Programme – Scrutiny Adviser Additional documents: Minutes: The following items were reported:-
(i) Welcome by the Chair
The Chair, Councillor Whysall, welcomed everyone to this first meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission and acknowledged the experience and expertise which they brought with them.
Reference was made to a new way of working for scrutiny and for the Commission.
The context and background to developing the work programme was explained to the Commission. The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, consisting of the Chairs & Vice Chairs of the Commissions, would work together to prioritise items for the scrutiny work programme. The programme was flexible in that Commission Members would also recommend areas that they wished to examine during the course of the year.
The aims of the Commission would be more focussed and aim to provide best value for money. This would be achieved by targeting items for in- depth reviews, spotlight reviews and having specific themes on the agendas for Commission meetings. The work programme would involve bringing in officers and outside bodies to present information to the commission in addition to conducting interviews both within and outside of the Council.
Reference was made to substantial in-year cuts to Council Services and the need for all services to work differently by focussing on priority areas. The role of the Commission would be to act as a “watch dog” to ensure that users of service were not disadvantaged, as well as challenging poor service performance.
The Commission would work closely with the Council’s Senior Management Team, Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board. Also steps would be taken to ensure that Elected Member Training and Development kept pace with the skills needed to undertake the role of scrutiny effectively.
(ii) Cabinet Member for Town Centres, Economic Growth and Prosperity – Priorities for the Year Ahead 2011-2012
Councillor Smith, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation outlining the priorities for services within his portfolio for the year ahead 2011-2012.
Items highlighted included:-
- Town Centre: Town Centre Strategy: Town Centre Heritage Initiative - Business Investment - establishment and work of the Economy Board - Projects:- Rail Station; Minster Yard and Gardens; Pithouse West - Planning:- LDF consultation; implication of the Localism Bill - Transportation and Highways Projects:- reduced LTP Integrated Transport Programme; A57; Waverley Link Road - Asset Management: shared services - Network Management:- highway condition and new highway delivery arrangements; permit scheme for utilities; street lighting; winter maintenance - Parking Services - Drainage
A questions and answers session ensued covering the following issues:-
· Car parking, including:- Cashless parking: parking meters decommissioned or not working: payment by mobile phone. Parking arrangements at Clifton Park -adjacent to the museum.
· Town Centre:- Emphasis on Rotherham town centre. Members noted the needs of other town centres within the Borough
Resolved:- That appropriate Elected Members be invited on the Cabinet Member’s visits to local town centres.
(iii) Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods
Councillor McNeely spoke to a PowerPoint presentation in respect of her portfolio and highlighted the following:-
· Expected outcomes:- That ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Representation on Outside Bodies/Memberships etc 2011-2012 Municipal Year Minutes: Consideration was given to representation on outside bodies/memberships etc 2011-2012 Municipal Year.
Resolved:- That following appointments be made:-
Rotherham Bond Guarantee Scheme:- Councillor Sims
RUSH House Management Committee:- Councillor Ellis
Social Concerns Committee Churches Together:- Councillor Sims
Environmental Protection - Yorkshire and Humberside Division:- Mr. Jack Carr, and Councillors Andrews, Atkin and Beaumont
Yorkshire and Humberside Pollution and Advisory Council:- Mr. Jack Carr and Councillor Ellis
Women’s Refuge:- Councillor Sims
Groundwork Creswell, Ashfield and Mansfield:- Councillor Whysall (as substitute for Councillor Swift)
Health, Welfare and Safety Panel:- Councillor Swift; substitute:- Councillor P. A. Russell
Local Development Framework Members’ Steering Group:- Councillor Whysall, Chair, of the Improving Places Select Commission
Recycling Group:- Councillors Atkin and Falvey |
Refresh - Rotherham Town Centre Strategy & The National Review of High Streets Paul Woodcock, Director of Planning and Regeneration, and Simeon Leach, Regeneration Manager, to report. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Director of Planning and Regeneration, setting out the proposed content and timescales for a new all-encompassing strategy for Rotherham town centre that will support and encourage its long-term sustainable regeneration and growth.
The report was supported by a PowerPoint presentation which referred to the following:-
- Westgate Demonstrator Project - Railway Station - Minster Gardens - Community Stadium - Riverside House - Civic Site - Markets Re-development - Future development sites:- Weirside; Forge Island; Westgate – cessation of national and European funding streams
- purpose of the review - Rotherham represented at the launch - challenges in Rotherham - local competition - shopper profile - perceived high vacancy rate - limited influence on the market - inactive/absent landlords - reliance on public sector funding for schemes and projects
· Examples of successes in Rotherham:- - Business Vitality Grants Scheme: number of new businesses created; target market - Shop Local Initiative – also developing a gift card scheme - improved appearance of empty shops - One Town:- dedicated team with partner agencies working to make the town centre clean, safe and welcoming
· Review of High Streets - Future Priorities - public funding for capital and revenue works - rent and rates - car parking - empty properties - planning
Further information about the Review of High Streets is available on
A questions and answers session ensued covering the following:-
- access to the Stadium - comparative towns in Yorkshire and the varied reasons for the current trading position in town centres - press and publicity about Rotherham - lighting and security in the town centre - use of empty shops - creation of an Enterprise Zone: noting this would be flagged up as part of the review and Rotherham would offer to be a pilot - the need for parking close to the shops - changing shopping patterns i.e. internet shopping - Rotherham’s vibrant night scene - the need for an attractive mix of shops suitable for all age groups
Resolved:- That the Panel notes the report and content of the presentation. |
NAS Projects in Local Neighbourhood Centres Presentation by Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager. Minutes: The Commission received a PowerPoint presentation by Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, relating to NAS projects in Local Neighbourhood Centres.
Particular reference was made to the following:-
- successful centres and their qualities - failing neighbourhood centres – reasons they were deemed to be failing
- Wath Town and Swinton Town Centres; Rawmarsh Local Centres; Bellows Road; Canklow Local Service Centre; - Gateway improvements at:- Dalton - Dinnington Town Centre
- Business Regulation Services:- Food, health and safety team; Trading Standards; Licensing - Community Protection Services:- Local Environmental Quality; Neighbourhood Wardens: Environmental Impact assessments
· Neighbourhood Partnerships:- - Community Planning - Area Assemblies - Local Action Plans
· Resources:- - Noting less capital and less revenue
· Working differently:- - 2010 Rotherham Ltd now reintegrated - Corporate Asset Management:- Environment and Development and Neighbourhoods and Adult Services working together on Swinton assets - Locality based services:- bringing together housing management, ASB, community partnerships and resident engagement
· Prioritisation and targeting:- - LIP - Community Planning
A questions and answers session ensued regarding:-
- identified as a “principle town” in the LDF - Master Plan - Sites with planning permission left undeveloped - Condition of town centre - Areas of high deprivation
· Stated aim of ensuring no community is left behind |
Planning for Traveller Sites: Government Consultation Nick Ward, Planner, to report. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report, presented by Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, on behalf of the Planner, relating to the Government’s proposal for the replacement of existing separate guidance for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople with one circular.
It was explained that the aim was to simplify the guidance and ensure fair and equal treatment for travellers, in a way that facilitated the traditional and nomadic way of life of travellers whilst respecting the interests of the settled community.
The submitted report summarised the consultation and Appendix A set out the suggested RMBC response. The Commission’s attention was drawn to the need to demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable sites and to the problems associated with this in terms of engaging and consulting with the Gypsies and Travellers. Concern was also expressed at the proposed inclusion of Showpeople and it was the view that they should remain separate under the present legislation.
Members present commented on:-
- current Council provided traveller sites - treatment of provided sites by the Gypsy and Traveller community - operation of private sites - winter storage sites for Showpeople - community concerns about provision for Gypsies and Traveller as highlighted by the LDF consultation - work across South Yorkshire re: provision of sites based on need - the needs of other minority communities
Resolved:- That the report and proposed response to the consultation be noted. |
Dates and Times of Future Meetings · Wednesday, 7th September, 2011 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 19th October, 2011 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 30th November, 2011 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 11th January, 2012 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 22nd February, 2012 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 28th March, 2012 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 13th June, 2012 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. · Wednesday, 25th July, 2012 @ 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. Minutes: Resolved:- That the Select Commission meets on the following dates at 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham:-
· Wednesday, 7th September, 2011
· Wednesday, 19th October, 2011
· Wednesday, 30th November, 2011
· Wednesday, 11th January, 2012
· Wednesday, 22nd February, 2012
· Wednesday, 28th March, 2012
· Wednesday, 13th June, 2012
· Wednesday, 25th July, 2012 |