Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH
Contact: Barbel Gale, Governance Manager Tel: 01709 807665 email: The webcast can be viewed at
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 31 October 2023 To consider and approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 31 October 2023 as a true and correct record of the proceedings. Minutes: Resolved: - That the Minutes of the meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission, held on 31 October be approved as a correct record of proceedings. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest from Members in respect of items listed on the agenda. Minutes: The Chair invited Members to declare any interests in the items of business on the agenda. Councillor Griffin declared a non-pecuniary interest (Item 9- Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2027 Update). He remained in the meeting but did not participate in the debate or vote.
Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any part of the agenda. Minutes: There were no items of business on the agenda that required the exclusion of the press and public from the meeting. |
Questions from Members of the Public and the Press To receive questions relating to items of business on the agenda from members of the public or press who are present at the meeting. Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public or press. |
Communications To receive communications from the Chair in respect of matters within the Commission’s remit and work programme. Minutes: The Chair provided the following update in respect of matters within the Commission’s remit and work programme:
· Members were reminded that the Children's and Young Peoples Service Members Report had been circulated for information and comment. Members were asked to raise any queries via email and either a written response would be arranged, or if appropriate it would be requested that officers attend the next meeting in January to provide further information.
Corporate Parenting Panel - Update To consider any updates from the Corporate Parenting Panel.
The Chair advised that the Corporate Parenting Panel met on 13th November 2023 and consideration was given to the following items during the meeting:
· An update on the One Adoption South Yorkshire Annual Report, which included a high-level overview on progress during the period of 2022-2023. · An update on the Fostering Service Annual Report 2022-2023. · An update on the Fostering Rotherham Plan 2023-2028. · An update on the Rotherham Care Leavers Local Offer. · An update on the Leaving Care Action Plan. · A Performance Monitoring report, which included trend data, graphical analysis, and latest benchmarking data against national and statistical neighbour averages. The next meeting would be held on the 12th December and an update from that meeting would be provided to the Commission at the next meeting in January. |
Looked After Children's Sufficiency Strategy Update This agenda item will provide an update on the delivery of the new Looked After Children’s Sufficiency Strategy (2023-2027) over the past 12 months.
The Looked After Children’s Sufficiency Strategy (2023-2027) focuses on what the service know about children and young people, including their voices, and the information about local homes for children. The strategy also provides all the latest data trends, what the priorities are and the delivery plan to achieve these.
This agenda item provided an update on the delivery of the new Looked After Children’s Sufficiency Strategy 2023-2027, over the past year.
The Chair welcomed to the meeting Councillor Cusworth, the Cabinet Member for Childrens and Young Peoples Services, Helen Sweaton, Joint Assistant Director of Commissioning and Performance and Mark Cummins, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Transformation Project Lead.
The Chair invited Councillor Cusworth and Helen Sweaton to introduce the report and the following was noted: · The Strategy set out how the local authority would fulfil its role as corporate parents and meet the statutory sufficiency duty, by proving good quality care, effective parenting, and support to children and young people, in and leaving care. · The Strategy was a high priority for the local authority and set out the principles applied when seeking to commission the provision of secure, safe, and appropriate accomodation and support to children in and leaving care over the next four years. · There were huge pressures nationally on local authorities to meet the required duty. The local authority was in a good place, in relation to provision of placement mix, ensuring it could meet everyone’s need.
The Chair invited Mark Cummins to lead on the presentation. The presentation gave an overview of the following content: · Strategy Overview and Priorities- ? The Looked After Children’s Sufficiency Strategy 2023-2027, was approved at Cabinet in October 2022. ? The Looked After Children Sufficiency Strategy was developed in line with the duty to provide or procure placements, for children looked after by the local authority. The duty of ‘sufficiency’ required local authorities and children’s trust partners, to ensure that there was a range of sufficient placements which could meet the needs of children and young people in care. · Key Priorities 2023 to 2027- ? More young people would be able to be cared for safely in their families and communities. ? Children and young people would have access to a range of homes with both internal and external options, that would meet their needs and improve their outcomes. ? All services would take the Rotherham family approach, to ensure all Rotherham children and young people would be resilient, successful, and safe. This would be evidenced by quality assurance activity. ? Children and young people would be able to access the support they need, when they need it by ensuring Health, Education and Care Services would share a joint understanding of the needs of children and young people in Rotherham and would use this to inform commissioning and service delivery. ? Children and Young People, their families and carers would be able to access Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) assessments and intervention when needed. ? Children, young people, families, and carers were benefiting from additional social value in Rotherham. An example was provided of more employment opportunities. ? More children, young people and families benefited from additional support to improve outcomes and access employment. · A residential Case Study- ? BB had resided in an external residential provision at distance from Rotherham, since 2021. BB was placed in a residential ... view the full minutes text for item 137. |
Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2027 Update This agenda item will provide an update on the progress towards the Rotherham Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2027.
Information will also be provided about the referral pathway, which delivers a single point of access to services for victims of domestic abuse, along with details of victim and/or survivor engagement with support services.
Minutes: This agenda item provided an update on the progress towards the Rotherham Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2027.
The Chair welcomed to the meeting Councillor Cusworth, the Cabinet Member for Childrens and Young Peoples Services, Emma Ellis, Head of Service for Community Safety and Regulatory Services and Kayleigh Charlton, Community Safety Officer for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.
The Chair invited Councillor Cusworth and Emma Ellis to introduce the report and the following was noted:
· The Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2027 that was approved by Cabinet in 2022, aimed to ensure that the pathway into services would be seamless and that people would have one point of contact, with support provided. · It was advised that 44% of the actions within the plan were completed and the Strategy was on track.
The Chair invited Kayleigh Charlton to lead on the presentation. The presentation gave an overview of the following content:
· Developing a Single Abuse Pathway with followed the below process- ? A domestic abuse incident would occur. ? There would either be a victim self-referral or an agency referral with victim consent. ? Rotherham Rise would complete a triage process and identify the most appropriate support. ? If the case was highly complex, a domestic abuse assertive outreach case worker would be assigned or alternatively a Rotherham Rise case worker would be assigned. ? The victim would be supported. · Changing Rotherham’s Engagement Rate Definition- ? The definition had been changed to ensure that there was a clear definition of engagement and a methodology to work out engagement rates that was consistent. ? The new definition was any referrals that have engaged in any support offered, for example 1 to 1 support or attending programmes and or interventions. ? The change would provide a more accurate and reflective engagement rate figure, as inappropriate referrals, or uncontactable referrals would not be included in the engagement rate calculation. · Victim Barriers to Accessing Services- ? National Domestic Abuse Charity Safe Lives confirmed that families lived with domestic abuse for a significant period before seeking effective help. ? There were many reasons why families lived with domestic abuse or returned to their abuser after attempting to leave. It may not have been apparent to the victim that a relationship was abusive. ? On average high-risk victims lived with domestic abuse for 2.3 years and medium risk victims for a period of 3 years, before getting help ? On average victims experienced fifty incidents of abuse, before consenting to effective help and support. · The Strategy Update So Far- ? There had been a focus on driving change together by prioritising the strengthening of governance processes and improving ways of working. As a result, there had been the developed of the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Priority Group and awareness training with schools and General Practices (GP’s). ? There had been a focus on prevention and early intervention, with a review conducted of all multi-agency meetings such as MARAC and MADA. ? There had been a focus on justice and on-going protection and as a result 60% of victims were engaging with domestic abuse services. ... view the full minutes text for item 138. |
To consider and approve the Commission’s Work Programme. Minutes: The Committee considered its Work Programme.
Resolved: - That the Work Programme for 2023/2024 be approved. |
Improving Lives Select Commission - Sub and Project Group Updates For the Chair/project group leads to provide an update on the activity regarding sub and project groups of the he Improving Lives Select Commission. Minutes: The Chair provided a progress report on sub and project group activities which outlined the following:
· There had been a successful visit to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by members of the Commission on the 22nd November, where members received a presentation from the service manager and a tour of the MASH Hub. · There had been a successful workshop held on the Early Years Strategy on the 27th November, which was attended by members of the Commission. The workshop had consisted of an informative presentation from the service, followed by a round table discussion. Members also fed back their thoughts on the draft Early Years Strategy. It was advised that the presentation slides and notes from the workshop had been circulated to all members. · The Chair and Vice- Chair visited the CHANCE Group on the 30th November, where they spoke to young people who were members of the group and captured their thoughts and experiences. · Members were reminded that there would be an additional meeting scheduled for Monday 11th December, where the Rotherham Parent Carers Forum would present their Annual Report. · Members were reminded that there would be an additional meeting scheduled for Tuesday 12th December, where the Elective Home Education team would capture members views on the Elective Home Consultation. · Members were reminded that there would be an additional meeting on the 22nd January, for the Rotherham Safeguarding Childrens Partnership Board to present their Three Year Plan.
Resolved: - That the update be noted. |
Urgent Business To consider any item(s) the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
Date and time of the next meeting The next meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission take place on 30January 2024 commencing at 10.00am in Rotherham Town Hall. Minutes: The Chair advised that the next meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission would take place on 30 January 2024, commencing at 10am in Rotherham Town Hall.
Resolved:- That the next meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission take place on 30 January 20254, commencing at 10am in Rotherham Town Hall. |