Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH
Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no members of the public or the press present at the meeting. |
Communications Minutes: See Minute No. 33 for issues raised. |
Minutes of previous meeting Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health Select Commission held on 13th September, 2012.
Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.
Arising from Minute No. 21 (Maltby Ambulance Station), it was reported that a formal statement had been received from the Ambulance Trust as follows:-
“We would like to reassure members of the public that there are no firm plans in place to close any of our ambulance stations. We are simply planning for the future to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our patients and the requirements of a modern ambulance service.
The Trust is looking at the possibility of introducing a ‘hub and spoke’ model in some more urban parts of the county but no firm plans have been discussed or approved at this stage.
Patients’ interests are at the heart of everything we do and any plans to change our estates configuration would support our ability to continue to deliver the highest quality, safe and responsive service to those calling 999 in Yorkshire and the Humber.
We would also like to reassure members of the public that any plans to change our estates configuration would be subject to consultation with staff and stakeholder organisations.”
Arsing from Minute No. 24 (Care for Our Future White Paper and Draft Care and Support Bill), it was noted that a sub-group had met and its comments incorporated into the consultation response.
Arising from Minute Nos. 26 (Day Service Proposal Learning Disability Services), 27 (Day Service Proposal Transport Services) and 28 (Continuing Healthcare Review), it was noted that reports would be submitted to the Select Commission’s December meeting once it had been considered by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care. |
Health and Wellbeing Board - minutes of meeting held on 5th September, 2012 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 5th September, 2012.
It was noted that the funding for the Alcohol Strategy – Local Implementation (Minute No. S24) would be from the Public Health ringfenced grant.
Resolved:- That the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Dr. John Radford, Director of Public Health, presented a Government consultation paper on the process local authorities would be asked to use to consult on Water Fluoridation Schemes.
A response had to be submitted by 27th November, 2012.
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 gained Royal Assent on 27th March, 2012, with the large part of the changes it introduced coming into effect on 1st April, 2013. The effect of the Act was that the Secretary of State for Health had powers to make Regulations in relation to consultation and decision making on new and existing fluoridation proposals.
The 2012 Act also transferred responsibility for proposing Fluoridation Schemes and conducting consultations on such Schemes from Strategic Health Authorities to local authorities. Local authorities would be required to undertake Joint Strategic Needs Assessments that would determine whether it was appropriate to draw up proposals for all or part of their populations to receive fluoridated water.
Discussion ensued with the following comment discussed/raised;-
- There would be a framework on how local consultation should be undertaken
- When a decision was to be made, there should be specialist/professional advice available for Members
- When consultation was carried out the information needed to be in a format that was much easier to read/understand so all members of the community could engage in a meaningful way
- Previously, the Primary Care Trusts would have consulted with local authorities and the decision made by the Strategic Health Authority at a Yorkshire and Humber level
- Once the Government had received all the responses as to how the consultation should be conducted, it would make a decision on the consultation process. The Local Authority would then have to decide whether it wanted Fluoridation or not
- A Scrutiny Review was undertaken some time ago where evidence and arguments for and against were considered
- Concern that neighbouring local authorities may have differing views and reach a ‘deadlock’ situation
- It would be a decision for full Council
Resolved:- That a working group consisting of Councillors Beaumont, Roche and Steele and Robert Parkin meet on 2nd November, 2012, to consider the consultation document. |
Work Programme Update Minutes: Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, submitted an update on the 2012-13 Work Programme.
Work was underway on the draft Care and Support Bill, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Residential Homes reviews. There were only 2 areas of work outstanding – Discharge Arrangements and Access to Healthcare Services.
It was suggested, given the limited staffing resources, that the Access to Healthcare Services should be the next piece of work in the form of a spotlight review and fed into the consultation currently being undertaken by the Clinical Commissioning Group.
Dr. John Radford, Director of Public Health, reported that the NHS was to make significant changes in the next few months in the way the out of hours services was accessed and, to some extent in-house care, with the launch of NHS 111. If you had an emergency out of hours that you did not feel required a 999 call, you would ring 111 and be triaged into 1 of the services i.e. either self-care, 1 of the emergency services, out of hours practice or given an appointment for your GP within 1/2 days.
Resolved:- (1) That the Select Commission undertake a spotlight review into Access to Healthcare Services.
(2) That the review into Discharge Arrangements take place early in 2013. |
Date and Time of Future Meeting:- - Thursday, 6th December, 2012 at 9.30 a.m. Minutes: Resolved:- That the next meeting of the Health Select Commission be held on 25th October, 2012, commencing at 9.30 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall. |