Agenda and minutes

Health Select Commission - Thursday 14 December 2017 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public and press present at the meeting.




The Chair informed the Commission that The Rotherham Foundation Trust (TRFT) would be holding a stakeholder event on 31st January to discuss their quality priorities for 2018-19.  Further details would follow.


The Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting scheduled for 11th December 2017 had been cancelled due to the inclement weather so there would be no updates until the new year.


Refresh of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Integrated Health and Social Care Plan pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Terri Roche, Director of Public Health, RMBC, to present



Councillor Roche, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health and Terri Roche, Director of Public Health delivered a detailed presentation on the Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-25 and the Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan (IHSCP).  Ian Atkinson and Lydia George from Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group were also in attendance to provide additional information regarding the IHSCP.


The IHSCP was Rotherham’s local plan within the wider South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw (SY&B) Sustainability and Transformation Plan, now known as the Accountable Care Partnership (ACP). 


Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-25


Purpose of session

·           Provide an overview of the current strategy and why a refresh is needed

·           To outline key data and intelligence

·           Present a framework for the refreshed strategy for scrutiny to consider

·           Provide an overview of how the Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan aligns to the new strategy 

·           Present a timeline and next steps


Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB)

·           Statutory board since 2011 – sub-committee of the council

·           Includes statutory members, plus providers on the Rotherham board

·           Duty to prepare Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (HWBS)

·           Duty to encourage integrated working between health and social care commissioners

·           Provides a high-level assurance role; holding partners to account for delivery


Membership of Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBB) varied across the country and Rotherham HWBB was deliberately quite large in order to develop the partnerships with all local key providers.  The Council had previously been criticised for its lack of partnership with health partners, which had been addressed with excellent relationships now with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Rotherham Hospital. 


The JSNA summarised key features about Rotherham and informed the local HWBS. 


Integrated working was going exceedingly well, with joint posts and joint commissioning developing, for example in midwifery.


The role of the HWBB was now primarily a strategic one, although it did provide high level assurance.  The board focused on what was best for Rotherham rather than coming from individual organisational perspectives. 


Health and Wellbeing Strategy

·           Sets strategic priorities of the HWBB

·           Not intended to include everything that all partners do

·           Based on intelligence from the JSNA and other local knowledge

·           Enables commissioners to plan and commission integrated services

·           Service providers, commissioners and local voluntary and community organisations all have an important role to play in identifying and acting upon local priorities


Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-18 Principles

·           Shared vision and priorities

·           Enables planning of more integrated services

·           Reduces health inequalities

·           Translates intelligence into action - JSNA and information from partners.  One example last year was partners sharing concerns about care homes and this area was now working better, for example with a nominated GP attached to each care home. 

From when Commissioner Manzie had been in post there had rightly been a strong stress on children, and children would still be a key part, but other elements and health inequalities needed to be worked  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57.


RCCG Commissioning Plan 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 472 KB

Ian Atkinson, Deputy Chief Officer RCCG, to present



Ian Atkinson, Deputy Chief Officer, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group gave a presentation on the review of the CCG’s Commissioning Plan for 2018-19.  Extensive consultation had been undertaken when the 2015-20 plan had been developed but the CCG had a statutory duty to update its plan.


After earlier discussion of the strategic priorities across the Rotherham health and care system with the HWBS and the IHSCP, this focused on the CCG’s plans and how Members would see joined up working on how the CCG planned to prioritise spending the healthcare pound across the borough. 


Presentation Overview

1)     Where we are now:

             Financial position

             Demographic Challenge.

             Our Current Priorities, Delivery and Performance

2)     The plan, and how we put it together

3)     Review of priority areas

4)     PPG Feedback


Finance Allocation

        17-18 £399 million

        Savings of £75million over 5 years 2015-20

        17-18 savings of £15.9million

        18-19 and beyond awaiting settlement following Autumn statement


There was an efficiency challenge but no cuts in allocation and the CCG expected a small uplift for next year, although final confirmation would be in the new year.


Where we spend our money

48% Acute Care – hospital based, planned or urgent

12% Prescribing - nearly £30m p.a.

10% Primary Care

9% Mental Health

9% Community – district nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy

9% Joint commissioning including the LA and CHC

2% Corporate

1% Central Budgets


The CCG were seeing a reduction in spending on acute care which had previously been around 51% and was in line with the strategy to provide more care in a community based setting.  Spending on mental health had increased around national requirements linked to the parity of esteem agenda. 


System efficiency

Graph showing 2017-18 efficiency schemes

£75m over 5 years, £15m 17-18

2017-18 efficiency schemes were:

·           Corporate savings

·           Planned care - reducing unnecessary referrals to hospital and improving pathways and guidelines through GP colleagues. Introduction of clinical thresholds.  Reducing unnecessary follow up activity where best practice suggests it was not needed.

·           Urgent care - wrapping care around the person, reducing urgent admissions and where possible supporting people in the community.

·           Mental health

·           Medicine management – waste management and repeat prescribing schemes, but challenged by drug costs which were volatile.

·           Continuing healthcare

·           Hospital payment system – national tariffs were set for each hospital episode with inflation included and then the efficiencies taken out that the hospital had to make.


The efficiencies were on track so the CCG expected to deliver a balanced position.


Changing demographics

·           Rotherham is the 52nd most deprived out of 326 districts

·           50,370 Rotherham residents (19.5%) live in the most deprived 10% of England (this has increased)

·           Rotherham has 8,640 residents (3.3%) in Ferham, Eastwood, East Herringthorpe and Canklow living in the most deprived 1% of England.


2015-20 Priority Areas

Strategic aims – The CCG strategic aims seek to address all five Health and Wellbeing Board Strategic Aims across all life stages and for all communities, both geographical and communities  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58.


Date and time of next meeting

Thursday, 18th January, 2018 commencing at 10.00 a.m.


Resolved:- That the next meeting of the Health Select Commission be held on Thursday, 18th January, 2018, commencing at 10.00 a.m.