Agenda and minutes

Health Select Commission - Thursday 18 October 2018 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  The webcast can be viewed at

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public or press present at the meeting.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 118 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health Select Commission held on 6th September, 2018.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th September, 2018, be approved as a correct record.


Arising from Minute No. 30 (Update on Health Village and Implementation of Integrated Locality Working), information had been received with regard to the number of readmissions to hospital.  The pilot had achieved a number of its objectives including identifying patients at high risk of hospital admissions and using targeted interventions to reduce admissions, similarly, targeting patients on discharge to identify those at risk of readmission and offering support and interventions to reduce readmission.  The GPs Long Term Conditions meeting membership had been expanded to give a more holistic approach to patient care.  There had been no marked increase in readmissions seen and Rotherham continued to have a very strong performance on the readmission rate nationally.


Arising from Minute No. 30 (Locality Working):-


(a)  information had been received with regard to the timescales for the implementation of locality working.  The TRFT were working on refreshing the programme/project plan and had brought additional resources to do so.  Although the entire plan could not be shared at the present time as it was still a work in progress and had not been agreed by all partners, the following gave an indication of timescales:-




Programme Delivery






Introduce Trusted Assessor Role

October-December 2018


January 2019

February-March 2019


Review MDT and Case Management Framework


October-December 2018



January 2019


February-March 2019



High Intensity Users

October-December 2018


January 2019

February-March 2019



Integration Plan (including co-location)


October-December 2018


January-February 2019


April-September 2019


(b)  with regard to the capturing of more qualitative data, a Friends and Family test was used for the Health Village.  A staff workshop had been held on 19th September in relation to integrated localities and had included representatives of TRFT, RMBC, VAR, GPs, Mental Health and the CCG.


(c)  with regard to the speed of blood tests and staffing levels in laboratories, this was not something considered within the pilot and there was no specific activity to prioritise diagnostics for those patients.  Some diagnostics such as ECG, Spirometry etc. could be processed quicker as a result of integrated working moving forward if role developments were explored but this was not a feature at the present time.


If delivered from GPs, the tests would be sent to Barnsley where the centralised testing facility was based from the partner laboratory.  The number of staff working in Blood Sciences just employed by Rotherham was 76.


Arising from Minute No. 32 (Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services), the SY&B ICS funding could not be used to fund local plans in their entirety.  However, a share of the funding could be used to fund the following topic areas which should be present in local plans:-


1)     Reducing suicide and self-harm in Mental Health Services

2)     Reducing self-harm in Community and Acute Services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.




Improving Lives Select Commission

Councillor Jarvis gave a verbal report from the last meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission on the Early Needs update.  The main issues had been the reduced a number of buildings without actually affecting the amount of services, reconfiguration of locality teams, development of locality based family hubs, introduction of Borough-wide evidence based intervention, further investment in Family Group Conferencing, proposed reduction in the Heads of Service posts, increased integration of the Youth Offending Team and a proposed reduction in the number of Youth Centres and Early Help Team bases from 11 – 6 whilst maintaining effective delivery of youth work.



Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Officer, gave an update on the following proposed visits:-


Adult Care Single Point of Access, Health Village and Care Co-ordination Centre – 13th November 12.50-16.30 p.m. to speak with staff about the impact of closer working and expansion of the MDT approach


Carnson House – follow up visit to be confirmed but probably the week commencing 19th November


RDaSH Quality Sub-Group – 3rd December


Social Emotional and Mental Health Strategy Progress Report/Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Update pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Nigel Parkes, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, and Partners to report

Additional documents:


Councillor Watson, Deputy Leader, introduced both the Social Emotional and Mental Health Strategy Progress Report and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Update which would be considered together.


Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Strategy Progress Report

Jenny Lingrell, Joint Assistant Director of Commissioning, Performance and Inclusion and Pepe Di’lasio, Assistant Director of Education, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


What is working well?

-          Pupil Referral Unit provision re-configured

-          Quality of teaching and learning improved

-          SEMH Partnerships were well established

-          SEMH Graduated Response document was used consistently

-          Shared commitment to working together

-          Joint work on Trailblazer bid

-          Good practice modelled in some areas


What are we worried about?

-          Slight increase in permanent exclusions last year

-          SEMH Partnerships less well established at primary

-          Challenge of matching increasing demand with available resources (within the Borough)

-          The multi-agency landscape of provision was not well enough understood


What needs to happen

-          Co-production of a Strategy taking into account progress on CAMHS Local Transformation Plan and Five Steps to Collective Responsibility.

-          Areas of focus:

·           SEMH Sufficiency: developing a better understanding of need

·           SEMH Partnerships: ensuring arrangements were consistent and transparent

·           Developing alternative and flexible provision to meet need

·           Developing and communicating a multi-agency graduated response to match need and avoid duplication or confusion

·           Supporting the workforce

·           Delivering value for money

·           Learn from Young Inspectors inspection of the exclusion experience

·           Re-imagine the graduated response to ensure that it was holistic and multi-agency

·           Ensure that Services were aligned to meet the needs of children, young people and families

Co-location, flexible provision, integrated points of access etc.

·           Review the local authority traded offer

·           Ensure that there was a shared understanding of need and an appropriate provision landscape

·           Ensure that SEMH Partnerships have a consistent ethos and operating model

·           Test new and innovative approaches


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          Aspire had new leadership management/governance and were working with a whole range of stakeholders


-          Rowan had been Ofsted inspected March 2018 and found to be “Good”


-          SEMH was high on the national agenda.  As a result a review of exclusions and SEMH support had been commissioned across the country.  Rotherham had been selected as area for the pilot


-          Although not embedded across the Authority, there were some very good examples of supporting children with SEMH issues, getting them into education and providing them with therapeutic care


-          A common issue for parents when their child was excluded from school was that they did not know who to talk to


-          Although there was the desire, the SEMH approach was less established in primary schools partly due to the struggle to get that many Head Teachers together and formation of a strategy.  All agreed that early intervention and support at primary level was better than being reactive at the secondary stage


-          A close eye was needed on the capacity in the PRUs.  The reintegration pathway needed to be considered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Social Emotional and Mental Health Strategy - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Jenny Lingrell, Children and Young People’s Services, to report

Additional documents:


Please see Minute No. 42.


Health Select Commission Performance Sub-Group Feedback pdf icon PDF 235 KB


The Commission received the notes from the Health Select Commission Performance Sub-Group held on 26th September, 2018, which had focussed on the provisional year end performance of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework.


The key area that had emerged for the Select Commission to consider was a more in-depth piece of work on reablement/enablement.  The Sub-Group had made some recommendations regarding future performance reports to which a positive response had been received. 


A further meeting was to be held in January 2019 to scrutinise the final year end report with Yorkshire and Humber and national benchmarking data.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the information provided from the Sub-Group session and the way forward for future reports be noted.


(2)  That further scrutiny of reablement/enablement services later in the year be approved.


Healthwatch Rotherham - Issues


No issues had been raised.


South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Wakefield Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Attached to the agenda pack was the presentation and Strategic Outline Case presented to the CCGs and hospitals recently which had been developed following stakeholder feedback to the Hospital Services Review report.


Members had also been provided with a copy of the agenda papers for the meeting of the JHOSC to be held on 22nd October regarding the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System and the Hospital Services Programme.


Any issues Select Commission Members would like raising at the meeting should be forwarded to the Chair or Scrutiny Officer by 9.00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.


Health and Wellbeing Board


No issues had been raised by the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health


Date and time of next meeting

Thursday, 29th November, 2018, commencing at 10.00 a.m.


Resolved:-  That a further meeting be held on Thursday, 29th November, 2018, commencing at 10.00 a.m.