Agenda and draft minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing - Monday 11 June 2012 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2RB

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 22062  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of meeting pdf icon PDF 40 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th April, 2012, be approved as a correct record.


Health and Wellbeing Board


The Chairman reported that the recent Board meeting had discussed the following:-


HealthWatch – see Minute Nos. 5 and 6


Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy – the Board had approved the Strategy for submission to the Cabinet.   Consultation was being undertaken together with engagement activities.


Clinical Commissioning Group – a meeting had taken place on 6th June discussing policies and procedures that were required as part of the authorisation process.


Rotherham Public Health Web Presence pdf icon PDF 39 KB


Dr. John Radford, Director of Public Health, reported that, in preparation for the transfer of responsibility and relocation of the Public Health Team to the Council in April, 2013, it was proposed that a single web portal to access all public health information be incorporated into the Council content management system upgrade and launched in October, 2012.


The new Public Health system was closely modelled on the system that operated in the United States.  The sites combined information on health protection, prevention of ill health and promoting healthy lifestyles as well as information on aspects of environmental health such as animal control, air pollution, clean water and emergency preparedness.


An action plan would be developed in order to deliver the new public-facing website.


It was noted that the NHSR website would become the website of the CCG; It was not known what the Commissioning Board would do locally as it would be South Yorkshire wide.


Resolved:-  That the proposal for a Rotherham Public Health web presence be approved.


Heart Town


Alison Iliff, Public Health Consultant, gave the following update on Heart Town activity:-


-        Steering group established including representatives from a range of statutory and voluntary bodies and the Chamber of Commerce.  4 meetings held to date


-        Stakeholder event to be held on 13th June, 2012


-        September – Big Donation month – appeal for donations of stock for British Heart Foundation shops or for recycling


-        Saturday, 29th September – One Day event.  There would be a sponsored walk/jog/run in Clifton Park and a range of other fundraising and awareness raising activities in the Park and town centre


-        February – National Red for Heart month – fundraising and awareness raising.  Light key buildings in Rotherham red for the month?


Other work planed/underway included the mapping of community defibrillators and existing cardiovascular services, establishing a heart shaped walk in Rotherham, a Heart Town Award for local organisations/businesses and a communications plan for ongoing publicity.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.


Rotherham Health Watch pdf icon PDF 60 KB

- Claire Burton to present

Additional documents:


The Chairman reported that a long discussion had taken place at the recent Health and Wellbeing Board on this issue.  The report contained options for the different organisational models and the timetable for implementation.


The Board had supported options 1 (a contract with provider to deliver all HealthWatch functions – this could be a social enterprise) and 2 (a contract with the 1 provider who may sub-contract to other organisations to deliver certain elements of HealthWatch – this will be a social enterprise) being included in the tender.  It had also been noted that the timetable would be reviewed to ascertain if the process could be accelerated taking heed that the EU tender rules had to be adhered to.


The Board had also supported the inclusion of the NHS Complaints Advocacy Services in the tender for a Local Health Watch rather than going out to tender for another organisation.


The current timeline was for local HealthWatch to be in place by April, 2013 and HealthWatch England by October, 2012.  The budget was a replacement for the current LINks which was hosted by Voluntary Action Rotherham plus some further funding from government.


An announcement was awaited on funding but expected in June/July, 2012. 


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-        RFT ran its own Advocacy Services and would remain so

-        Council commissioners would monitor and contract manage once the tender was awarded.  This was a separate role to that of the Health and Wellbeing Board

-        There would need to be clear signposting for customers


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.



HealthWatch - Update pdf icon PDF 114 KB


The latest LGIU Policy Briefing on HealthWatch, issued on 14th May, 2012, was submitted for information.


It gave an overview of the Legislation and the practicalities of HealthWatch and Local HealthWatch.


The Care Quality Commission had indicated that HealthWatch England would be set up in October, 2012, and, following representations from local authorities and LINks, the start date for Local HealthWatch had been put back from April, 2012 to April, 2013.


The Act imposed a duty on upper tier and unitary local authorities to contract with a Local Health Watch organisation for the involvement of local people in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of health and social services.  These arrangements should include reporting arrangements to HealthWatch England.  The Act also made provision for contractual arrangements between local authorities and Local HealthWatch which much be a social enterprise.


Local HealthWatch organisations must produce an annual report on their activities and finance and had regard to any guidance from the Secretary of State in preparing the reports.


Health and Wellbeing Boards were required to have a representative of Local HealthWatch amongst their members.


The Government currently allocated £27M each year to local authorities for LINks through the Local Government Formula Grant.  In 2012/13 an additional £3.2M would be made available to support start-up costs for Local HealthWatch.  In 2013/14 the current £27M for LINks would become funding for Local HealthWatch organisations each year.  Additional funding would also be made available to local authorities from 2013/14 to support both the information function that Local HealthWatch would have and also for commissioning NHS Complaints Advocacy.


Resolved:-  That the briefing be noted.

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order for the appropriate booking to be made)


Seminar - Healthwatch England: Priorities, Integration, Advoacacy and Transition


Resolved:-  That the Chairman (or substitute) be authorised to attend the Healthwatch England: Priorities, Integration, Advocacy and Transition seminar to be held in Westminster on 16th July, 2012.