Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing - Monday 14 January 2013 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2RB

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 39 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December, 2012, be approved as a correct record.



Climate Local Conference: Delivering Growth, Income and Safer Communities

Monday, 11th March, 2013

Local Government House, London


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Chairman (or substitute) be authorised to attend the Climate Local Conference: Delivering Growth, Income and Safer Communities Monday, 11th March, 2013, to be held in London.


(2)  That the conference entitled ‘Tackling Health Inequalities in the North’ Friday, 8th March, 2013, to be held in Durham be considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Health and Wellbeing Board


The Chairman reported that a meeting of the Board was to take place on 16th January.  The agenda included the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group’s first Annual Commissioning Plan.


Jordan Dam Community-owned Hydro Scheme

- Emma Bridge, Sheffield Renewables


Emma Bridge, Sheffield Renewables, gave the following presentation on Sheffield Renewables and the Jordan Dam project:-


Sheffield Renewables

-        Voluntary organisation set up by volunteers who wanted to see renewable energy across South Yorkshire but particularly in Sheffield


Sheffield:  A Green City

-        Grass roots green initiatives

-        Food

-        Transport

-        Campaigning

-        Energy efficiency


Community-owned Green Energy

-        Hoping to build community-owned dam – Jordan Dam Hydro at Blackburn Meadows

-        If built will be the largest in England

-        Fish and eel ladder also to be built

-        The electricity generated to be sold to Yorkshire Water (also reduce their carbon emissions)


Invest in Sheffield Renewables

-        £250,000 raised from the community

-        Projects funded by selling shares to individuals and local organisations topped up by loans

-        Shareholders have a say in how the initiative was run – 1 member = 1 vote

-        Shareholders could range from £250-£20,000

-        Those on low income could invest in instalments


Community Share Offer

-        Sheffield Renewables Limited will develop, own and operate multiple projects each funded with new shares

-        Returns to investors will be a “blended” return – dependent on the performance of all the projects


Ground Work : Jordan Dam Hydro

-        Initial survey

-        Feasibility study

-        Financial model

-        Ecological assessment

-        Flood risk assessment

-        Planning consent

-        Topological and geotechnical services

-        Contractor shortlist

-        Abstraction licence

-        Business case

-        Lease and power purchase agreement

-        British Waterways agreement

-        Invitation to tender


Community Share Offer – Terms

-        Interest - Target is 3% -  Paid once project has been operating 2 years

-        Social Return - All interest matched with payments to the “Community Benefit Fund”

-        Withdrawals: “Cashing in” shares - Once project has been operating 3 years and capped each year, allocated on first come first served basis

-        Tax Relief - Offer is eligible for EIS tax relief of 30% of sum invested


Risks and Mitigation

-        Share value and interest are dependent on scheme performance and other external factors

-        What if the scheme meets obstacles which delay or prevent construction? - investment would be held until a final decision was made to proceed with construction. If it did not go ahead within 2013, money would be returned (potentially less a £10 fee)


5 Reasons to invest

-        The environment

-        Building a community

-        Social enterprise

-        Alternative ways of doing business

-        Ethical and local investment

-        Pride in Sheffield



-        Tender returned 18th January, 2013

-        Annual General Meeting 22nd January

-        Preferred contractor appointed end March

-         Preparatory work Spring-Summer

-        On-site work Late summer

-        Aim to be producing electricity by the end of the year


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following raised/highlighted:-


-        Jordan Dam was on the Sheffield/Rotherham border – would welcome any promotion the project could be given – Area Assembly?

-        Possible replication of the project at Forge Island?

-        Share  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Environment and Climate Change Strategy Group pdf icon PDF 21 KB

- Zafar Saleem to report

Additional documents:


The Chairman reported that the above Group, consisting of Councillors Wyatt, Mannion and Wallis, had held its first meeting on 12th December, 2012.


The purpose of the Group was to review the Council’s approach to environment and climate change through examining the scope of the existing Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2015, leading to a refresh of priorities and renewed outcome focused action plan.


A further meeting was to be held on 30th January, 2013.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.


Rotherham Biodiversity Action Plan 2012 Review pdf icon PDF 44 KB

- Carolyn Jones, Development Officer


Carolyn Jones, Ecology Development Officer, submitted a report on the above action plan review.


The first Rotherham Biodiversity action Plan was published in 2004 based on the protection and enhancement of habitats and species prioritised both nationally and locally.  However, since 2004, the national priorities for conservation action had expanded and refined together with new Legislation and Government information published to guide the next era of biodiversity delivery.


The review process had involved reassessment of national, regional and local priorities in terms of habitats and species.  The presence of nationally prioritised habitats in Rotherham had been identified, data had been obtained on which prioritised species had been associated with the habitats and their presence in Rotherham identified.  The following with the key changes to the Action Plan:-


-        Addition of new habitat action plans for Traditional Orchards and Inland Rock and Brownfield Land arising from new national habitat priorities

-        Expansion of the Pond Action Plan to cover all water based habitats

-        Identification of additional local priority habitats associated with each key habitat group

-        Grouping of habitats into groups in line with national principles

-        Change from Ancient and Species-rich Hedgerows to Hedgerows acknowledging the importance of all hedgerows

-        Identification of locally recorded species with each key habitat group

-        Acknowledgement of recent Legislation, strategies and other plans that influenced biodiversity action

-        Alignment of actions and delivery timescales with regional and national plans and strategies


The 2012 Plan would continue to support the preparation and delivery of the Rotherham Local Plan providing supporting evidence for Core Strategy policies and for future development management policies, particularly in respect of biodiversity, geodiversity, green infrastructure and landscape.  It would support biodiversity action and delivery until at least 2020 in line with the England Biodiversity Strategy.


It was noted that the report was to be considered by the Rotherham Local Plan Steering Group on 18th January, 2013.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the report be referred to the Health and Wellbeing Board for information.


(3)  That the final Action Plan be submitted to Cabinet for adoption by Council.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council)).


Resolved: -  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended 2006 – information relates to finance and business affairs).


Rotherham Healthwatch Update


Clare Burton, Operational Commissioner, presented an update on the recent OJEU tender process for Healthwatch Rotherham.


A preferred provider was not appointed as there had been no bids of sufficient quality to move to the awarding of a contract.  A proposed way forward was set out in the report submitted to ensure that there was a Healthwatch Rotherham in place by the 1st April, 2013.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the outcome of the OJEU tender process be noted.


(2)  That the proposal to re-tender the Service, as set out in the report submitted, be approved.


(3)  That further progress reports be submitted in due course.