Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism - Tuesday 13 March 2012 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge Ext. 22055 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th January, 2012. pdf icon PDF 25 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th January, 2012.


Resolved: - That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Merger of the Schools' Library Service and Museum Loans Service pdf icon PDF 56 KB


Bernard Murphy, Manager, Library and Information Service, Environment and Development Services, to report. 


Consideration was given to the report presented by Bernard Murphy, Manager of the Library and Information Service, which related to a proposal to incorporate the Museum Loans Service within the Schools’ Library Service as part of the portfolio offer.  It was proposed that the newly merged service, the Schools’ Library and Heritage Loans Service, would operate out of the Maltby Library as an extension to the current Schools’ Library Service. 


The Schools’ Library Service had previously demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness in delivering a loan service and a professional service to schools.  It currently had sixty primary and special school clients.  There would be an ongoing need for support from the Heritage Service in relation to cultural expertise, collections maintenance and an annual audit of items. 


It was proposed that the service level agreements for the portfolio of services would take effect in April, 2012, and that the majority of the services be launched at this time.  It was proposed that the merger would be fully completed by September, 2012. 


The pricing model would be consistent across the services and would operate as a subscription model payable at the start of the financial year.  This provided a stable platform for setting budgets and planning service delivery.  The proposal was to operate as a fully funded service which schools could choose to buy-back. 


A proposed pricing structure in relation to the options for buying-back all of the portfolio (gold), Schools’ Library Service only (silver), and Museum Loans Service only (bronze) was within the submitted report.  The actual cost for each option to the average-sized primary school and average-sized special school were also considered.   


The portfolio of services would be initially opened to primary and special schools within Rotherham.  Approaches from secondary schools or schools outside the Borough would be considered on a case-by-case basis.  It was proposed that the cataloguing of Museum Loans Service stock would be incorporated within the Schools’ Library Service catalogue and available within a web-based application.  The Heritage Service would receive requests for items and the Schools’ Library Service would co-ordinate delivery.  Co-location of items would be more resource efficient (time, fuel and administration). 


The Cabinet Member welcomed the merger and was confident that the Service would continue to be a success.


Resolved: - (1)  That the merger of the Schools’ Library Service and the Museum Loans Service under the management of the Library and Information Service be approved. 


(2)  That the impact and value of the new Schools’ Library and Heritage Loans Service as a fully funded service offered to schools, supporting their literacy and learning agendas and offering good value for money be recognised.


Leisure and Green Spaces and Cultural Services Fees and Charges 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 35 KB


Elenore Fisher, Cultural Services Manager, and Bernard Murphy, Manager, Library and Information Service, Environment and Development Services, to report. 

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report presented by Phil Gill, Leisure and Green Spaces Manager, and Bernard Murphy, Manager of the Information and Library Service, in relation to the annual review of fees and charges for Leisure and Green Spaces and Cultural Services within the Environment and Development Services Directorate.  The report related to the 2012/3 financial year.


Proposed charges had mostly been increased by at least the rate of inflation.  Where charges had been increased by less than the rate of inflation, or had remained the same, this was either because a price increase would incur additional costs (e.g. administration/stock changes) or because it was felt that a unit price increase would reduce overall income due to a negative impact on levels of business.


It was noted that several core services remained essentially free of charge, including the public library service, museum service, archives and local studies service and casual access to green spaces and children’s play areas.  Where charges existed there was often a concessionary rate and, in some cases, a junior Rothercard rate.  Concessions were not restricted to off-peak times as was the case in many other local authorities.


The charges for allotments were for the financial year 2013/14. This was because allotment holders have to receive twelve months’ statutory notice of any increase in line with Allotments legislation.  As reported in March, 2011, it was intended that allotment rents would increase faster than the rate of inflation over a period of years to bring them more into line with rents charged by other authorities. The proposed rent increase this year was in line with budget savings agreed by Members. Results of a survey published by the Association of Public Service Excellence in February 2012 showed that, of 131 local authorities who responded, 76.2% expected allotment rents to be the same or more in 2012-13 than Rotherham’s proposed charge for 2013-14.


It was also proposed that allotment charges for individual plot holders would, in future, be calculated based on the number of square metres being rented, rather than on a flat rate regardless of plot size.  This should have the following benefits:-


·               It would be fairer than the current arrangement, ensuring all tenants of sites managed directly by the Council paid the same amount per square metre.

·               It would allow individuals to choose to take on plots of different sizes, depending on their requirements

·               It should help to reduce waiting lists by encouraging sub-division of plots and thereby increasing the number of people who could be accommodated on each site.


Consideration was being given to introducing options for payment by instalments starting in 2013-14.  It was intended that this would allow tenants to select a payment method that was best suited to their financial circumstances.


A slightly lower rate was proposed for calculating rent payments by allotment societies; this took into account the fact that societies undertook some site management functions themselves. Another change is the introduction of a special rate for commercial tenants that better  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.


Appointment of LA Governors


Paul Carney, Head of the Governor Development Service, Children and Young People’s Services, to report. 


Pursuant to Minute No. C50 of January 2000, consideration was given to nominations received to fill Local Authority vacancies on school governing bodies.


Resolved:- That, with the effective date of appointment as shown, the following appointments and reappointments be made to school governing bodies, subject to satisfactory checks being undertaken:-


New Appointments: -


Anston Brook Primary

Mr. M. Green


Anston Park Infant

Mrs. J. O’Neill


Anston Park Junior

Mrs. J. O’Neill


Flanderwell Primary

Councillor C. Read



Mr. J. Carratt


West Melton Junior and Infant

Mrs. J. Shaw





Monkwood Primary

Mr. G. Foster


Anston Hillcrest Primary

Mrs. J. Scott


Wath Central Primary

Mr. J. Mahdavi


Maltby Manor Primary

Mrs. V. Coldwell


Rawmarsh Thorogate J&I

Mrs.. B.. Roden


Wickersley St. Alban’s CE Primary

Mrs. K. Parke


Wickersley School and Sports College

Mrs. D. Burkinshaw


Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary

Mrs. E. Washington


Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary

Mr. P. Washington


Wath Comprehensive

Mrs. I. Hartley




Proposal to consult on the amalgamation of Maltby Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools by the closure of Maltby Hall Infant School and the expansion and a change of age range at Maltby Lilly Hall Junior School pdf icon PDF 44 KB


Helen Barre, Service Lead, School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment Service, Children and Young People’s Services, to report.  


Consideration was given to the report presented by Helen Barre, Service Leader for School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service, that detailed a proposal to amalgamate Maltby Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools from September, 2013.


The proposal included the closure of the Infant School and the extension of the Junior  School.  The Junior School’s age-range would be changed from 7-11 years to 3-11 years, therefore, becoming a ‘through’ primary school.  It would accommodate the same number of pupils that were currently accommodated within the two separate schools.  There was no anticipated impact on the numbers of pupils in neighbouring schools.


The new School would have 420 places (R-Y6) with a Nursery unit of up to 52 places (26 FTE). (This is the combined numbers of the current two schools). The school would have a published admission number (PAN) of 60.


Approval was now sought to enter into a period of consultation with stakeholders on the plans as outlined in the submitted report. 


It was noted that consultation had previously taken place and approval given to amalgamate the two schools on the Maltby Academy site as part of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme.  As the BSF programme was withdrawn in Rotherham the new proposal was a ‘significant change’ due to the change of location of the proposed Primary School to the Junior School site.


The principal objectives for amalgamation were:-


·              To provide a continuous primary entitlement across the key stages.

·              To provide a unified management structure with a single school ethos that would be more efficient and make better use of the resources available.


Initial planning permission had been sought to expand the existing building at the Junior School and funding had been allocated via the Capital Programme.


Reference was made to the advantages and disadvantages of the amalgamation and the need to go out to open advert for the position of Head Teacher.  Some concerns had been raised from feedback with the Junior and Infant Schools, but these would be dealt with in due course.


Resolved: - (1) That approval be granted for a period of pre-statutory consultation to commence on the proposal to amalgamate Maltby Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools as outlined in the submitted report. 


(2)  That a further report be presented to the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture at the close of the pre-statutory consultation period outlining the responses received. 


Schools Budget Monitoring Report 2011/2012 (Period - 01/04/11 to 30/11/11) pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Vera Njegic, Principal Accountant, Financial Services, Resources Directorate, to report. 

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report presented by Vera Njegic, Principal Accountant, in relation to budget monitoring reports that had been received from each Rotherham school for the period ending November, 2011. 


The consolidated position was a projected year end surplus of £4.209 millions.  The projected balance indicated a significant increase of 49% from the 2010/11 actual delegated budget balance surplus of £2.828 millions. 


Reference was also made to:-


·               The summary forecast outturn for the 2011/12 financial year by each phase.

·               The summary comparison between the 2010/11 actual surplus and 2011/12 forecast carry forward by phase.

·               Individual budget variations for each Rotherham school.

·               There were 14 schools with a deficit budget at the end of the 2010/11 financial year.  The forecast number of schools that were projecting a deficit budget at the end of the 2011/12 financial year was 10.

·               Two Rotherham secondary schools had an agreed licensed deficit arrangement with the Local Authority for recovery over three-years. 


The main reason for the forecast increase was largely due to the delegation of the former centrally held grants.  Variations in the Schools’ Budget were ring-fenced with surpluses or deficits carried forward to the following year.


Resolved: - That the report be received and its contents noted. 


Date and time of the next meeting


Tuesday 27th March, 2012, to begin at 10.00 am in the Rotherham Town Hall.  


Resolved:-  That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture take place on Tuesday 27th March, 2012, to begin at 10.00 a.m. in the Town Hall,