Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism - Tuesday 24 April 2012 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge Ext. 22055 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meetings held on 13th and 27th March, 2012. pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meetings of the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture held on 13th and 27th March, 2012.


Resolved: -  That the minutes of the previous meetings be agreed as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.  


Minutes of the Joint Cabinet Member meeting for Lifelong Learning and Culture, and Town Centres, Economic Growth and Prosperity, held on 27th March, 2012. pdf icon PDF 23 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Joint Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture, and Town Centres, Economic Growth and Prosperity, held on 27th March, 2012. 


Resolved: -  That the minutes be agreed as a correct record for signature by the Chairman. 


Minutes of the Education Consultative Committee, held on 1st March, 2012.


The minutes of the Education Consultative Committee held on 1st March, 2012, were considered.  


Resolved: -  That the minutes of the Education Consultative Committee be noted. 


Proposed building extension to Catcliffe Primary School. pdf icon PDF 36 KB


Helen Barre, Service Lead – School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment Service, presented a report that outlined pressures on Catcliffe Primary School’s accommodation due to increasing pupil numbers within the catchment area.  Preferences for the School were increasing year-on-year, and future projections confirmed that pupil numbers would increase at the School.


In response to these pressures, a proposal had been made in conjunction with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors to extend the School’s site through the instillation of a modular building to provide additional teaching and learning space.  The proposal indicated that the additional building would be available from 1st September, 2012.    


Due to decreasing pupil numbers in previous years, three classrooms had been transferred to the Early Years Service for the provision of a Children’s Centre on site.  This resulted in a lack of space when the School’s pupil numbers started to increase. 


It was noted that, as the proposal did not intend to alter the School’s admission number, there was no requirement for public consultation to take place.


The capital cost of the building works was £100,000, which would be met from the Department for Education’s Basic Needs budget.  This was allocated to ensure the provision of sufficient school places. 


Discussion ensued, and the following issues were raised: -


·        The specification and quality of modular buildings for teaching and learning spaces;

·        Deployment of the Basic Needs budget allocation across Rotherham;

·        Planned house building projects within the existing catchment area of the School.   


An assurance was received from the Service Lead for School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment Service that the modular building was an appropriate, modern and safe setting for the provision of teaching and learning. 


As the proposal related to the installation of an additional building on the School’s site, planning permission would be required before the building works could begin. 


Resolved: -  That the proposal for the extension of Catcliffe Primary School be approved, subject to relevant planning permissions being granted.  


Proposed building extension to Treeton Primary School and increased Admission number. pdf icon PDF 45 KB


Helen Barre, Service Lead – School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment Service, presented a report that outlined increasing pupil numbers within the catchment area of Treeton Church of England Primary School and implications that this would have on the School’s accommodation.  Preferences for the School were increasing year-on-year, and future projections confirmed that this would continue. 


In response to these pressures, a proposal had been made in conjunction with the Headteacher, Governing Body and Sheffield Diocese to extend the School site through the installation of a modular building to provide additional teaching and learning space.  It had been proposed that the school building be extended from 1st September, 2012, to accommodate rising pupil numbers, and that the admission number be increased from 37 to 45 from the 2013/14 academic year and thereafter. 


As the proposal amounted to less than a 25% increase in overall numbers, there was no requirement to enter into a period of public consultation.


Funding for the building works would be received from the Department for Education’s Basic Needs budget, which was allocated to ensure sufficient school places were available.  The capital cost of the project would be £200,000 for the installation of the modular building and other required space. 


A report would be presented to the Rotherham Schools’ Forum that requested bridging funding based on 7/12th of the 2013/14 financial year to be allocated from the DSG.  This was required to recruit an additional member of teaching staff from 1st September 2013.  Additional funding would then be generated based on pupil numbers at the School from January, 2014, school census, which would replace the temporary funding gap from April, 2014 onwards. 


Discussion ensued, and the following issues were raised: -


  • The proposal had been made in conjunction with the Sheffield Diocese, and was fully supported by them.
  • Recent house building projects within the School’s catchment area had contributed to rising pupil numbers and this trend was projected to continue. 


As the proposal related to the installation of an additional building on the School’s site, planning permission would be required before the building works could begin. 


Resolved: - (1) That the proposal for the extension of Treeton Church of England Primary School be approved, subject to relevant planning permissions being granted.


(2)  That the increase in Treeton Church of England Primary School’s admission number from 37 to 45 from 1st September, 2013, be approved.


Proposed expansion of Flanderwell Primary School. pdf icon PDF 37 KB


Further to Minute F43 of the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture held on 20th December, 2011, it was reported that the pre-statutory consultation period on a proposed expansion of Flanderwell Primary School from 1st September, 2013, had now been completed. 


The submitted report outlined the process that the pre-statutory consultation had followed: -


·        Separate meetings had been held with the Governors, Staff and Parents of Flanderwell Primary School.

·        Consultation meetings and/or communications had taken place with the Governing Bodies of:-

o       Bramley Sunnyside Infant and Junior Schools, Bramley Grange Primary School, Dalton Listerdale Primary School, Wickersley Northfield Primary School and Wickersley St Alban’s Primary School.

·        Copies of the consultation information had also been sent to Ward Members, the MP and the local Parish Council. 


The responses received through the pre-statutory consultation were very positive. 


It was proposed to increase Flanderwell Primary School’s admission number by 50%, which would mean that there would be an increase from 30 to 45 pupils in each statutory year group.  The non-statutory nursery year group would also be increased to a published admission number of 26 full-time equivalent places. 


The capital cost of the building project to provide four additional teaching and learning spaces, and other required space, was £900,000.  This would be met from the Department for Education’s Basic Needs funding that was allocated to ensure sufficient school places were provided. 


A detailed and costed report would be submitted to the Rotherham Schools’ Forum to request DSG funding to support the transitional period between September, 2013, and March, 2014 (7/12th).  The additional pupils would not be on roll for the January, 2013, school census return, meaning that the 2013/14 school budget allocation would be insufficient to fund additional teaching and support staff required from September, 2013.  


Permission was now sought to progress on to statutory consultation period, which would include formal consultation through the local media and local schools.    


As the proposal related to the installation of additional buildings on the School’s site, planning permission would be sought before commencement of the building works.


Resolved: -  (1)  That statutory consultation be approved to commence on the proposal to extend Flanderwell Primary School, subject to planning permission being granted. 


(2) That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member with details of the outcome of the statutory consultation process. 


Proposal to increase the Admission Number at Bramley Grange Primary School. pdf icon PDF 34 KB


Helen Barre, Service Lead – School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment Service, presented a report that outlined increasing pupil numbers within Bramley Grange Primary School’s catchment area.  Preferences for the School were increasing year-on-year, and future projections confirmed that this would continue. 


In response to this pressure, a proposal had been agreed with the Governing Body to increase the School’s admissions number from 40 to 45 from the 2013/14 academic year and thereafter. 


As the admission number was not proposed to increase by more than 25%, there was no requirement for a public consultation to be entered into. 


It was noted that funding for the additional places would be generated in the January, 2013, annual school census, which would be allocated based on numbers on roll in September, 2013.


Resolved: -  That the increased admission number for Bramley Grange Primary School with effect from 1st September, 2013, be approved. 


Proposal to commence Statutory Consultation on the amalgamation of Maltby Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools. pdf icon PDF 36 KB


Further to Minute F54 of the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture, held on 13th March, 2012, it was reported that the pre-statutory consultation had now been completed in relation to the amalgamation of Maltby Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools from 1st September, 2013.  


The submitted report outlined the process that the pre-statutory consultation had followed.  Consultation meetings had been held with the Governing Bodies of both schools, staff and trades union representatives, and parents.  Communication had also taken place with all neighbouring schools. 


The proposal to amalgamate Malty Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools would lead to the closure of the Infant School and expansion of the Junior School from ages 7 – 11 years to ages 3 – 11, therefore becoming a ‘through’ primary school.  It would accommodate the same number of pupils as the two separate Infant and Junior Schools, with no anticipated impact on the numbers of pupils in neighbouring schools. 


The principal advantages of amalgamation related to the continuous primary education entitlements and included: -


·        Removal of school transfer at the end of Key Stage 1;

·        Provision of a whole school curriculum across the primary age range;

·        Unified management structure with a single school ethos;

·        Potential to organise/arrange the staffing structure and to safeguard the staffing establishment when pupils changed across the key stages;

·        Whole school approach to staff development across the primary phase; more efficient and effective use of resources, including accommodation, when numbers fluctuated across the infant and junior phases. 


A summary of the outcomes of meetings was provided to Members.


Permission was now sought to enter into the statutory consultation period.


Resolved: -  That statutory consultation be approved on the proposal to amalgamate Maltby Hall Infant and Maltby Lilly Hall Junior Schools, and that a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member with details of the outcome of the process.    


Date and time of the next meeting: -

Tuesday 22nd May, 2012, to start at 10.00 am in the Rotherham Town Hall.  


Resolved: -  That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture be held on Tuesday 22nd May, 2012, to start at 10.00 am in the Rotherham Town Hall.