Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism - Tuesday 4 October 2011 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Bacon Ext. 22054 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th September, 2011 pdf icon PDF 30 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and Culture held on 6th September, 2011.


Reference was made Minute No. F16 (Strategic Commissioning Priorities for Children and Young People’s Services) and the action plan, which once updated should be presented back to the Cabinet Member and Advisers for consideration.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member held on 6th September, 2011 be signed as a true record.


Local Authority Governor Appointments


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


The National Archives Self-Assessment Performance Measurement Programme - Overall Score pdf icon PDF 39 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Lisa Broadest, Manager of the Heritage Services, which set out the details of the self-assessment of the Archives and Local Studies Service completed for Local Authorities last year and Rotherham’s receipt of a 3* (out of 4) rating.


This programme was designed to provide a measure of overall service quality in the absence of any formal performance indicators for Archive Services in the Audit Commission's performance indicator set for Local Government and was designed to supplement the formal, on-site, inspections that The National Archives undertook periodically. It would now, however, be superseded by an accreditation scheme, due to be developed during 2011/12 by The National Archives.


The self-assessment programme was based on a comprehensive questionnaire that examined five areas of work: Governance and Staffing; Documentation of Collections; Access Services; Preservation and Conservation; and Buildings, Security and Environment.


The report set out in detail the scores for Rotherham Archives and Local Studies with a comparison drawn against the returns from 2009 and 2007.


Each Authority received a percentage score on each of the five areas and an overall percentage score. The scores on the five areas of activity were then performance banded, with approximately the top 10% of services securing four stars - approximately the bottom 10% scoring one star and the remaining 80% being divided equally into two-star and three-star categories.


Analysis of the 2010 results showed that Rotherham was one of five 3* or 4* services in the region, the others being three major, long-established County Record Offices, Sheffield Archives (a larger Archive Service) and Hull City Archives. Three services scored lower than 3* with one no return.


It would generally be possible to maintain the Service’s current performance with some small improvements whilst taking into account the current financial situation and the Service’s relocation from the Central Library and Arts Centre to Bailey House in 2012. These challenges may adversely impact upon impact upon Section 1 (governance), which focused upon budgets and staffing levels, Section 2 (documentation of collections) and Section 5 (buildings, security and environment).


There were, however, some small improvements that could still be made during 2011/13, some of which were dependant upon securing additional funding.


The Cabinet Member and Advisers welcomed this good news and congratulated the officers on the hard work that had taken place.


Resolved:-  That the improvements, as set out in the report, be worked upon by the relevant officers.


Yorkshire Libraries and Information - Music and Drama Collection Services


Bernard Murphy, Manager of Library and Information Service, gave a brief synopsis of the meeting that had taken place on Friday, 30th September, 2011.


The Music and Drama Collection Service Review Group were tasked with looking at various options which would be reported back to the next meeting of the Yorkshire Libraries and Information Service on the 3rd November, 2011.


Resolved:-  That the information be noted.


Portable Battery Recycling pdf icon PDF 14 KB


(Referred from the Recycling Group held on 20th September, 2011 for information)

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 23 of the meeting of the Recycling Group held on 20th September, 2011, consideration was given to the request that all schools be encouraged to participate in the portable battery compliance scheme with the opportunity for recycling collection containers to be provided to schools free of charge.


Discussion ensued on the merits of the scheme and it was suggested that the information be made available to schools and they be given the option as to whether they wished to participate or not.


Resolved:-  That all schools be informed about the portable battery recycling scheme and they be given the option whether to participate or not.


Proposed Changes to the Teacher Disciplinary and Induction Regulations following the Abolition of the General Teaching Council for England pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the draft consultation response form presented by Liz Buxton, Lead Adviser, and Paul Fitzpatrick, Human Resources Manager, arising from the Education Bill which made provision to abolish the General Teaching Council for England (GTCE) and give responsibility to the Secretary of State to operate a streamlined regulation system. 


The Department of Education were currently consulting on the new arrangements.  A draft response to the consultation had been prepared and formed part of this report.


The closing date for this consultation was 12th October, 2011 and all comments made must be submitted for the above date.


The Cabinet Member was in agreement with the response form as submitted, which clearly set out Rotherham’s concerns and feedback to the proposals set out by the Department of Education.


Resolved:-  That the consultation response form, as now submitted, be approved.

(The Cabinet Member authorised consideration of the following item in order to meet the submission deadline)


Priority School Building Programme - Submission to Department for Education pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Robert Holsley, Capital Projects Manager, which set out how the Department for Education (DfE) announced on the 19th July, 2011 a new school building programme called the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP), which was intended to address those schools whose buildings were in the worst condition.


It was anticipated the programme would cover the equivalent of building or rebuilding of approximately one hundred secondary schools. However, the programme was not limited to secondary schools, but would also include primary and special schools and sixth form colleges. 


Local Authorities were responsible for co-ordinating and submitting applications from all maintained schools and voluntary aided and controlled schools.  Academies could either be included in the Local Authority submission or apply on their own behalf.


The deadline for submissions was the 14th October, 2011 with a decision being expected on applications in December, 2011. 


Further information was provided on the eligibility criteria and the determination and prioritisation of schools for consideration.


If Rotherham was successful in its submission for all the schools it would mean an investment of approximately £45 million.  This was someway short of that expected through the Building Schools for the Future Programme and would leave the Local Authority with three options:-


·              Fully bridge the funding gap through the Children and Young People’s Service capital programme and prudential borrowing;

·              Partially bridge the funding gap through the Children and Young People’s Service capital programme and prudential borrowing;

·              Provide no additional capital.  Schools and the Local Authority to accept that the size of the school would be significantly smaller than it was now and would have been through the Building Schools for the Future Programme and the primary capital programme.


Children and Young People’s Service and Finance would investigate the options mentioned above and present its findings once the application had been submitted.


It was also noted that in respect of Aston Academy discussions had taken place with the Head Teacher and Chair of Governors as to whether they wished to submit their own bid or for it to be included with that of the Local Authority. 


The Cabinet Member welcomed any opportunity to improve the condition of Rotherham’s schools.


Resolved:-  That the inclusion of Swinton Community School, St. Pius X Catholic High, Oakwood Technology College, Wath Victoria Junior and Infant School in the submission to the Department for Education be approved.