Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 22 September 2021 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no questions from the member of the press present at the meeting.




The Chair reported that Becky had successfully secured a position within the Public Health Team.


Board members wished her good luck in her new job.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 196 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th May, 2021, be approved as a correct record.


Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Update by Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist


Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, presented the most recent data relating to incidences of suicide.


National real time data collected during the pandemic had not shown the increase in suicides as may have been expected in the United Kingdom.  The latest suicide data for Rotherham (November 2020) showed a small decrease in suicides for the period 2018-2020 to 13.3 per 100,000, a decrease by 1.4 from 2017-2019.  Rotherham now ranked 6th compared to CIPFA Nearest Neighbour local authorities and still significantly higher than the rate for England at 10.4 per 100,000.


Males still accounted for most deaths in Rotherham, however, it had decreased by 3.3 to 19 per 100,000 for 2018-2020 (22.3 for 2017-2019).  Female deaths for Rotherham for the same period had risen by 0.4 to 7.9 per 100,00 and the Yorkshire and Humber and England had seen increases in all person, male and females, during this period.


Attention was drawn to:-


-        The Suicide Operational Group had continued to meet during the pandemic to look at all suspected suicides and had updated its action plan in line with emerging risk factors.  Specific work had included promoting information on debt management and bereavement support including key messages for frontline staff


-        Promotion of the Be the One campaign throughout the pandemic, as part of Safeguarding Awareness Week in November 2020 and would be again in November 2021.  A new film launched on 10th September, 2021, targeting women who had been touched by/contemplated suicide and anyone who wanted to be better prepared to help someone else in a crisis.  This could be found at


-        Zero Tolerance Suicide Prevention training promoted across the Council and partners


-        Year 3 of the NHSE Suicide Prevention funding had enabled promotion of the third round of the small grants scheme to community groups who were addressing the underlying causes which could lead to suicide.  The funding had now finished


-        Promotion of the South Yorkshire Listening Service for those bereaved/affected by suicide throughout the pandemic.  Rotherham CCG was leading on procurement of the service on behalf of all South Yorkshire local authorities for 2022/23 but the existing provider would run the service across South Yorkshire until January 2022


-        Update of the Care Pathway for Children and Young People Bereaved by Sudden Traumatic Death


-        Virtual courses for suicide prevention and mental health first aid offered to all partner organisations with an emphasis on the voluntary sector, Police and Primary Care


-        Work with Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide to advertise for volunteers to be trained to run a Rotherham peer support group


-        Suicide Prevention symposium to be held on 12th October following which the action plan would be amended and submitted to the Board for approval


Discussion ensued on the report and the video viewed with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


·        There were a number of future events that would be used to promote the message including Safeguarding Week

·        3 important steps – talk, listen and care –  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Carers Programme and Draft Carers Strategy pdf icon PDF 281 KB

Update by Jo Hinchliffe, Service Improvement and Governance Manager

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 86 of the meeting held on 11th March, 2020, Ian Spicer, Assistant Director, Adult Care and Integration, presented an update on the Carers Programme which had been prepared for the July postponed meeting highlighting the following:-


-        The programme outlined at Minute No. 86 had had to be reprofiled to take into account the Covid-19 emergency response work of all the partner agencies.  In August, 2020, the partners via the Unpaid Carers Group supported a refresh of the Carers programme


-        The Unpaid Carers Group had come together during the emergency response work to ensure the network of partnerships was as strong as it could be in the most extreme of circumstances with the aim being that carers were fully supported throughout the pandemic


-        The Council had joined forces with Crossroads Care Rotherham to launch a carer grant initiative to help people who had a long term commitment to supporting loved ones.  Funding to the value of £50,000 had been accessed by unpaid carers.  In April, 2021, a further £25,000 was made available for a second round of carer grant funding


-        The draft Carers Strategy would be considered at the next Unpaid Carers Group on 28th September.  It focussed on 3 key areas:-  making caring visible, improvements that make our lives easier and living in a Borough that cares about carers


-        Rotherham was the only authority in the region to deliver a face-to-face event for Carers Week.  Members of the Unpaid Carers Group mobilised to ensure the profile of carers and the vital role they played were raised.  It had been a well supported event backed by a social media campaign prompting over 30 carers to come forward and make direct contact with the Adult Social Care Service Improvement and Governance Team


-        In line with national and local restrictions during the pandemic, the Council-run Carer’s Centre had not been open, however, Crossroads had re-opened “The Corner” in All Saints Square.  Discussions would take place with the Unpaid Carers Group to look at how this offer could be enhanced as part of the Carers Strategy


-        Work was progressing with Young Carers by Barnardos and the Young Carer Council


-        Work was continuing on reviewing the Carers Centre looking at the needs assessment to understand how best to support the initiative and the 2 groups going forward


-        The Carers Emergency Service was currently under review and looking to align the Strategy principles.  Meetings were taking place with the Carers Forum and Adult Social Care Improvement and Governance Team to ensure total understanding of any issues


It was noted that the final Strategy would be submitted to the Board for approval in due course.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update be noted.


(2)  That the final Strategy be submitted to the Board for approval.

Action:-  Jo Hincliffe/Ian Spicer


Health and Wellbeing Board Priorities and Draft Action Plan September 2021-March 2023 pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, to present

Additional documents:


Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, reported on the consultation with Board members and engagement with wider stakeholders, including delivery leads, that had taken place in July, 2021, on the draft refreshed Board priorities. Comments raised during the consultation were set out in the report submitted.  The following powerpoint presentation was shown:-


Refresh of Priorities

-        As agreed at the last Health and Wellbeing Board meeting, the 4 key aims set out within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy would remain the headline outcomes that the Board was working towards

-        The underpinning priorities would now be refreshed.  It was proposed that the new priorities ran until March 2023 to align with financial years (with flexibility to refresh priorities sooner if required)

-        It was proposed that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy delivery plan would be updated based on these priorities (additional milestones and actions may need to be agreed at appropriate intervals for the latter part of the plan period)


Strategy Principles

-        Reduce health inequalities by ensuring that the health of our most vulnerable communities, including those living in poverty and deprivation and those with mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, was improving the fastest

-        Prevent physical and mental ill-health as a primary aim but where there already was an issue, services intervene early to maximise impact

-        Promote resilience and independence for all individuals and communities

-        Integrate commissioning of services to maximise resources and outcomes

-        Ensure pathways were robust particularly at transition points so that no one was left behind

-        Provide accessible services to the right people, in the right place, at the right time


Aim 1:  All children get the best start in life an go on to achieve their full potential

Previous priorities (November 2020-July, 2021)

·        Develop our strategy for a positive first 1001 days

·        Support positive mental health for all children and young people

·        Support children and young people to achieve their full potential


Proposed priorities (July 2021-March 2023)

·        Develop our strategy to give every child the best start in life

·        Support children and young people to develop well


Board sponsors – Suzanne Joyner (RMBC) and Dr Jason Page (RCCG)

The new priorities that are being proposed had been consolidated and were broader in focus:

·        Best start – this priority will include alignment with first 1001 days work within the Place Plan

·        Developing well – this will align with other aspects of the Place Plan including mental health and wellbeing, SEND, LAC and transitions

·        This priority will also encompass other key partnership priorities including work to tackle childhood obesity


Aim 2:  All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a god quality of life

Previous priorities (November 2020-July, 2021)

·        Deliver the Better Mental Health for All Strategy

·        Deliver the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan

·        Promote positive workplace wellbeing for staff across the partnership


Proposed priorities (July 2021-March 2023)

·        Deliver the Better Mental Health for All Strategy

·        Delivery the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Smokefree 2030 Roadmap


This item was deferred until the next meeting due to the absence of the presenting officer.


Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Update by Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC


Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive, RMBC, gave the following verbal update on behalf of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board:-


-        The Government had set out its Covid-19 Response – Autumn and Winter Plan 2021 which included “Plan A” – a comprehensive approach designed to steer the country through Autumn and Winter 2021/22 – and “Plan B” – which would only be enacted if the data suggested further measures were necessary to protect the NHS

-        Rotherham’s Local Containment Outbreak Plan would be updated once further information and guidance had been received

-        The continued focus was on the local infection rate which had seen a decrease since July but was still above the national average.  As at 20th September, for all ages, the rate was 381.5 per 100,000 and for the over 60’s 226.9 per 100,000.  The constant message was to make sure people understood that Covid-19 was still here and the importance of continued undertaking of the behaviours used and to self-isolate/tested if exhibiting symptoms

-        The Dinnington testing site had been retained

-        The Test and Trace Team continued to work well meeting all the national standards and indicators

-        There were a number of challenges during the coming months including the rollout of vaccines for school children in the half term and encouraging everyone to take up the invitation to attend for a vaccination

-        The communications message would be revised to ensure members of the public adhered to the national guidance i.e. wear a mask in a close setting, good hand hygiene and maintaining social distances as far as possible

-        Some of the behaviours towards staff had not been good


Michael Wright, TRFT, reported that:-


-        During recent weeks there had been 76 positive cases which had been above the peak of the first wave.  As of 21st September, it had reduced to 45

-        There were 3 people in critical care

-        A number of staff had been impacted by Covid

-        The Hospital had recently been on Level 4, the most severe level in terms of operational pressures

-        The Integrated Discharge team was working really well


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


·        The whole system was facing significant pressure – concern for staff resilience – at the same time as trying to deliver a recovery plan, waiting times for surgery, flu vaccination and a booster programme

·        No significant decrease expected

·        Priority had to be to get those not vaccinated to take up the offer (approximately 30,000) – importance of Making Every Contact Count encouraging those that had not taken up the offer to do so and signposting to the CCG website for the frequently asked questions


Resolved:-  That the update be noted.


Issues escalated from the Place Board pdf icon PDF 248 KB

Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC and Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer RCCG, to report

Additional documents:


Chris Edwards, RCCG, presented the updated Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Agreement.


The updated Agreement was intended to facilitate the further development of an ICP model for Rotherham in line with the policy direction set out in the DHSC White Paper – Integrating Care – and in the Health and Care Bill. 


It was noted that Legislation was currently progressing through Parliament and, once the Bill had received Assent and final governance was known, the Agreement would be kept under review and updated further for April, 2022. 


The document had been discussed and approved at the 8th September meeting of the Place Board.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the interim Agreement be noted.


(2)  That the Chief Executive be delegated, in consultation with the Chair, authority to finalise and sign the Agreement.

ACTION:  Councillor Roche/Sharon Kemp


Local Government Association 'must know' briefing about Drugs and Alcohol Treatment


The Board noted the link to the above briefing.


Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 24th November, 2021, commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed


Resolved:-  That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 24th November, 2021, commencing at 9.00 a.m., venue to be confirmed.