Venue: Town Hall, Rotherham
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th September, 2012 PDF 34 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to minutes of the previous meeting of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board, held on 18th September, 2012, were considered.
Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman. |
Matters Arising To discuss matters arising from the previous minutes, which are not included elsewhere on the agenda. Minutes: (1) Chair and Vice-Chair and lead officer of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board
Members requested clarification of the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair and lead officer of the Joint Waste Board. The following arrangements were agreed in order to rotate the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair and lead officer of the Joint Waste Board between the three constituent local authorities:-
(a) Municipal Year 2012/2013 Chair – appointed member of Rotherham MBC Vice-Chair – appointed member of Doncaster MBC
(b) Municipal Year 2013/2014 Chair – appointed member of Doncaster MBC Vice-Chair – appointed member of Barnsley MBC
(c) Municipal Year 2014/2015 Chair – appointed member of Barnsley MBC Vice-Chair – appointed member of Rotherham MBC
(d) The above pattern of rotation shall continue in each successive Municipal Year, with the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair being elected annually at the meeting of the Joint Waste Board usually held during June.
(2) Welcome to new officials
The Joint Waste Board welcomed Mrs. Lee Richardson (Doncaster MBC) and Mr. Dave Finnegan (Barnsley MBC) to their first meeting. |
· Governance · Project Timetable · Technical · Legal · Financial · Communications · Resources · Health and Safety Minutes: The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Manager submitted a report updating the progress of the following issues:-
(a) The report is expected shortly from the Waste Infrastructure Development Programme (WIDP) Transactors from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, resulting from their contract management review of the BDR Waste PFI scheme.
(b) Discharge of planning conditions - the Bolton Road planning consent had 28 conditions attached and 6 of them have now been discharged; 19 others are in the process of being discharged and 3 will continue through the operating phase (eg: opening hours); conditions relating to land contamination, drainage, landscaping works and biodiversity require further work prior to their being discharged.
(c) The Bolton Road facility has now been granted a permit. The construction of the culvert at the Bolton Road site is progressing on schedule. The Contractor continues to work on the detailed design to ensure the most efficient procedures are in place for the operational phase.
(d) The Ferrybridge site permit was issued on 30th November, 2012. In accordance with the planning permission, the cricket pavilion and new car parking area have been completed.
(e) All three local authorities have now agreed the land transfer documentation necessary to allow Doncaster MBC and Barnsley MBC to become part-owners of the land at Bolton Road, Manvers.
(f) The 2013/14 operational management budget will be maintained at the 2012/13 amounts. Overall resources continue to be reviewed, to ensure adequate staffing levels.
(g) Communications – the BDR Internet website has now been updated; the BDR Joint Waste Manager and 3SE Contract Manager continue to attend community events when requested. Members will be involved in the official ground-breaking ceremony at Bolton Road on Monday 18th February, 2013. Elected Members thanked officers for their hard work in delivering the project and in particular with the commitment shown to community liaison.
Resolved:- That the report be received and its contents noted.
Minutes: The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board considered the update Waste PFI transition phase risk register. It was noted that the ‘Permitting Delay’ was still highlighted as a ‘red’ risk, even though this risk had reduced slightly during the period since the last meeting.
None of the risks had increased since the last meeting. Members heard that progress was already being made in respect of (i) business continuity and (ii) construction delay.
Resolved:- That the updated information on the risk register be received. |
Health and Safety Minutes: The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Manager reported that the inspection visits, undertaken every two weeks by the BDR Construction Design and Management Co-ordinator, were continuing and were positive, with no incidents to report. |
Meeting Dates 2013 Suggested pattern of meetings :
Steering Committee Joint Waste Board Tuesday 26.2.2013 week commencing 11.3.2013 Tuesday 21.5.2013 w/c 10.6.2013 Tuesday 20.8.2013 w/c 9.9.2013 (this August date may change due to holiday period) Tuesday 26.11.2013 w/c 9.12.2013 Minutes: The following arrangements and pattern were agreed for meetings to be held during 2013:-
Steering Committee : Tuesday 26th February, 2013 Joint Waste Board : Friday, 15th March, 2013
Steering Committee : Tuesday 21st May, 2013 Joint Waste Board : week commencing 10th June, 2013
Steering Committee : Tuesday 20th August, 2013 Joint Waste Board : week commencing 9th September, 2013
Steering Committee : Tuesday 26th November, 2013 Joint Waste Board : week commencing 9th December, 2013 |
Any Other Business
Minutes: It was agreed that the minutes of meetings of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board be reported to the meetings of the Leaders of these three local authorities. |
Date, time and venue for the next meeting - March, 2013, 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham - June, 2013, 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham - September, 2013, 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham - December, 2013, 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham Minutes: It was agreed (1) that the next meeting of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board shall take place on Friday, 15th March, 2013, at the Town Hall, Rotherham, commencing at 2.00 p.m.
(2) That the annual general meeting of the Joint Waste Board shall take place at the Town Hall, Rotherham, during the week commencing Monday, 10th June, 2013. |