Agenda and minutes

Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board - Friday 27 June 2014 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman for the Municipal Year 2014/2015


Agreed:- That Councillor Roy Miller of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council be appointed Chairman of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board for the 2014/2015 Municipal Year.


(Councillor R. Miller in the Chair)


Appointment of Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2014/2015


Agreed:- That Councillor Gerald Smith of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board for the 2014/2015 Municipal Year.


Welcome to New Members

To introduce the Authorised Representatives from each Authority.


The Chairman welcomed new Members to the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board, Councillors M. Clark and G. Smith of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and Mr. Jim Busby, Transactor from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.


Thanks were expressed to Mr. Steve Noble (DEFRA) for his services to the Joint Waste Board. Mr. Noble’s role would be fulfilled by Mr. Busby.


Members also agreed that the Chairman should write to both Mr. Richard Russell (formerly a Councillor with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council) and to Mr. Tim Hardie (Legal Officer, formerly of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council) thanking them for their services to the Joint Waste Board.


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 14th March 2014 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Consideration was given to minutes of the previous meeting of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board, held on 14th March, 2014.


Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the BDR Joint Waste Board be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Consideration was given to minutes of the previous meeting of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board, held on 14th March, 2014.


Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the BDR Joint Waste Board be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Matters Arising

To discuss matters arising from the previous minutes, which are not included elsewhere on the agenda.


With regard to Minute No. K32(g) of the previous meeting, it was noted that Doncaster MBC has recently granted planning permission for a new waste transfer station to be located at Kirk Sandall.


Approval of Delegations under the Second Inter-Authority Agreement, for the Municipal Year 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 26 KB


Further to Minute No. 7 (IAA2 Report) of the meeting of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board held on 14th June, 2013, consideration was given to the report presented by the BDR Joint Waste Project Manager, detailing the way in which the functions of the Joint Waste Board will be delegated to the BDR Steering Committee and to the BDR Project Manager. The proposed delegation arrangements for the Principal Contract were in accordance with the terms of the Second Inter-Authority Agreement.


The report stated that, in order to adhere to the legislative requirements of the Local Government Act 1972, concerning the delegation of powers, the practice of the BDR Joint Waste Board is to delegate its powers to one of the BDR Steering Committee officers (the “Authorised BDR Steering Committee Member”), who then acts in consultation with the other officers of the Committee. The structure of the Steering Committee was outlined in the submitted report.


Agreed:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That, with the exception of the decisions reserved to the three constituent Authorities for a unanimous decision under the Second Inter-Authority Agreement, all other decisions in respect of the Principal Contract are delegated by the BDR Joint Waste Board to the Authorised BDR Steering Committee Member.


(3) That the Authorised BDR Steering Committee Member may elect to delegate certain decisions to the BDR Project Manager.


(4) The BDR Project Manager may delegate any decisions delegated to her to a member of the Joint Waste Team (if the right to delegate is granted by the Authorised BDR Steering Committee Member).


(5) That the BDR Joint Waste Board notes that Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council’s representative on the BDR Steering Committee will be the Authorised BDR Steering Committee Member for the 2014/2015 Municipal Year.


BDR Manager - Annual Report 2013-2014 pdf icon PDF 81 KB



              Project Delivery



·                     Financial



·                     Other


Consideration was given to the submitted annual report of the BDR Joint Waste Project Manager for the period April 2013 to March 2014.  The information contained within the report included: -


·         Governance

·         Project Delivery

·         Technical

·         Health and Safety

·         Legal

·         Financial

·         Communications;

·         Resources

·         Other, including the DEFRA consultation on the Waste Prevention Programme for England from 6th August to 23rd September 2013


A useful glossary of terms was appended to the report. Members also noted that:-


(i) the recruitment process of the Joint Waste Team for the operational phase of the Contract has now begun;


(ii) the discharge of the pre-operational conditions for the Environmental Permit has begun;


(iii) an update on the progress of the Grange Lane upgrade will be reported at the next meeting;


(iv) the development of the waste treatment site at Ferrybridge is on schedule and the first consignment of waste is due to be delivered to the facility during March, 2015;  and


(v) Members suggested that there should be a visit of inspection to the Bolton Road facility by Council Leaders.


Agreed:- That the BDR Joint Waste Manager’s annual report for the period April 2013 to March 2014, as now submitted, be approved.


Risk Register pdf icon PDF 47 KB


The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board considered the updated Waste PFI transition phase risk register, as at 12 June 2014. Reference was made to the pressure upon local authorities to cope with the impact of new house building in their areas. It was noted that the Joint Waste PFI forward planning process considers the impact of new house building. The insurance cost risk, which involved ever increasing premiums, was also noted.


Agreed:- That the updated information on the risk register be received.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended, March 2006 – information relates to finance and business affairs)


Agreed:- That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended (information relating to the financial/business affairs of any person (including the Joint Waste Board)).


BDR PFI Budget Report 2013/2014


Consideration was given to the 2013/2014 annual return of the Operational Management Budget for the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Partnership Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The 2013/2014 annual return will be the subject of external audit. A summary of the 2014/2015 Budget was also contained in the report.


Agreed:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the 2013/2014 annual return of the Operational Management Budget for the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Partnership, as now submitted, be approved.


(3) That the 2014/2015 Operational Management Budget for the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Partnership, as summarised in the report now submitted and previously approved in accordance with each constituent Authority’s budget setting policies, be approved.


Date, time and venue for the next meeting

To consider the following arrangements and pattern for meetings to be held during 2014 and 2015:-


Steering Committee : Tuesday in August, 2014

Joint Waste Board : Friday, 19th September, 2014


Steering Committee : Tuesday in November, 2014

Joint Waste Board : Friday, 12th December, 2014


Steering Committee : Tuesday in February, 2015

Joint Waste Board : Friday in March, 2015


Joint Waste Board meetings are held at the Town Hall, Rotherham


Agreed:- (1) That the next meeting of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board be held on Friday, 19th September, 2014, at the Town Hall, Rotherham, commencing at 2.00 p.m.


(2) That the next following meetings of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Board be held on Friday, 12th December, 2014 and on Friday, 20th March, 2015, at the Town Hall, Rotherham, commencing at 2.00 p.m.