Agenda and minutes

Police and Crime Panel - Monday 31 March 2014 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer. 

No. Item


Questions from Members of the Public


(1)  A member of the public asked would Elected Members please summarise their efforts to publicise these Panel meetings in their own Council areas to increase awareness and involvement by the public and community groups throughout South Yorkshire?


The Chairman advised the member of the public that he would consult with the Police and Crime Panel and respond to the question in writing.


(2)  A further member of the public asked for updates please on initiatives to make the Panel's proceedings more user-friendly, as previously minuted


E.g.  Website development (J28),   Guidance on Complaints Procedures (J30),   Notice of Public Questions (written questions take precedence, but if time allows, should relevant questions from the public bench be considered, at the Chair's discretion?)


The Chairman confirmed that in relation to website development, this work was now progressing.  It was also pointed out that the complaints procedure had been updated and was available on the Council’s website.  The procedure set out the arrangements for the consideration of complaints by the Panel alongside links to the websites of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Independent Police Complaints Commission.


With regards to questions from members of the public, the Chairman advised that the Panel’s Terms of Reference had been revised to include the procedure for public questions and had no wish to deviate from the arrangements that had been formally agreed.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 31st January, 2014 pdf icon PDF 56 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 31st January, 2014.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meetings held on 31st January, 2014 be agreed as a true record.


Sub Regional Priorities - Verbal Report from Scrutiny Panels


a.         Doncaster.


b.         Sheffield.


c.         Rotherham.


d.         Barnsley.


Further to Minute No. 19 of the meeting of the Panel held on 2nd December, 2013, Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, referred to the recommendation of the training session which was held in November, 2013 about the development of protocols in conjunction with the Commissioner, Community Safety Partnerships, Local Authority Scrutiny Panels and Criminal Justice Board.


It was suggested as part of this recommendation that Chairmen of the four Local Authority Scrutiny Panels or their representatives be invited to share their emerging priorities and work programmes to ascertain how a joint working protocol could be taken forward.


The Chairman introduced the various representatives from the South Yorkshire Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panels who each gave report on the work currently being undertaken.


Caroline Martin, representing Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, confirmed that the work programme for the Crime and Disorder Committee was to be agreed next week, but gave an update on the work so far on domestic violence and support for high risk victims, including children, the perpetrator programme, performance of the Safer Doncaster Partnership and their work around anti-social behaviour, reductions in reoffending for youth offenders and the availability of support and legal highs.  The work of the Crime and Disorder Committee was fluid and reactive throughout the year.


Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards, representing Sheffield City Council, reported on the sub-regional priorities and confirmed that a report was received annually by the Safer Stronger Communities Scrutiny Panel around the work of the community safety partners.  Plans for joint working were welcomed especially around the similar problems with anti-social behaviour.


Councillor Glyn Whelbourn, Chairman of Rotherham’s Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, confirmed that a report from the Safer Rotherham Partnership was received annually and during November/December consideration was given to specific issues of anti-social behaviour and changing policy across Rotherham, child sexual exploitation and domestic violence.  A copy of the recent Scrutiny Review into Domestic Violence had already been forwarded to the Chief Constable and which could provide a platform for taking this joint work forward with a view to pooling resources across South Yorkshire.


Councillor Ralph Sixsmith, representing Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, shared information on the work that had already taken place around anti-social behaviour, ways to address child sexual exploitation and absconding behaviour.   New governance arrangements were also now in operation in Barnsley and the Police and Crime Commissioner had been out to visit some wards where anti-social behaviour was an issue and resources targeted appropriately.


The Chairman summarised the information that had been shared at today’s meeting and reflected that all four Local Authorities had similar problems with domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour and child sexual exploitation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That all those represented today be thanked for their information and input.


(2)  That the information shared be noted.


Joint Working Protocols pdf icon PDF 177 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, which provided the Panel with proposals to establish joint working protocols with the four Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committees across Barnsley, Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield.


The Panel noted that all Local Authorities have a statutory requirement to establish a Crime and Disorder Committee whose purpose was to scrutinise the work of the local Crime and Disorder Partnership.  This did not have to be a standalone committee and many local authorities have subsumed this role within one of their existing Scrutiny committees or panels.


Members from these four committees and their supporting officers were invited to the Panel’s development day in November, 2013. It was felt that there was ground to be gained by working closely together with these four committees and sharing information about work programmes to develop South Yorkshire priorities which can inform the work programme of the Police and Crime Panel.  Access to local information about the performance of Crime and Disorder Partnerships was also felt to be crucial for the Panel in terms of triangulation of evidence it may receive in as part of scrutinising the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner. As such, in a report to the Panel on the 2nd December 2013, it was agreed that the following were required:-


·                A clear understanding of roles and responsibilities between the partners be required and agreed through protocols.

·                Local Authority Scrutiny Panels should share work programmes with the Police and Crime Panel to help with the development of South Yorkshire wide priorities.


It was hoped that the report would stimulate the discussions around the establishment of a joint working protocol between the Police and Crime Panel and the four Crime and Disorder Committees and could lead to a formal working arrangement.


The appendices attached to the report contain two examples of such working protocols and the Panel were requested to consider which elements of these examples would usefully be included in a first draft for South Yorkshire.  It was then proposed to discuss this draft further with the four Crime and Disorder Committees prior to agreeing it in its final format.


Jo Sykes, an officer from Sheffield City Council and an Independent  Member of West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, gave a brief overview of the success of the protocol serving West Yorkshire, how it assisted the Panel with recognising the needs and concerns of local communities, how it assisted with holding the Police and Crime Commissioner to account, working in partnership at Panel Meetings, how to influence the Police and Crime Plan and the regular exchange of information and intelligence, co-ordinating work programmes and alignment of membership where possible.


The Panel welcomed the opportunity for joint working with the aim of pooling resources to tackle similar elements of concern such as domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour and child sexual exploitation, the sharing of good practice to avoid duplication and suggested that officers draw up a similar joint working protocol based on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Police and Crime Panels - The First Year pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report presented by Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, which provided details of a report from the Centre for Public Scrutiny entitled “Police and Crime Panels: the first year” and a helpful overview of the challenges identified during the first year of operation. 


Reference was made to the issues highlighted in the report, particularly in respect of scrutiny and development of the budget and how the Panel may develop its work in these areas.  The report also highlighted what good Police and Crime Panels looked like and some progress had already been made in this area.


The report also referred to the joint working protocols between the Panel and the Police and Crime Commissioner and this Panel had established early in its formation a Memorandum of Understanding with the Police and Crime Commissioner and it was probably timely for this to be revisited.


Reference was also made to the tools and resources available to the Panel to ensure it remained effective and whether there needed to be further exploration of this in the future.


The Panel having considered the report were in agreement that the Memorandum of Understanding should be reviewed, that consideration should be given to joint working with further exploration about the resources available to the Panel and were confident that the work that had now commenced on the website would seek to improve communication and transparency.


The report also made reference to the role of Independent Members and the value of the expertise and perspective they provided alongside the background and knowledge of Elected Members with some further consideration being given to additional training.


The suggestion that Panel Members should receive quarterly finance, performance and risk monitoring reports against the Police and Crime Commissioner’s priorities was welcomed and this was something the Panel wished to progress further.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received and the contents of the CfPS report “Police and Crime Panels: the first year” be noted.


(2)  That the Monitoring Officer be responsible for collating and submitting the recommendations to the Police and Crime Commissioner that would improve the scrutiny of his priorities.


(3)  That the Memorandum of Understanding be subject to further consideration and review and any revisions agreed formally by the Police and Crime Panel.


Work Programme and Meeting Dates 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 21 KB


Further to Minute No. 29 of the meeting of the Police and Crime Panel held on 31st January, 2014, consideration was given to a report presented by Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, confirming details of the work going forward for the Panel and the dates for 2014/15.


Dates for the Task and Finish Groups would be confirmed going forward, especially around the Performance Management Framework and Domestic Abuse.


The next meeting would see agenda items on the refreshed Police and Crime Panel and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s response to the H.M.I.C. report on child sexual exploitation.


Resolved:-  That the report be received and the contents/dates duly noted.