Agenda and minutes

Police and Crime Panel - Wednesday 30 July 2014 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer. 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman


Resolved:-  That Councillor Harry Harpham be appointed Chairman for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


(Councillor Harry Harpham in the Chair)


Appointment of Vice-Chairman


Resolved:-  That Councillor Sharman be appointed Vice-Chairman for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


New Members


The Chairman welcomed Councillors Roy Munn (Sheffield City Council) and Caven Vines (Rotherham Borough Council) to their first meeting of the Panel.


Questions from Members of the Public


Before asking his question, the member of the public requested that he be allowed to record the question section of the meeting.  The views of the Panel members were sought and agreement reached that the questions could be recorded.


(1)           A member of public asked if the Panel would invite Sheffield for Democracy to be part of the process of testing the Police and Crime Panel website?


The Chairman advised that this would be covered in more detail at Minute No. 6 with a proposal to run a discussion forum via Rotherham Council’s website.  A link to the website prototype was contained within the agenda papers for the meeting and any group or individual was welcome to feed back to officers their experience of it.  All feedback would be captured and would inform ongoing development of the website.


(2)           A member of the public asked if the Panel would ensure that the existence of the website, when it went live, was well advertised throughout the four Authority areas, not just on their own websites but through community hubs and Neighbourhood Watch organisations etc.?


The Chairman confirmed that the Panel’s aim was to ensure that the website was as accessible as possible and maximise publicity for when it was launched.


(3)           A member of the public asked, noting the comment at 6.4 in the report, would the Panel include webcasting as a high priority in this exploration?  It worked well for the previous Police Authority meetings and continued to do so for the other remnant South Yorkshire bodies.


The Chairman advised that this was something that the Panel had considered in its early days and concluded that it needed to be better established before it could happen.  Instead, it had been agreed to focus on the development of its website.  Now that this was almost completed, it was something that the Panel could reconsider.  It should be noted, however, that the other South Yorkshire bodies who did webcast had relatively small audiences.  It should also be noted that changes to Regulations would come into effect on 6th August relating to the recording of Council meetings and the situation would be reviewed in light of this.


(4)           A member of the public asked if the Panel would also explore non-media ways of improving engagement and interaction with the public?


The Chairman advised that there was no statutory obligation for PCPs to engage communities in their work; this obligation sat with the Commissioner.  Again, this had been discussed in the early days and the Panel agreed that their role was limited but they should still be proactive.  It was agreed that there may be circumstances where they may wish to carry out bespoke consultation around a specific issue particularly where they may disagree with assumptions that had been made that may need testing.  Therefore, future engagement exercises were likely to be around specific pieces of work in the Panel’s work programme e.g. Domestic Abuse.


(5)           A member of the public stated that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 2nd May, 2014 pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Police and Crime Panel held on 2nd May 2014.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 2nd May, 2014, be agreed as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Police and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with the requirements of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act (2011), the Police and Crime Commissioner presented his 2013/14 annual report setting out how he had exercised his statutory functions as well as an overview of the work undertaken by the South Yorkshire Police Authority of its statutory functions between April, 2013 and March, 2014.


The main purpose of the report was to highlight performance against the functions of a Police and Crime Commissioner as set out in the Act and to demonstrate performance against the key objectives set out in the Police and Crime Plan 201317 which were:


-          Reduce Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

-          Protect Vulnerable People

-          Improve Visible Policing


The reporting year was another very difficult year for all public services and Policing was not immune from the further significant cuts made by Central Government.  However, crime in South Yorkshire remained at its lowest level for 25 years despite the extremely challenging circumstances.


The Police and Crime Commissioner gave an update on progress of elements of the Plan relating to:-


·           Role of Police and Crime Commissioner

-          Statutory functions

-          Responsibility of setting the strategic direction and commissioning delivery of Policing and Crime Services for South Yorkshire

-          Chief Constable responsible for delivering an efficient and effective police service

-          Variety of other partners/service providers responsible for delivering community safety and Criminal Justice Services


·           Governance Arrangements

-          Corporate Governance Framework jointly agreed with Chief Constable based on a model developed by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Chief Executives

-          Framework includes Statement of Corporate Governance, Code of Corporate Governance, Scheme of Corporate Governance and separate policies and procedures for each corporation sole including working protocols

-          Good Governance Standard for Public Service adopted

-          Monthly Governance Advisory Board meetings

-          Joint Independent Audit Committee established

-          Joint Engagement Strategy and Plan

-          Involvement with the recruitment of senior officers

-          Investigation of complaints made against the Chief Constable as well as monitoring the number/type of complaints made against Police Officers and staff


·           Accountability

-          Regular surgeries held

-          Plans to involve the public as much as possible in shaping future plans by the use of Twitter, Facebook and meeting people in the communities

-          Policing Protocol Order 2011 set out the framework within which the Commissioner was expected to work with the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime panel

-          Requirement to have regard to the national Strategic Policing Requirement which focussed on those areas where Government had a responsibility for ensuring sufficient capabilities in place to response to serious and cross-border criminality threats e.g. terrorism, civil emergencies and in support of the work of national agencies such as the National Crime Agency


·           Strategic Planning Overview

-          Aim of focussing resources on priority areas that were important to the people of South Yorkshire and agencies that the Police and Commissioner’s office worked in partnership with

-          Approach to strategic planning continued to be evidence based, investing resources in what delivered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Police and Crime Panel Website Development pdf icon PDF 32 KB


The following link provides access to the new Police and Crime Panel Website:-


Further to Minute No. J.43(3) of 2nd May, 2014,  Christine Majer, Scrutiny Officer, reported on the progress made regarding development of the Panel’s website.


The galaxy site had been developed and managed by Rotherham Council’s On-Line Service Team with information from the existing site used to populate the new site.


Testing of the draft website would be undertaken by representatives of the community as previously agreed.  There would be a community forum for comments/issues to be logged and the website continually updated.


Monitoring of the website could provide information as to the number of users of the site and the type of information viewed which could then be used by the panel to assist in the engagement of the community in their work.


A number of Panel members had already provided their pen portraits for inclusion on the website.


It was felt that the website should be launched as soon as possible.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the “galaxy” website hosted by Rotherham Borough Council be noted.


(2)  That the content and format for the pen portraits be approved and that all Panel members be encouraged to submit their pen portraits as a matter of urgency.


(3)  That the website be launched and publicised as soon as possible.


Police and Crime Panel Update pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report presented by Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, updating the panel on a number of issues and areas of progress since the last meeting which included:-


Working Protocols

As agreed at the 2nd May meeting (Minute No. J40(a) refers), a draft was submitted for consideration (Appendix A) to enable sharing of information and work programmes between the Panel and the four Scrutiny Committees.


Memorandum of Association

As agreed at the 2nd May meeting (Minute No. J40(b) refers), a proposed refreshed Memorandum of Understanding between the Panel and the Police and Crime Commissioner was submitted for consideration (Appendix B).


Training and Induction

It was proposed that consideration be given to any training and induction requirements of the new Panel members as well as identifying areas for development for existing members.  However, the budget provision was limited.


It was suggested that, as had happened in the past, the Panel spend a day with Police Officers to gain a general insight into their daily activities.  It was also felt that spending time with 1 of the new shared services would also be useful for members.


Work Programme

The updated scheduled work programme was attached at Appendix C with the main area of update was with regard to Domestic Abuse.  A Task and Finish Group had been due to start work during July and report back in September, however, due to annual leave commitments, it was proposed that the final report be submitted in December.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the draft working protocols and Memorandum of Association be approved and forwarded to the relevant  Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committees and the Police and Crime Commissioner.


(3)  That with regarding to training and induction, Members forward any areas of interest to Deborah Fellowes.


(4)  That the progress on the work programme be noted and an extension to the timescale for the Domestic Abuse Task and Finish Group be approved.


(5)  That anyone interested in joining the Task and Finish Group contact Deborah Fellowes.


Performance Management Arrangements pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute J40(e) of 2nd May, 2014, consideration was given to proposals for the reporting of performance and financial information to enable the Panel to carry out its scrutiny function.


Officers from both RMBC and the PCC’s office had met and agreed that the performance reporting format currently being developed by the PCC’s office for their Governance and Assurance Board would be a useful starting point and reduce the need to duplicate effort/workload.


The performance reporting information was provided on an exception basis with a Red, Amber, Green rating system used.  In terms of Finance reporting, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner would be developing a pro forma which would also deal with risk analysis.  This was a key area for the Panel to focus upon, reassuring themselves that the Commissioner had a robust mechanism in place for management and mitigation of key areas of risk.


The office of the PCC would be providing the reports on a monthly basis. 


Discussion ensued on the report.  It was suggested that the financial report did not require a lot of detail but should include a breakdown of capital and revenue and budget against spend.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That future performance management reports be submitted to the Panel on a quarterly basis.


Update on the Handling of Complaints pdf icon PDF 35 KB


In accordance with Minute No. J44 of 2nd May, 2014, a Sub-Committee had been convened on 7th July to consider the informal resolution of 2 complaints.


With regard to the first complaint, the Sub-committee reached the following conclusions in relation to the individual complaints:-


Complaint No. 1

1.     That the Commissioner did not correctly consider the complaints

Based on the evidence provided, the Sub-Committee concluded that the Commissioner had consider the complaint appropriately.


2.     That the Commission had contacted Members of Parliament but should not have done so

The Sub-Committee concluded that the response of the Commissioner to this complaint was appropriate.


3.     That the Commissioner contacted the South Yorkshire Professional Standards Department asking them what they thought of the complaint

The Sub-Committee concluded that there was insufficient evidence that the Commissioner had contacted the Department.


Complaint No. 2

The complainant was concerned about the manner in which the Commissioner had considered the complaint and particularly that the Commissioner had delayed in responding and failed to inform the complainant of the possibility of challenged decisions by way of Judicial Review

The Sub-Committee was satisfied that the Commissioner had not delayed in either providing any information or taking decisions in order to prevent the complainant lodging a claim for Judicial Review.


The Complaints Procedure provided that the outcome of informal resolution could be published if it was considered to be in the public interest.  The Panel was asked to consider whether any publication, in addition to that contained in the report submitted, was required.


The Monitoring Officer also reported that there were 2 outstanding complaints and, whilst separate, had certain common factors.  The Monitoring Officer had met with the complainants to advise them of the nature of the information required for 1 of the complaints to proceed.  The remaining complaint was supported by its complete information.


Once the full information was received the matter would be referred back to the Panel.  However, should the information be received prior to the next scheduled panel meeting, a Sub-Committee may be necessary to consider the complaints.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Sub-Committee’s outcomes be publicised on the Panel’s website.


(3)  That, if required, a Sub-Committee be convened to consider the complaints referred to above.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under Paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended March 2006) (information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual).


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 2 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act (as amended March, 2006) (information likely to reveal the identity of an individual).


Police and Crime Panel Sub-Committee - Minutes of meeting held on 7th July, 2014


The minutes of a Sub-Committee held on 7th July, 2014, to hear 2 complaints that had been made against the Police and Crime Commissioner were noted.