Agenda and draft minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education and Public Health Services - Tuesday 15 July 2014 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 32 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the meeting held on 17th June, 2014, be approved as a true record.


Representatives on Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 16 KB


Consideration was given to the representatives on outside bodies.


Resolved:-  That the following appointments be approved:-


Local Admissions Forum: -

Councillor Beaumont, Havenhand and Roche.


Education Consultative Committee: -

Councillor Rushforth, Cabinet Member for Education and Public Health, together with Advisers.

Chairperson of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.

Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Improving Lives Select Commission.


Rotherham Schools’ Forum: -

Councillor Rushforth, Cabinet Member for Education and Public Health


Inspire Rotherham Limited Board: -

Dorothy Smith, Director for Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services


Hospital Teaching and Home Tuition Service: -

Councillor Dalton.


Transport (Education) Appeals Panel: -

Councillors Gosling, J. Hamilton, Roche, Sansome, Sharman and Whelbourn.


Rotherham College of Arts and Technology Board: -

Councillor Lelliott


Thomas Rotherham College Board: -

Councillor Roche


Dearne Valley College: -

Councillor Atkin.


LEA Governors’ Appointment Panel: -

Councillor Rushforth, Cabinet Member for Education and Public Health, together with Advisers.

Councillor Sims.


Yorkshire and Humberside Grid for Learning – Foundation Board: -

Councillor Rushforth, Cabinet Member for Education and Public Health

Mrs. Susan Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager, Performance and Quality, Neighbourhood and Adult Services. 


Wales Education Foundation: -

Councillors Whysall and Beck. 


Rotherham Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education: -

Councillors Beaumont, Lelliott, Roche and Sharman.


School Place Planning Update pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Dean Fenton to present


Consideration was given to a report presented by Dean Fenton, Principal Officer, School Organisation and Risk Management, which provided an update in relation to School Place Planning activity and outcomes.


Further information was provided on the number of applications received for both R/FS and Year 7, their allocation of preferences, the schools that could not accommodate some catchment or sibling and some on distance.


It was also pointed out that the Department for Education had introduced a Local Authority Scorecard on School Place Planning and the use of Basic Need Funding and the current allocation outlined.


Further information was also provided on the number of schools which had been expanded since January, 2011 up to July, 2014, how many places and how this had been funded.  In total 140 R/FS2 and 940 through-school places have been created.


There was a programme for future school places from 2014 to 2017 at the new Central Primary, Cortonwood Infant, Ellis Junior and Wickersley School and Sports College.  Discussions were also ongoing at Rawmarsh Thorogate and Sandhill Primary to accommodate a R/FS2 bulge year for 2016/17.


Future projects and potential new schools would also be determined by the outcome of the Local Plan and confirmed sites for development, Section 106 agreements alongside future pupil number projections.


In terms of admission appeals it was noted that staff arranged a very successful group appeal for the first time to accommodate a large number of appeals for Wath Comprehensive.  This was the first of its kind in Rotherham and feedback from the all those involved in the process was that the group appeal process was extremely positive. The group appeal reduced the staffing implications from four full days of appeals to two full days’ equivalent.


Discussion ensued on the use of school buildings, funding streams for new schools, the use of Section 106 monies for capital costs for education and the merits in conducting group appeals for large numbers in the future.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report and current position in relation to School Place Planning be noted.


(2)  That staff involved in the arrangements and processing of the first group appeal be commended for their efforts.


Proposal to Amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Dean Fenton to present


Further to Minute Nos. 105 and 125 of the former Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services, Dean Fenton, Principal Officer, School Organisation and Risk Management, presented a report which sought the final determination in relation to the proposed amalgamation of Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools.


The statutory notice period had run from 6th June to 4th July, 2014.


There had been no representations made during the statutory notice period.


Resolved:-  (1)  That, in the absence of any representation during the statutory notice period, that the proposal to amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools be approved with effect from 1st September, 2014.  The School will then be known as Thorpe Hesley Primary School.


(2)  That the Secretary of State for Education be informed accordingly.


Waverley Development - Annual Update pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Dean Fenton to present


Consideration was given to a report presented by Dean Fenton, Principal Officer, School Organisation and Risk Management, which provided an update on the Waverley Estate development and a proposed Deed of Variation to the Section 106 Agreement.


It was noted that:-


·                The Waverley Estate had been removed permanently from the catchment area of Treeton C. of E. Primary School.

·                The shared primary phase catchment area of Catcliffe Junior and Infant School and Brinsworth Howarth Junior and Infant School had been established until the opening of the Waverley Primary School.

·                Brinsworth Howarth Junior and Infant School had agreed a temporary increase in the Published Admission Number in FS2/Reception from 20 to 45 2013/14 academic year and subsequent cohorts thereafter until the opening of the Waverley Primary School.  A permanent Foundation Unit had been installed at the School and adaptations made to the main School building to facilitate the expected rise in pupil numbers in future years.

·                An initial secondary education catchment area line had been defined and would be kept under review as the development progressed to ensure an equal share of the pupil yield from the development


Council officers regularly met with Harworth Estates, the principal developer for Waverley, who also represented a number of property developers on the site.  In view of concerns raised previously, a Deed of Variation to the original Section 106 Agreement would be submitted to amend trigger points for the release of funds for the first new Waverley School.


Details of the former and proposed trigger points were set out in the report submitted, which if endorsed would be submitted to the Planning Board for approval.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the current position in relation to the Waverley development be noted.


(2)  That the proposed Deed of Variation to the Section 106 Education Contribution Agreement be supported to keep the Waverley development viable.


(3)  That the proposed variation be submitted to the Planning Board for consideration.


(4)  That the update on the Waverley development continue on an annual basis.


NHS Health Checks pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Dr. Jason Horley to present


Dr. Jason Horsley, Public Health, gave a presentation on NHS Health Checks which drew attention to:-


·                What Health Checks were.

·                Must dos.

·                The basic aims.

·                What was needed.

·                Current provision in Rotherham.

·                Check rate by practice 2013/14.

·                Rate of health checks by deprivation of practice area for 2013/14.

·                Number of checks by deprivation of practice area 2013/14.

·                How Rotherham was doing.

·                Benchmarks.

·                Guidance.

·                Problems.

·                Options.


A discussion and question and answer session took place with clarification sought on:-


Ø   Use of Statins.

Ø   Statutory health checks.

Ø   Defining deprived areas and use of Ward Profiles.

Ø   Missed targets by some G.P. Practices and the findings of some research by Hallam University.

Ø   Raising public awareness.


Resolved:-  That Dr. Jason Horsley be thanked for his very informative presentation and the contents be noted.


Health Protection pdf icon PDF 567 KB

Dr. Jason Horley to present


Dr. Jason Horsley, Public Health, gave a presentation on Health Protection, Immunisations and Screening which drew attention to:-


·                What was “health protection”.

·                How to prevent infection.

·                Vaccination.

·                Herd Immunity.

·                Maths and Definitions.

·                Maths for Immunity.

·                Screening.

·                What should be screened for.

·                Tests vs a Screening Programme.

·                Doing harm by Screening.

·                Benefits vs Harm.

·                Whose job and responsibility.


A discussion and question and answer session took place with clarification sought on:-


Ø   What screening took place in schools.

Ø   Increasing numbers of cases of Tuberculosis.

Ø   Mixing of vaccinations into a single injection.


Resolved:-  That Dr. Jason Horsley be thanked for his very informative presentation and the contents be noted.


Valuing Care - Achieving Efficiencies in Placements pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Adrian Hobson to report


Consideration was given to a report presented by Adrian Hobson, Operational Commissioner, which provided an update on the progress to date on the detailed cost book analysis of Social Care and SEN residential placements being undertaken currently.


Valuing Care were an independent/private sector organisation and had been commissioned by the Local Authority to undertake the analysis on twenty-five cases of Social Care and SEN residential placements to benchmark value for money and achieve efficiencies.


A letter had been sent to the companies concerned which included a proforma for them to complete detailing how the costs were broken down for each individual placement.  Currently sixteen of the twenty-five cost breakdowns had been returned with a further four agreeing to participate in the exercise.  The remaining five had been sent a reminder.


In all cases the data provided would be compared against the extensive database held by Valuing Care of other provider costs to identify any potential areas of overcharging.  Those that failed to provide a breakdown, the exercise would be carried out on an average cost basis.


Once Valuing Care had completed their analysis their detailed findings would be submitted and the Local Authority would be in a position to challenge providers on their fees.


Similar work in Doncaster had taken approximately six months before any agreed savings could be reported.


Discussion ensued on the negotiation of any possible discounts, the numbers of companies who had refused to participate in the analysis, the commissioning framework, the work carried out in Doncaster and the incentives for the companies moving forward.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report and progress to date be noted.


(2)That further updates be submitted in due course.


Date and time of the next meeting

Tuesday, 16th September, 2014, at 10.00 a.m.


Resolved:-  That the next meeting take place on Tuesday,16th September, 2014, commencing at 10.00 a.m.