Agenda and minutes

Licensing Board Sub-Committee - Wednesday 9 July 2014 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following item is likely to be considered in the absence of the Press and Public as being exempt under the Police Act 1997 and Paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (business affairs and prevention of crime)



Resolved:- That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Police Act 1997 and Paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (business affairs and prevention of crime).


House to House Collections


The Sub-Committee of the Licensing Board considered a report, presented by the Licensing Manager, concerning the following application for the grant of a promoter’s permit to carry out house-to-house collections:-





Tree of Hope

Whole of the

Rotherham Borough

14th July, 2014 to 13th July, 2015


Members discussed the proportion of the proceeds of the collections which would be transferred to the charity and the proportion which will be used to defray costs and administration. Reference was made to the relevant provisions of the House to House Collections Act 1939.


The Sub-Committee agreed that future applicants for promoter’s permits shall be asked to explain the extent of the direct benefit to residents of the Rotherham Borough area, arising from the operation of the charity.


Resolved:- That the application be approved and a promoter’s permit be granted in respect of this organisation.


Scrap Metal Dealers' Licences


The Sub-Committee of the Licensing Board considered a report, presented by the Licensing Manager, relating to applications for the grant of mobile scrap metal dealers’ licences issued in accordance with the provisions of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013. The two applications were submitted by Mr. C.J.E. and by Mr. M.C.H


Mr. C.J.E. attended the meeting and was interviewed by Members. Mr. M.C.H. was unable to attend the meeting and had made written representations in respect of his application. He had also consented to Members determining his application in his absence.


During consideration of these applications and because scrap metal licensing is a new function for the Licensing Board, the Sub-Committee asked to be provided with more detailed guidelines to assist in the determination of these applications.


Resolved:- (1) That the application in respect of Mr. C.J.E. be approved and he be granted a mobile scrap metal dealer’s licence.


(2) That the application for the grant of a licence in respect of Mr. M.C.H. be refused.


Applications for the Grant/Renewal/Review of Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers' Licences


The Sub-Committee of the Licensing Board considered a report, presented by the Licensing Manager, relating to applications for the grant and renewal of hackney carriage / private hire drivers’ licences in respect of Messrs. M.M.H. and D.F.C.


Messrs. M.M.H. and D.F.C. both attended the meeting and were interviewed by the Board.


Resolved:- (1) That, further to Minute No. 6 of the meeting of the Licensing Board held on 11th June, 2014, the application for the grant of a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. M.M.H. be approved and he be granted a licence for three years.


(2) That, further to Minute No. 62(1) of the meeting of the Licensing Board held on 18th May, 2011, the application for the renewal of a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. D.F.C. be approved and his licence be renewed for three years.