Agenda and minutes

Licensing Board Sub-Committee - Monday 27 March 2017 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham, S60 2TH

Contact: Richard Bellamy, Senior Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


House to House Collections pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Business Regulation Manager, concerning the following applications for the grant of a promoter’s permit to carry out house-to-house collections:-






Tree of Hope


Whole of the

Rotherham Borough



Twelve months from grant of the permit


Army of Angels


Whole of the

Rotherham Borough


Variable in the period lasting twelve months from grant of the permit


Yorkshire Cancer Research


Whole of the

Rotherham Borough


Five days per month in the period lasting twelve months from grant of the permit



Discussion took place on the proportion of money which will be used by the collecting charities for the aims of the charities.


Resolved:- That consideration of the three applications be deferred until a future meeting of the Licensing Board Sub-Committee and the applicant organisations be requested to provide audited accounts for the previous three financial years.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


The following items are likely to be considered in the absence of the press and public as being exempt under the Police Act 1997 and Paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (business affairs and prevention of crime)


Resolved:- That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Police Act 1997 and Paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (business affairs and prevention of crime).


Applications for the Grant and Renewal of Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers' Licences


The Sub-Committee of the Licensing Board considered a report, presented by the Business Regulation Manager, relating to applications for the grant, renewal and review of hackney carriage / private hire drivers’ licences in respect of Messrs. R.S., J.K., F.J.H., A.M. and A.M.A.S.A.


Messrs. R.S., J.K. and F.J.H. attended the meeting and were interviewed by the Sub-Committee.


Resolved:- (1) That the application for the renewal of a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. R.S. be approved and his licence be renewed for a period of three years.


(2) That the application for the grant of a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. J.K. be approved and he be granted a licence for three years, subject to the satisfactory completion of the remaining elements of the application process.


(3) That the application for the grant of a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. F.J.H. be approved and he be granted a licence for three years, subject to the satisfactory completion of the remaining elements of the application process.


(4) That, because of the exceptional circumstances now described, the hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence application in respect of Mr. A.M. be considered in the absence of the required qualification (a BTEC or equivalent); and subject to the satisfactory completion of all other elements of the application process, the driver’s licence would be granted for a three months’ period in the absence of the BTEC or equivalent qualification; and any future renewals of this driver’s licence would require the completion of all required elements, including the qualification requirement.


(5) That the hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence in respect of Mr. A.M.A.S.A. be revoked with immediate effect.


Request for Exemption from Licensing Policy Requirements Relating to Vehicle Age


The Sub-Committee of the Licensing Board considered a written request from Mr. M.H. for an exemption from the Vehicle Age and Emissions element of the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy in respect of his vehicle. Members noted that the vehicle licence for this vehicle had already expired.


Resolved:- That the request from Mr. M.H. for an exemption from the Vehicle Age and Emissions element of the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy, in respect of the vehicle now described, be refused.