Browse meetings

Rotherham Town Board

This page lists the meetings for Rotherham Town Board.

Information about Rotherham Town Board



Rotherham Town Board Members as at April 2024




Neil Baxter - Chair

Formerly Engie

Steve Morris - Vice

Signs Express

Sarah Champion

Member of Parliament

John Healey

Member of Parliament

Jake Richards

Member of Parliament

Councillor Robert Taylor

Rotherham MBC - Local Councillor

Michael Wright

Rotherham NHS

Kevin Bradley

South Yorkshire Police

Nick Maddocks

South Yorkshire Police

John Shillito

South Yorkshire Police

Paul Harper

Department of Work and Pensions

Carrie Sudbury

Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce

Lizzie Dealey

Canal and Rivers Trust

Ryan Shepherd

Combined Authority/LEP


Muse Developments

Deborah Bullivant

Grimm & Co.

Peter Hill

HMP Bespoke Construction Ltd

Tracey Mace-Akroyd

RNN Group - Rotherham College

Nicolah Jones


Lisa Pogson


Keeley Beighton

Never Average Marketing

Raymond Kinsella

Great Places Housing Association

David Plumtree

Voluntary Action Rotherham

Kate Davis

Crossroads Care and VCS Representative

Julie Dalton

Gulliver's Theme Parks

Kevin Tomlinson

Magna Science Adventure

David Sutton

Maltby Learning Trust

David Trevis-Smith

Wentworth Woodhouse

Sarah McLeod

Wentworth Woodhouse

Tom Austen


Abi Cobb

Rotherham MBC - Children's Capital of Culture

Helen Littlewood

Clifton Learning Partnership

Matthew Stephens

Rotherham Titans

Jamie Noble

Rotherham United

Phil Batchford

Rotherham Minster

Sue Wynne

Rotherham Rise

Chris Hamby


Nazim Shabir

Andrew Gilhooley

Guild of Games - Representing Town Centre Business






Justin Homer

Sheffield City Region - Cities and Local Growth Unit


Sam Townsend

Sheffield City Region - Cities and Local Growth Unit








Lorna Vertigan

Rotherham MBC - Regeneration


Simon Moss

Rotherham MBC - Regeneration & Environment


Tim O'Connell

Rotherham MBC - Economic Development


Rachael Ellis

Rotherham MBC - Comms and Engagement


Cat Davis

Rotherham MBC - Comms and Engagement


Andrew Boulton

Rotherham MBC - Town Centre Co-ordinator


Simon Powell

Rotherham MBC - Officer


Joel Hamer

Rotherham MBC - Officer



Rotherham MBC - Officer


Matthew Reynolds

Rotherham MBC - Transport


Joe Mothersole


Jackie Sharpe











The Town Board is the vehicle through which the vision and strategy for the town is defined. The board role is to exercise strategic oversight over the Simplification Pathfinders Pilot (SPP) projects; this includes projects funded through Future High Streets Fund, Town Deal, and Levelling Up Fund.  The role of the Board is to:


·             Oversee development of the Investment Plan (IP).

·             Oversee delivery of the Simplification Pathfinders Pilot (SPP) projects.

·             Ensure maximum co-ordination and impact between the various funding programmes.

·             Coordinate resources and influence stakeholders.

·             Play a key role in the Long Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) as the owner and driver, working closely with and bringing together community leaders, stakeholders and businesses.


Remit of the Board


·             To steer and provide strategic oversight for the regeneration of Rotherham town centre, including delivery of the SPP projects.

·             To receive and discuss regular reports on progress in the development of the SPP projects and related matters and, where appropriate, make recommendations on how to take the projects forward.

·             To promote the SPP projects with Government, public, private and Voluntary/community sector partners and stakeholders.

·             To identify and pursue funding opportunities to further support delivery of the SPP projects.

·             To contribute knowledge, skills, expertise, ideas where appropriate to support the delivery of town centre regeneration activity, utilising its own networks, contacts and specialisms where required. 

·             To seek out examples of best practise/speakers/specialists to assist in the work of the Board

·             To review and endorse any material change amendments to the SPP Portfolio

·             To contribute to the development and delivery of relevant engagement and marketing plans

·             Drive the priorities for investment, identify where the powers set out in the policy toolkit can be maximised to deliver change and steer the long-term vision for their town, in conjunction with the local community.

·             In relation to the LTPT:


o      Town Board will be responsible for developing the Long-Term Plan for the next 10 years, reflecting the priorities of local people through in-depth consultation with communities, businesses and residents.

o      Bring together residents, business and community leaders to devise and agree a shared vision for the future.  

o      The Plan will set out how funding will be allocated and spent, with the local authority as the body ultimately accountable for funding.


Membership of the Board


This should include:


·             Cabinet Member and officer representatives from the Council,

·             The local Member of Parliament

·             Representation from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA)

·             High Level representative from South Yorkshire Police

·             Representatives from faith groups

·             Members of cultural, arts, heritage and sporting organisations

·             Local businesses and investors

·             Private sector investors and developers, with an interest in the town centre

·             Representatives from the voluntary and community sector

·             Representatives of Rotherham’s young people

·             Anchor institutions – including College, NHS and creative institutions.

·             Jobcentre Plus

·             Arms-length and other non-departmental government agencies – on an as needed basis

·             Representatives from the housing sector; developers and housing associations


The Chair of the Board will come from the private sector.


Expectations of a Board Member


All members of the board must observe its code of conduct.


It is expected that members will attend board meetings and actively engage in discussions. If the member is not able to attend, a named deputy can attend in their place. 


Any items flagged as commercially confidential must not be shared outside the Board.


 Other responsibilities include:


·             Acting in the interests of the Rotherham population, leaving aside organisational, personal, or sectoral interests.

·             Fully and effectively communicating outcomes and key decisions of the board to their own organisations and networks.

·             Declaring any conflicts of interest to the Chair and leaving the meeting for the relevant item if appropriate. 

·             Acting in a respectful, inclusive, and open manner with all colleagues to encourage debate and challenge.

·             Reading and digesting any documents and information provided prior to meetings to ensure the board is not a forum for receipt of information. 

·             Acting as ambassadors for the work of the board. 

·             Participating where appropriate in communications/marketing and stakeholder engagement activity to support the objectives of the board.




·             Minutes of board meetings will be reported directly into the Rotherham Council Regeneration Board, who will consequently report to the capital Directorate Leadership Team, the chief executive, and the leader of the council.

·             Cabinet member for jobs and the local economy will be part of the board.

·             While the Board may choose to vote in relation to decisions regarding the implementation of the Pathfinder and Long Term Plan for Towns programmes, as the Accountable Body for all funding regimes monitored by the Board the Council retains full veto of any decision making in line with the Council’s Constitution.




·         Meetings will be held 6-weekly, with additional meetings as required.

·         Meeting will encourage debate and constructive challenge in a respectful and inclusive manner

·         Non-members can attend by invitation of the Chair

·         Meetings will last a maximum of 2 hours

·         All meetings will be held in Rotherham/virtually

·         All board papers to be published in advance of the meeting, within 5 working days





In all aspects of its operation and activities, the Board is committed to good governance and high ethical standards, based on the Nolan principles of public life:


Selflessness - Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.


Integrity - Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.


Objectivity - Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.


Accountability - Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.


Openness - Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.


Honesty - Holders of public office should be truthful.


Leadership - Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs


In addition, the Board will adhere to the core principles of the Rotherham Together Partnership:


Ø  Focusing our efforts where we can make the most difference by working together

Ø  Engaging and involving our communities in everything we do

Ø  Promoting equality, challenging intolerance and celebrating our achievements


Rotherham Town Investment Plan can be found here.