Agenda item

Development Plan Update


To receive a verbal update on the SACRE Development Plan.


This agenda item provided an update to SACRE members on the draft SACRE Development Plan for 2024/2025, during which the following was noted:


·       Objective 1- continue to develop RE subject knowledge for Rotherham primary teachers and subject leaders:

?   This objective included Primary Schools only. SACRE members requested that this be changed to also incorporate Secondary Schools.

?   The Chair and RE Advisor to SACRE led Subject Leaders Meetings each term. The RE Advisor had tried to set up a Secondary School Subject Leaders Group, however there had been little interest in this and only one person from Brinsworth School had attended previously. Members of Group C who were secondary teachers advised that they would promote the Secondary School Subject Leaders Group within their academy trusts.

?   The Chair advised that it had been planned to look at the Ofsted Deep and Meaningful Subject Report.

?   The Chair and RE Advisor had planned that an inter-faith question and answer session with teachers. The Chair asked for volunteers from SACRE with faith backgrounds to be involved in the session.

?   It was advised that the Rotherham Faith Leaders Group were looking at completing inter-faith activities with schools, the proposed subject topic was the “Golden Rule”. The Group were due to agree the arrangements for this in October and the Vice-Chair asked whether this could be a piece of joint work with SACRE.

?   The Vice-Chair agreed to liaise with the Programme and Projects Officer who worked with the Faith Leaders Group, to request that SACRE members be included in any updates and information circulated on this, before interfaith week on the 10-17 November 2024.


?   The Vice-Chair to liaise with the Programme and Projects Officer who worked with the Faith Leaders Group, to request that SACRE members be included in any updates or information circulated on inter-faith activities, before interfaith week on the 10-17 November 2024.

?   The Manager of the School Improvement Service would share this information with schools.


·       Objective 2- Review and carry out determinations for collective worship:

?   Thornhill Primary School had asked SACRE to complete their determination.

?   The Chair asked SACRE members for a volunteer and the Vice-Chair volunteered to assist with this.


·       Objective 3- Develop links with Sheffield and Doncaster SACRE’s:

?   The Chair and RE Advisor to SACRE were members of Doncaster SACRE.

?   The Chair met with the Chair of Doncaster SACRE and the Vice-Chair of Sheffield SACRE to discuss potential cross-development working and to share best practise between SACRE’s.


·       Objective 4- Provide support to enhance provision in RE in schools:

?   The Chair and RE Advisor were in the process of developing a list of available visits and visitors for all schools to access, which included suitable places from a safeguarding perspective that would provide a good quality visit.


·       Objective 5- Increase prominence of RE through the Rewards celebration:

?   The rewards celebration was advertised at the last Subject Teacher Meeting and would be advertised via the ROSIS Newsletter.

?   SACRE Members were asked to promote the rewards celebration in primary and secondary schools.

?   Pre-pandemic, the ceremony had good attendance and following the pandemic the good levels of attendance had not continued.

?   The RE Advisor requested examples of good RE work on a regular basis, at the start of every teaching and learning primary school meeting, this helped provide nominations for the rewards.


?   That the Manager of the School Improvement Service add the SACRE members present from Group C to the school distribution list, as requested.


·        The Development Plan was a working document which would be updated throughout the year.