Agenda item

The Civility and Respect Pledge


To receive a presentation and update on progress.


Consideration was given to an update on the progress of the Civility and Respect Pledge that had previously been recommended for adoption by Town and Parish Councils.


The Civility and Respect Pledge had been introduced because there was no place for bullying, harassment and intimidation within the Town and Parish Council sector.  The pledge would enable Town and Parish Councils to demonstrate that they were committed to standing up to poor behaviour and to drive through positive changes which supported civil and respectful conduct.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer shared with the Committee a presentation involving Michaela Moss, Project Officer, and Carina Helm, County Officer.  The presentation drew particular attention to:-


·              The Project Group.

·              Mission and Objectives.

·              Four Key Areas of Focus.

·              Civility Continuation Model.

·              Civility and Respect Pledge.

·              Bespoke Training on Offer and the Key Areas.

·              E-Learning Modules Available.

·              On Demand H.R. Podcasts.

·              Recruitment Guides.

·              Governance Support.

·              Other Working Taking Place.


As a further update the Deputy Monitoring Officer confirmed she had written to all Town and Parish Councils recommending they sign up.  It was noted the majority of complaints received by the Monitoring Officer were in relation to the behaviour of Town and Parish Councillors.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer also pointed out that further work had also taken place around the wider environment of councillors alongside the LGA.  Detailed guidance was available on the LGA website.


The Committee welcomed the opportunity for this pledge believing good governance is fundamental to ensuring an effective and well-functioning democracy at all levels.


The Committee were interested to learn how the pledge had been received across the Borough and were advised that about half of the Town and Parish Councils had signed up.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer agreed to update the Committee every six months on progress of the pledge and how effective the take-up offer for training had been received.


Whilst nationally it was noted there had been some changes in behaviour, until the sanctions were strengthened the changes would still need to be monitored.


Those members of the Committee who were also involved with Parish Councils found the package of support through the pledge to be excellent and a well detailed resource for Parishes to run a transparent and stable council.  However, it was still disappointing that the sign up to the pledge was still voluntary which mean some Parish Councillors did not engage if they did not attend.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer also pointed out the pledge also provided some excellent resources for Clerks to enable them to provide advice and strengthen the process.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer also provided for the new members to the Committee a synopsis of the complaints process through to an investigating sub-committee hearing.


The Committee were unified in their duty to promote good behaviour and drive through positive changes that supported civil and respectful conduct.  They wished to see all Town and Parish Councils sign up to the pledge and indeed directed the Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer to again make contact in writing and attend the next Parish Council Liaison Meeting.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the presentation be received and the contents noted.


(2)  That the Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer write to all Town and Parish Councils encouraging them to sign up to the pledge (if they have not already done so).


(3)  That the Deputy Monitoring Officer attend the next Parish Council Liaison Meeting.


(4)  That a further update be provided back to the Committee in six months’ time on sign up progress of the pledge.