Agenda item

Refreshing the Health and Safety Policy

Report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.




That Cabinet endorse and approve the revised Health and Safety Policy as attached at Appendix 1.


Consideration was given to the report which summarised the statutory requirement placed on the Council to ensure a Health and Safety Policy was in place that articulated the Council’s approach to managing health and safety. The Policy was attached at Appendix 1 for consideration and recommended for approval (version 3.3) and was the result of extensive consultation across multiple stakeholder groups.


A summary of the changes and amendments made as a result of the review and consultation were set out in paragraph 2.2.1 of the report. Once agreed, the Policy would be communicated across the workforce, as set out in paragraph 2.3.1. Actions to ensure the successful delivery of the key objectives of the Policy were set out in paragraph 2.4.1.


The Health, Welfare and Safety Panel and the Corporate Resilience, Health, Safety and Welfare Governance Group would have oversight of the performance with quarterly reports produced. The Policy would be reviewed in no more than two years’ time.




That Cabinet endorse and approve the revised Health and Safety Policy as attached at Appendix 1.



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