Agenda item

Outcomes from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board relating to the Children's Commissioner's Takeover Challenge - Health and Wellbeing

Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.




That Cabinet:

1.    Receive the report and considers the following recommendations:


A.   Section 1 – Vaping:

1.    That consideration was given to several young people from the Youth Cabinet to support a mystery shop in vape shops to identify sources, where possible.

2.    That the Council identified and considered any potential opportunities to reduce vaping adverts on shopfronts, including areas where the Council does not have direct control, where possible.

3.    That the Council sought to encourage all secondary schools to work together, to ensure a synchronised response to the vaping.


B.   Section 2 – Mental Health:

4.    That the Council sought to encourage all schools in the Borough to ensure that young people feel listened to within the schools, and that schools were committed to support their young people.

5.    That consideration was given to how the provision of a dedicated youth space for young people could be achieved, for example, a development of a space similar to the Barnsley Youth Zone.

6.    That the Council worked with its partners to enhance early detection and diagnoses of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and the potential need for an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to assist with the reduction of potential waiting times for the young person to access the EHCP provisions.


C.   Section 3 – Physical Activity:

7.    That the Council seeks assurances from schools within the Borough that they would consider increasing extracurricular clubs, including the range of sports.

8.    That the Council aimed to ensure that all parks within the Borough were kept in good condition and safe.

9.    That consideration be given to providing exercise equipment to all parks in the Borough, where possible and that activity-based walks were considered at popular locations, in conjunction with the Rotherham Youth Cabinet.


D.   Section 4 – Healthy Eating:

10.That the Council sought assurances from schools within the Borough, that they ensured that healthy food options were available to all young people.

11.That schools in the Borough give consideration to the young inspectors completing an inspection of school lunches and lunches provided as part of Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, where possible.

12.That the Council and its partners gave consideration to producing a teenage-specific campaign to support healthy eating.

13.That a site visit to the allotments be arranged for members of the Youth Cabinet


2.    Formally consider its response to the above recommendations within two months of receipt, in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.


Supporting documents: