Report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.
That Cabinet approves the Climate Change Action Plan in Appendix 2, noting the key achievements and opportunities summarised in Appendix 1 and section 2 of this report.
Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on the Council’s Climate Change activity for the previous year. A full progress report for 2024/25 and an action plan for 2025/26 were appended to the report. Key progress was highlighted in the report with respect to the specific themes of:
Nature Recovery was included within the Built & Natural Environment
theme to align with existing work streams around tree planting and
woodland management.
2025 was highlighted as a key milestone in the Council’s original climate
declaration, marking five years since Cabinet approved its net zero
targets. As such 2025 presented an opportunity to review progress made,
consider the challenges experienced and the socioeconomic and
political changes observed during this time. It was also an opportunity to
reflect on a refined view of the Council’s carbon footprint following work
to improve this dataset and to consider how these impacted upon the
Council’s ability to reach its targets. It was therefore proposed that a review
be carried out and an assessment of the recommended approach to the
next five years be undertaken. It was also an opportunity, as the Council
moved into the final 5 years to improve governance around this programme to enable more focussed progress.
That Cabinet approve the Climate Change Action Plan in Appendix 2, noting
the key achievements and opportunities summarised in Appendix 1 and
section 2 of this report.
Supporting documents: