Agenda item

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) 2025/26


Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.




That Cabinet:


1.    Endorse the projects for submission to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority for award of UKSPF for 2025/26 as follows:


a.    Local Business Support


                                               i.         £945,256 for sub-regional business support supporting three strands of Launchpad (start-up support), Productivity and Low Carbon.

                                              ii.         ii)     £390,000 (£270,000 capital) for shop unit grants and market improvements.

                                            iii.         iii)    £137,667 for social value to increase opportunities for local businesses and ensure delivery against commitments.


b.    People and Skills

                                               i.         £444,985 for a skills programme incorporating Ambition (children and young people), Core Skills (community-delivered basic skills training) and Advance (support to progress in work).

                                              ii.         £275,000 for Children’s Capital of Culture to extend the traineeship programme.


c.     Communities and Place

                                               i.         £200,000 for Children’s Capital of Culture, to provide additional capacity during the festival year, supporting ongoing programme development and delivery, as well as marketing and design costs.

                                              ii.         £255,000 for Events, delivering a wide-ranging programme of events and festivals in the town centre.

                                            iii.         £359,549 for community-based support, including ongoing delivery of local advice sessions and engagement events through Open Arms Rotherham, and further funding for Reaching Out (£30,000) - strengthening connections with Rotherham’s diverse communities.

                                            iv.         £86,000 (capital) for Active Lives, providing match funding to enable delivery of a multi-use games area.


  1. Agrees to delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council to determine revised and final allocations for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. This is to include provision for other eligible actions within the use of the fund should it not be possible to achieve full spend of the grant through the allocations above.


Supporting documents: