Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.
That Cabinet:
1. Endorse the projects for submission to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority for award of UKSPF for 2025/26 as follows:
a. Local Business Support
i. £945,256 for sub-regional business support supporting three strands of Launchpad (start-up support), Productivity and Low Carbon.
ii. ii) £390,000 (£270,000 capital) for shop unit grants and market improvements.
iii. iii) £137,667 for social value to increase opportunities for local businesses and ensure delivery against commitments.
People and Skills
i. £444,985 for a skills programme incorporating Ambition (children and young people), Core Skills (community-delivered basic skills training) and Advance (support to progress in work).
ii. £275,000 for Children’s Capital of Culture to extend the traineeship programme.
Communities and Place
i. £200,000 for Children’s Capital of Culture, to provide additional capacity during the festival year, supporting ongoing programme development and delivery, as well as marketing and design costs.
ii. £255,000 for Events, delivering a wide-ranging programme of events and festivals in the town centre.
iii. £359,549 for community-based support, including ongoing delivery of local advice sessions and engagement events through Open Arms Rotherham, and further funding for Reaching Out (£30,000) - strengthening connections with Rotherham’s diverse communities.
iv. £86,000 (capital) for Active Lives, providing match funding to enable delivery of a multi-use games area.
Supporting documents: