Agenda item

The Big Screen


Bernadette Burbridge, Town Centre Management Team, gave a verbal report on the evaluation of the current pilot to assess the use of The Big Screen in Rotherham Town Centre.


This included a background report on the matter an outline of her work experience in the BBC on special projects, which had included the setting up of a number of partnerships similar to the one in Rotherham.


The pilot scheme was to end in December, 2006.


The information included a DVD presentation which involved members of the community.  This was shown as an example of what could be shown on the screen through learning space.  The DVD, which consisted of “real” stories, had been compiled with the help of students from RCAT who had recorded their experiences of adult learning and how this had enriched their lives.


The meeting was informed of the type of feedback received from audiences in respect of:-


-                       The World Cup coverage – on the whole, very successful - as many as 300 children and families in the square on one particular day

-                       Number of events planned in conjunction with the Royal Opera House – started to build an audience from the first event of the Royal Ballet show

-                       Big Dance Event – nation-wide event to get as many people dancing at the same time – 235 people signed up to the event

-                       Film for Life shown – had attracted a large crowd and had generated lots of fun

-                       RCAT – (a) Agreement for students to produce some material as part of the 1st year NVQ Media Course.  If appropriate, this would be screened. (b) Offer of work placements for students to learn how to produce material for the screen, BBC guidelines and editorial policy.

-                       Schools and “Get Sorted” Project – screening events planned with them

-                       Images of Urban Wildlife – recently enjoyed by several people


The point was made that the screen was a new feature to the town and that, as such, would take time to build interest and attract audiences.


Discussion had taken place with a great deal of community groups.  Without exception, the response had been extremely positive.


Feedback from all events had been consistently strong and a mailing list was being compiled for future use.


Members of the Consortium felt the DVD was very good and suggestions for future work were made which included more stories from older people and children.


Questions were raised and responded to with regard to the permanency of the screen and costings.


It was clarified that the screen was jointly owned via a partnership with the Council, BBC and ADI (screen manufacturer).  A Contract existed with ADI who maintained the screen and provided IT support.


One issue which had consistently arisen was that the screen should not be sited in All Saints’ Square. 


In balancing that view, some members of the Consortium felt the siting of the screen should not overshadow the facility in terms of its potential benefits for community involvement, nothwithstanding the need to promote a wellbeing of pride in the town and the recognition of the many successes in terms of Rotherham’s higher employment and good school results, for example.


Agreed:-  That Bernadette be thanked for an interesting and informative presentation.