Agenda item

Bellows Road Shopping Complex - Rawmarsh

ADF Manager to report.


Further to Minute No. 106 of the joint meeting of the Cabinet Members for Neighbourhoods and Economic Regeneration and Development services held on 13th November, 2006, consideration was given to a comprehensive report, presented by the ADF Manager, relating to the conclusions of a recently commissioned Housing Market Renewal report in respect of the proposed redevelopment of the Bellows Road Shopping Complex, Rawmarsh, as a means of improving the image of the area and better serving the community.


The conclusions of the report included:-


-                      the suggestion that the centre should be redeveloped fully to serve the community better

-                      an indication of the role the Council would be required to take

-                      the suggestion that formal acquisition negotiations commence with the owner of the Bellow Road Complex

-                      the high level of commitment within the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder and the Council Corporate Capital Programme


A detailed explanation was given of the following aspects:-


-                      location

-                      historical background to the building of the centre

-                      its current use/disuse

-                      the trading position of the outdoor market

-                      the current poor condition

-                      recent attempts to facilitate re-development.

-                      present freehold ownerships and lease details, and recent changes


Reference was also made to the following work which had already been carried out:-


-                      the High Street Development Framework Study for the Rawmarsh and Parkgate centres

-                      strategic link to the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder

-                      the overall Area Development Framework Baseline Study

-                      and the Rawmarsh/Parkgate Masterplan Framework


A description of the proposals put forward by GVA Grimley was set out in the report.  This report highlighted the following:-


-                      the need to demolish existing centre

-                      a proposal to develop a transformational residential led mixed use scheme including a new public square

-                      proof of existing demand for new housing

-                      the importance of the location as a local shopping centre


The Executive Director, Economic and Development Services, added that this issue had been debated by the Corporate Management Team and, arising therefrom, a further recommendation had been put forward for the Board to consider.  The Board was therefore asked to consider approval for an overarching review to be conducted of Council owned land in the area, to determine the viability of developing shopping facilities to replace Bellows Road Shopping Centre.


Members of the Board commented on:-


-                      other Council assets on Rawmarsh Hill and in the area

-                      links to the proposed Customer Service Centre

-                      Greenspace provision

-                      HMR funding mechanism and programme

-                      re-orientation of the centre of the community

-                      issues of Best Value

-                      current occupation of the units and customer use

-                      possible use of CPO’s

-                      timescales

-                      acquisition costs and proposed financing


Resolved:-  (1)  That the need for the Council to take the lead role to facilitate the re-development proposals for Bellows Road Shopping Centre be recognised and supported.


(2)                   That authority be given for the opening of discussion/negotiation for the purchase of freehold and lease interests in the site.


(3)               That support be given, as a priority, to the preparation and presentation of a bid to access the Medium Term Capital Asset Fund.


(4)  That an overarching review to be conducted of Council owned land in the area, to determine the viability of developing shopping facilities to replace Bellows Road Shopping Centre.