Agenda item

Review of Closed Circuit Television monitoring


Further to Minute No.  71 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services held on 31st July, 2006, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Head of Streetpride, detailing the existing situation in respect of all aspects of the CCTV monitoring system, and which included proposals for change in the way that CCTV equipment is renewed, monitored and managed.


It was reported that consideration had been given to the short term future of Bailey House, the escalating costs of a predominantly obsolete system, and the technical advances in CCTV which would allow improvements to the overall system.


Further issues highlighted included:-


-                      Overtime worked by Council staff – identified by the Audit Commission

-                      Refurbishment of Main Street Control Room

-                      Modernisation and the inclusion of installing Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras

-                      The ability of systems across South Yorkshire to interlink through a regional contract

-                      Proposed refresh of the terms of reference of the CCTV Management Group

-                      Alignment of the proposals with current Council policies and legislation


Members of the Board commented on:-


-                      Effectiveness of CCTV

-                      Evidential standards

-                      Police priorities and response times

-                      Voice warnings linked to cameras

-                      Utilities costs

-                      Service Level Agreement

-                      Split of responsibilities between the Safer Rotherham Partnership, South Yorkshire Police and Streetpride

-                      Transfer of staff under TUPE


The Board considered recommendations of the Corporate Management Team in respect of the allocation of funding from the Minor Strategic Capital Programme.


Resolved:-   That approval be given to the following:-


(1)  future CCTV monitoring being operated from the single existing control room at Main Street police station and that the control room in Bailey House be decommissioned.


(2)  the 95 cameras, which are linked to Main Street, being replaced at an estimated cost of £250,000 using the South Yorkshire Police sub-regional tender (which has been subject to the OJEU procedure) and to funding from the Minor Strategic Capital programme.


(3)  connection arrangements in respect of the 24 cameras, which are linked to Bailey house, being amended to link them directly to Main Street at an estimated cost of £80,000, to be funded from the Minor Strategic Capital Programme.


(4) exemption from Standing Orders, in respect of recommendation (3) above, to allow the necessary work to be carried out by the existing maintenance contractor, in view of their familiarity with the system and speed required in carrying out the proposals.


(5)  the annual budget for the maintenance of the control room and cameras being increased to £132,000 from £102,000, the increase to be funded from the revenue savings generated by rationalisation of the control rooms.


(6)  the Head of Streetpride being authorised to negotiate an appropriate Service Level Agreement with South Yorkshire Police to allow the transfer of staff, the monitoring of council buildings and the provision of emergency contact arrangements for the parking attendants.


(7) to negotiate, in conjunction with the Safer Rotherham Partnership, the CCTV management arrangements being refreshed along the lines proposed in the report to reflect changed circumstances.