Agenda item

Service Level Agreement - Voluntary Action Rotherham


Consideration was given to a report presented by Colin Bulger, Director of Policy and Partnerships, which detailed the Service Level Agreement between the Council and Voluntary Action Rotherham as a result of negotiations for 2006/07.


The Service Level Agreement started the process by which the Council’s agreement with Voluntary Action Rotherham moved from being output to outcome focused. This process would gather pace for next year’s Service Level Agreement for which negotiations would begin shortly.


The Service Level Agreement was broken down into seven Service Elements with a number of Key Tasks assigned to each Service Element. Targets were assigned to each Key Task. These would be subject to a separate report to this meeting in April, 2007.    


Specific reference was made to the extra support for R.E.M.A., the move by Voluntary Action Rotherham to improve governance and the need for succession planning to be in place.


A discussion ensued on the increased capacity of Voluntary Action Rotherham, their management of the Yorkshire Forward grant fund of £4.1 million and exit strategies, core funding by the Council and the need for further work on issues like the Community Empowerment Network and Voluntary Sector Strategy.


Janet Wheatley and Keith Dobson, Senior Management representatives from Voluntary Action Rotherham, joined the meeting at this point and gave a presentation on the Service Level Agreement.


The presentation drew specific attention to:-


·              Outcomes.

·              Increase knowledge of Voluntary Action Rotherham and other infrastructure services.

·              Effective use of resources/shared good practice/expertise/equipment.

·              Representation and participation – support to diverse and inclusive sector.

·              Voluntary and community organisations benefiting from an effective and sustainable local infrastructure organisation.

·              Progress against the South Yorkshire Investment Plan for revenue and capital funding.

·              Future work.

·              Current issues for the sector.


A question/answer session ensued and the following issues were raised/clarified:-


-                 Role of S.Y.F.A.B. and R.E.M.A. and the areas of work they carried out.

-                 Capacity and supportive role of R.E.M.A. to other smaller organisations.

-                 Future funding of Voluntary Training Links Service.

-                 Performance Management Framework and monitoring by the Council.

-                 VAR Annual Survey and Needs Analysis – Progress Update by July, 2007.

-                 Management of sub-contracts for BME and women.

-                 Finalisation of exit strategies.

-                 Demand for service for adult social care and how this would affect the voluntary and community sector.

-                 Impact of the Local Government White Paper.

-                 Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of REMA and its capacity.

-                 Improving satisfaction levels for VAR and the comparison with SYFAB and REMA.

-                 VAR’s succession planning and reliance for leadership from its Chief Executive.

-                 Role of the Community Empowerment Network and satisfaction of service delivery.

-                 Election, selection, accountability and representation on NOP and Voice and Influence.

-                 Working partnerships between VAR and best practice to listen and learn.


Resolved:-  (1)  That representatives from Voluntary Action Rotherham be thanked for their presentation.


(2)  That the content of the Service Level Agreement be noted.


(2)  That the Service Level Agreement be approved.


(3)  That regular updates on delivery against set outcomes and outputs as described in the Service Level Agreement be received.

Supporting documents: