Agenda item

Minutes of a meeting of the Tourism Panel held on Monday, 5th February, 2007


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the Tourism Panel held on 5th February, 2007.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Tourism Panel

5th February, 2007


Present:- Councillor Walker (in the Chair); Councillors Hall and Austen.


together with:-




Guy Kilminster

Manager, Libraries, Museums & Arts

Steve Blackbourn

Principal Officer Museums, Galleries and Heritage

Joanne Edley

Tourism Manager

Karen Oliver

Assistant Tourism Officer

Marie Hayes

Commercial & Promotional Manager



Apologies for Absence



Apologies for absence were received from:-



Councillor G. Boyes

Vice-Chair, Regeneration Scrutiny Panel

Councillor I. St. John

Cabinet Member, Lifelong Learning, Culture & Leisure

Councillor R. Littleboy

Senior Adviser, Lifelong Learning, Culture & Leisure

Councillor G. Robinson

Senior Adviser, Economic Regeneration & Development

Councillor G. Smith

Cabinet Member, Economic Regeneration & Development

Julie Roberts

Town Centre & Markets Manager

Dawn Runciman

Events & Promotions Officer

Richard Jones

Chief Executive, Yorkshire South Tourism



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th December, 2006



Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Tourism Panel held on 4th December, 2006.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be approved as a correct record.



Matters Arising



The following issues were raised:-


(i)                   Councillor Reg Littleboy


The Chair reported that Councillor Littleboy had recently been taken into hospital.


Resolved:-  That a card be sent to Councillor Littleboy wishing him a speedy recovery.


(ii)                  South Yorkshire Destination Management Partnership (now known as Yorkshire South Tourism)


It was reported that Richard Jones, Chief Executive, Yorkshire South Tourism, was unable to attend the scheduled meetings of the Panel.


It was agreed that feedback on the progress of the Partnership was needed.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Councillor Boyes be asked to give an up date to the next meeting of the Tourism Panel.


(2)  That the Tourism Manager, liaise with Democratic Services, to identify alternative dates for meetings in order to be able to invite Richard Jones.



Museums, Galleries and Heritage:  Plans for Heritage Sites



The Principal Officer Museums, Galleries and Heritage, presented a report updating members of the Panel on the heritage sites owned and/or cared for by the Council.


The sites for which the Museums, Galleries and Heritage Service was responsible for included:-


  • Clifton House (now Clifton ParkMuseum), including interpretation of the Roman Granary in Clifton Park and the Park’s origins as the Clifton Estate
  • BostonCastle, including interpretation of architectural salvage designed for open display in Boston Park (e.g. Doorway from College of Jesus)
  • Waterloo Pottery Kiln, including interpretation of Pottery Ponds as the location of the Swinton (Rockingham) Pottery Works
  • The Walker Mausoleum, including interpretation of Masbrough Chapel and Burial Ground
  • Keppel’s Column
  • Catcliffe Glass Cone


The role of the Service was to maintain a watching brief over these sites, monitor their condition and to look to develop projects around the sites to help their restoration and to deliver community activities.


The Service worked in partnership with a number of organisations, other Service Areas within the Council, and the “Friends of” groups.  It was pointed out that English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund had been closely associated with the sites.


Reference was made to the following future plans for Heritage sites details of which were contained in the report submitted;-


-               Clifton ParkMuseum:-  plans for a new Glass Gallery linked to the Catcliffe Glass Cone development.  Reference was made to the development of CliftonPark itself by Greenspaces, and the opportunity to deliver interpretative events.


-               Boston Castle:-  despite two feasibility studies, development/restoration was dependent upon the bigger project for the Park as a whole.  However, the condition of the Castle continued to deteriorate.  The Director of Culture and Leisure was speaking to the HLF about the possibility of restoring the castle separately.


Waterloo Kiln:-  due to site constraints plans for a Contemporary Pottery Fesitval had not been pursued.  The Service was maintaining a watching brief, with a condition survey being carried out in 2007.


Walker Mausoleum:-  reference was made to the complex legal, access and ownership issues associated with this site.  It was reported that a Legal Agreement had now been signed which gave the Council access and this had enabled discussion with the HLF for grant aid to restore the Mausoleum, clear the burial ground and preserve the remaining funerary monuments as an urban greenspace and a site of historical significance.


Keppels Column:-  attention was drawn to two major, inherent problems:-


  • The nature of the building and location of the site meant that projected visitor figures were too low to justify substantial Heritage Lottery Fund investment;
  • Legal Services identified that local residents had a strong argument about the project interfering with their right to privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, as the Column had not previously been open to the public since before the adjacent housing estate was built.


As a result of these problems the HLF considered the project too risky, and thus the Service was unable to lever in other external funding.  Meanwhile the Column continued to deteriorate, and a programme of works had been identified (to commence in March/April).  Members of the Panel made reference to the value of the Wentworth Follies.


-               Catcliffe Glass Cone:-  work was continuing with the Parish Council and English Heritage.  Funding had been made available for a Conservation Assessment in 2007/2008.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the individual reports on the sites for which the Service is responsible be noted.


(2)  That officers of the Service be thanked for their continuing efforts to maintain and develop the sites.



Tourism Update



The Tourism Manager reported on the following:-


Visitor Centre:-


-                      Footfall:-  currently 61,000 with a target for the year end of 68,000

-                      Sales:-  were slightly down and so 3 for 2 offers had been introduced


Yorkshire South Tourism:-  work had continued with the Partners, leisure businesses, group travel operators, conference/business tourism and the media.


 Group Travel Campaign:-  Rotherham was leading on behalf of the partners and had produced a flyer for mailing to the Group Travel Operators/Group Travel Organisation. It was proposed to build a new database of contacts and for a new Group Travel Guide to be produced.


Shows  staff had attended / to be attended:-


-                      the Great Days Out Fair at Bolton – 2nd February

-                      the World Holidays Show in Belfast and in Dublin,

-                      Confex 20th to 22nd February and to have a stand

-                      British Travel Fair in Birmingham on 13th to 14th March.


The value for money of attending the above would be assessed.


Members of the Panel referred to:-


-                      the recent investment by the private sector into refurbishing and developing facilities at the local hotels

-                      Schools exchanges and other groups


Development of the Access Guide:-  this was being made available on-line, with printouts available by post on request.


Accommodation Guide:-  currently being printed


Attractions Guide:-  was awaiting approval


Media Coverage:-  had focussed on the Visitor Standard;  Quality Standards and Customer Satisfaction survey


Rotherham’s Big Screen:- was keeping Rotherham in the news


Walking Festival:-  this was being organised for 2nd to 15th July.  It was reported that presentations had been held in December to the 25 volunteers and to the Mayor for the money raised.


Resolved:-  That the continued work of the Tourism Section be noted.



Any Other Business



The Chair reported on the following:-


Information Bus for people aged over 50


A bus was being used as a Drop-in facility in the town centre on Friday, 9th February, to provide information for people aged over 50 e.g. courses available, activities, clubs, visitor attractions etc.


The Manager, Libraries, Museums and Arts, referred to work in respect of the Older People’s Strategy which would be made available in Spring 2007.



Date, Time and Venue for the next meeting



The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the date of the next meeting was confirmed as:-


MONDAY, 19TH MARCH, 2007 at 2 p.m. at the Town Hall.




Supporting documents: