Martin Harrop presented a report which covered issues that had arisen as a result of the annual consultation exercise with and between schools and other LEAs. (All admission authorities must determine their arrangements by 15th April, 2007). This year the information related to 2008-2009 admissions.
Part of the new Admissions Code meant that all Schools and Governing Bodies had to look at their admission criteria because the option of “first preference first” had been abolished.
In addition, the report gave an update on the outcome of the DfES’ consultation on the new Schools Admissions Code, the final version of which had now been published.
Annex 1 gave details of the LEA’s consultation document, which was considered by governing bodies during the Autumn Term 2006. This had also been accessible on the Authority’s website between 1st February and 1st March 2007.
All feedback received by the Authority is summarised in Annex 2, which also included an update on the final version of the new Schools Admission Code and its main implications.
The situation with regard to BramleySunnyside Infant School was outlined. Governors had requested the Authority give consideration to increasing the admission number from 80 to 90, which would be a better organisation tool in respect of infant class size legislation, and as a result of anticipated pressure from new housing.
Although the point about infant class size legislation is well made, the net capacity assessment would indicate a maximum possible admission number of 88 rather than 90. The school currently has year groups of 74/76/74. Governors had been informed that the admission number of 80 will remain in place but that the position in relation to the number of preferences will be monitored and that officers will contact the school for any potential year group of 80+ in order to ascertain whether exceeding that number would actually prejudice efficient education or not.
With regard to St. Bernard’s CatholicHigh School, the indicated admission number is now 158 (not 162 as stated in the report now submitted). However, the governors wish to retain the current admission number of 140. This can be done, subject to the publication of a notice with scope for objections to the Adjudicator.
The Local Admissions Forum (LAF) was reminded of its need to consider its future membership and the requirements in relation to an ‘in-year fair access protocol’ (already on the agenda for the meeting at Agenda Items 5 and 6).
Reference was made to recent media coverage with regard to “overcrowding” at Aston ComprehensiveSchool.
A discussion also took place with regard to the potential for numbers to rise at Wath Comprehensive School in view of the extension of new housing within Dearne Valley. Martin Harrop was asked to submit a report to the next meeting on this matter.
One member felt this was a particular issue in terms of future impact on communities after the planning process when problems can occur which had not been anticipated during the planning process. It was suggested that work on this type of planning, and looking at facilities in terms of what may be gained from new regulations, ought to be smarter as a result of the current re-negotiation of Local Area Agreements and input from LAF.
Martin Harrop gave advice with regard to population changes in both primary and secondary numbers. In general, secondary numbers are reducing. Funding from a Developer in one area had already been secured in anticipation of the need to provide additional school accommodation.
The Chair raised an issue with regard to the newly built Westfield School in Sheffield as to whether this had affected children living in Beighton. Martin Harrop outlined the position with regard to numbers for Aston Comprehensive and clarified that numbers in Sheffield’s secondary schools were also decreasing.
Agreed:- (a) That, in accordance with a resolution made by the Cabinet Member, for Lifelong Learning, Culture and Leisure on the 13th March, 2007, the proposed admission numbers contained within Annex 1 for community and controlled schools be confirmed for 2008/09, subject to the clarifications/amendments contained in Annex 2 Ai.
(b) That the proposed admissions criteria for community and controlled schools be agreed, subject to the following clarification on the treatment of twins/triplets/multiple births and those resident in flats or equidistant from a school:
i) all twins/triplets/multiple births will continue to be treated equally, even where this results in an admission number being exceeded, and
ii) where places are being allocated based on the distance criteria or as part of the distance tie-breaker, and there are insufficient places within the admission number for two (or more) pupils living in the same building (e.g. flats) or otherwise equidistant from the school, then any final place will be allocated by the simple drawing of lots.
(c) That changes relating to voluntary aided schools shown at Annex 2 b i) and ii) be noted.
(d) That the appropriate notice be published in respect of the proposed admission numbers for schools named in Annex 2, 4, where the current admission number will be less than that indicated by the current net capacity calculation.
(e) That this report be placed on the Authority’s website, all appropriate admission authorities be informed of the determinations and the appropriate notice on final determination be published.
(f) That the co-ordinated schemes for Primary and Secondary preferences be confirmed.
(g) That the ‘relevant area’ for 2009/10 admissions be confirmed as the whole of the Rotherham borough.
(h) That Martin Harrop submit a report to the next meeting on the impact, if any, on admission numbers as a result housing growth in Wath.
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