Agenda item

Minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel held on 27th April, 2007


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel held on 27th April, 2007.


The Chair of the Panel, Councillor R. S. Russell, made reference to the unfortunate death in service of Gordon Duffield, who was the TGWU representative to the Panel.


The following report was submitted:-


Health, Welfare and Safety Panel

27th April, 2007


Present:-  Councillor R. S. Russell (in the Chair); Councillors Hall, Jackson, Sharman, Smith and Whelbourn. and Mrs. S. D. Brook (NASUWT), Mr. J. W. Clay (ATL), Mr. G. Duffield (TGWU), Mr. S. Frere (UNISON), Mr. K. Moore (AMICUS) and Mrs. H. C. Smith (UNISON)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Barron, Swift and Mr. M. Tyas (GMB).



Councillor David Hall - Retirement



The Health, Welfare and Safety Panel placed on record its appreciation of the services of Councillor David Hall, who was not standing for re-election to the Council.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th January, 2007



Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, held on 19th January, 2007, be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.



Safety and Health Expo - Birmingham - 22nd May 2007



Members of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel would be attending the Safety and Health Expo, to be held at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham on Tuesday, 22nd May, 2007.



Statistics of Accidents, Injuries and Incidents of Violence to Employees



Consideration was given to a report of the Emergency and Safety Manager containing the following statistics:-


(i) Corporate Monthly Accidents and Violence to Staff Incidents – 1 October to 31 December, 2006;


(ii) Programme Area Monthly Accidents and Violence to Staff Incidents – 1 October to 31 December, 2006; and


(iii) Summary of RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences) Reportable Injuries – 1 October to 31 December, 2006.


The Emergency and Safety Manager also submitted a chart summarising reported accidents to all employees, occurring from the second quarter in 2004 to the first quarter in 2007.


Resolved:- (1) That the contents of the report and the statistical information be noted.


(2) That an update be provided at the next meeting of the impact of the revised reporting procedure for incidents of violence to employees.



Health and Safety Bulletin



Consideration was given to the Health and Safety Bulletin, containing recent articles and reports of legal cases relating to health and safety. Eleven recent health and safety articles and cases were highlighted.


Resolved:- That the Emergency and Safety Manager distribute copies of the bulletin throughout the Authority and also publish the bulletin on the Council’s Intranet web site.



Reports on Visits of Inspection held on 23rd March, 2007



Consideration was given to matters arising from the visits of inspection made by the Panel on Friday, 23rd March, 2007.


The report included the responses provided by Service Areas to the various issues raised at the inspections.


Particular reference was made to:-


(a) BrinsworthManorInfant School


A thermostat needed to be installed as the hand wash water was too hot. Pupils should not be allowed to go too near to the boundary railings.


(b) Portable Appliance Testing


A briefing document about portable appliance testing would be provided for all of the local authority’s premises, including schools.


(c) Catcliffe Junior and Infant School


The Health and Safety Officer would check the progress of the responses to all of the items reported, carry out a formal inspection of the school buildings and produce a report for the next meeting of this Panel.


(d) Havenhurst


The grab rail in the toilet for people with a disability should be painted in a distinctive, highly visible colour.


(e) Grove Road offices


A repair was required to the connection between the building drain and the main drainage system.


(f) Vision Panels in Internal Doors in Schools


There should be a general reminder to schools to ensure that the vision panels in internal doors are always kept clear.


(g) Arrangements for visits of inspection and meetings


It was agreed that:- (a) at future visits of inspection, on return to the coach after visiting a building or premises, the Panel Members should agree the contents of the notes taken of issues reported at the building/premises; and


(b) Safety Officers who had not attended Panel meetings would do so to gain experience and knowledge of proceedings.





































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