Agenda item

ADF Chairs' Reports

- Rawmarsh and Parkgate ADF

- Rotherham East

- Wath and Swinton

- Rotherham West

- Town Centre


The respective HMR Managers gave the following reports:-


Rotherham East

·                    Dalton and East Herringthorpe Masterplan - The consultant's final draft had been due 18th January but had been delayed a week due to sickness in the consultants.  Once received, it would be distributed to the stakeholders and the community through the project management group for comments

·                    Eastwood Masterplan - Environmental improvements, extensions/conversion - surveys had been undertaken by 2010.  Options would be presented to the community by the end of the month

·                    Gateways - on target

·                    Broadway East - on target

·                    Chesterhill Avenue - Relocation was going much better than anticipated.  3 of the 6 owner-occupied properties had been valued with 1 going through the legal process in terms of contract exchange.  8 outhouses had been demolished

·                    Non-traditional properties - A newsletter would be going to residents on Foljambe Drive by the end of the month setting out the options

·                    Wood Street/School Street - A revised drawing would be considered by the Planning Board shortly.  Hopefully the scheme would commence by March, 2008.


Wath and Swinton

·                    Demolition programme - 14 units on Cliffe Bank still be cleared and demolished together with 2 on Rookery Road.  All other sites are cleared.  The ADF had agreed a style, type and mixture of affordable units and a bid submitted to the Housing Corporation.  Hopefully a decision would be made by March, 2008

·                    Cherry Tree Place - Groundworks had commenced with the first handover due later in the year

·                    Gateways - Thomas Street, Swinton, was 1/3 complete. The programme was 10 days behind programme due to the weather

·                    Knollbeck Crescent, Swinton - Street improvements were 1/3 complete

·                    Brampton Mini Masterplan - Further work had been commissioned with the consultants.


Rotherham West

·                    Canklow - C3 Development - the 71 unit development was being developed in 1 phases.  Phase 1 to be completed by the end of February with Phase 2 completed in July, 2008

·                    Castle Avenue/Warden Street/Canklow Road - meetings ongoing with local businesses.  Joint Venture Partnership being explored

·                    Fernbank - Land transfer approved and terms currently being finalised

·                    Bennett Street - Planning approval granted and start on site made

·                    Ferham Road - Land transfer completed with completion date of June, 2008.  Ferham Primary School has been approached to involve the young people in the naming of the houses and to establish key points in the development to allow the young people to visit

·                    Henley Rise EcoHomes - 23 units developed, 12 fixed equity and 11 for rent.  50% of the units are occupied

·                    West Centre - A sustainable baseline action plan produced by EKOS consultants

·                    Stakeholder workshop held on 18th October, 2007, to consider options with community workshops planned

·                    St. John's Green, Kimberworth Park - Procurement process underway with submissions received and interviews held on 16th November, 2007.  Study to be completed by March, 2008

·                    Future Allocation - Housing Corporation - Awaiting decision to proceed with the Shrewsbury Terrace and Munsdale developments

·                    Gateway Improvements - A6109 Meadowbank Road on target.