Agenda item

Customer Access Strategy


Further to Minute No. 5(3) of the meeting of this Board  held on 2nd June, 2008, Mark Evans, Customer Services Client Manager, presented briefly the submitted report relating to the above which had been endorsed by Corporate Management Team at its meeting on 9th June, 2008, approved by Cabinet at its meeting on 25th June, 2008 and supported by Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee at its meeting on 27th June, 2008.


The report introduced the refreshed Customer Access Strategy that had been updated to cover the period 2008-2011.


Members were informed that the Council adopted its first Customer Access Strategy in 2005. To ensure that the Strategy remained appropriate going forward, the Council made a commitment within its 2007/08 Year Ahead Statement to carry out a review of the Strategy.


At the same time the ICT Strategy had also been refreshed and both documents had been developed concurrently to ensure that there was a co-ordinated and strategic approach to delivery.


Delivering the overall vision of the Customer Access Strategy had been built around five strategic objectives. These were:-


·              Strategic Objective 1     Improving the customer experience – Using customer information to shape service delivery around our customers needs so that they are delivered responsively, accurately and cost effectively.


·              Strategic Objective 2     Refocusing our priorities - Ensuring that we are an efficient and effective Council. One that continually reviews its processes and technological requirements to deliver cost efficient quality services in a timely manner that are appropriate to our customers needs.


·              Strategic Objective 3     Joined-up service delivery - Proactively seeking out opportunities to work collaboratively with our partners to improve continually  access to information and services provided to our customers.


·              Strategic Objective 4     Marketing and promoting ways to access our services - Encouraging self service where this is appropriate, for those who are able to contact the Council in this way, and publishing our achievements.


·              Strategic Objective 5     Learning, development and training - Providing empowered, well-trained, professional and knowledgeable staff to support the delivery of services and assist customers to be confident and competent users of ICT based access.


Delivery of significant elements of this Strategy would be supported by the refreshed ICT Strategy which would be funded from the existing ICT Capital Programme and existing Council budgets. Any additional funding for the Customer Access Strategy would be identified in the implementation plan and individual business cases developed as appropriate.


The Board considered the Customer Access Strategy in detail and discussed the feasibility of delivering and developing processes for the giving of any amendments to details.


Discussion and a question and answer session ensued and the following issues were covered:-


-                      awareness of Streetpride Champions, access to them and testing out of the access arrangements, and level of work emanating from contact with Streetpride Champions


-                      value for money of Streetpride Champions


-                      promotion of the community newspaper


-                      co-ordinated approach to deal with the customer at the first point of contact


Resolved:- That the Customer Access Strategy 2008/2011 be supported.

Supporting documents: