Agenda item

Herringthorpe Leisure Site Proposal

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.


Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which detailed how, due to the Leisure Facility redevelopment programme and the related closure of Herringthorpe Leisure Centre, along with the general need to improve facilities based on feedback already received, officers produced a draft proposal for the Herringthorpe Leisure Site, which included the Leisure Centre, Athletics Stadium, playing fields, the former nursery site and the grounds maintenance depot. Members requested that officers provide residents with information on the draft proposal in order to establish whether or not more detailed planning should be undertaken. This report, therefore, provided a summary of the feedback gained from the information sharing process that took place during the three months from March – May, 2008.


In order to get the information to as many groups and individuals as possible a number of different methods were used and the report provided a summary of the feedback obtained.


Feedback which asked questions or identified concerns mainly related to:-


·              The detail of the proposal (e.g. size and location of facilities, type and size of development, and transport/access/parking issues).

·              Why was the leisure centre closing.

·              Concerns about proposals, which at some time in the future, might suggest further development on the site.

·              Alternative ways of delivering the improvements that did not mean using adjacent land for development.

·              Community use of Herringthorpe Leisure Centre once the Council no longer needs it to deliver leisure services.


Feedback which expressed support for the proposal focused on:-


·              Meeting a need for improved sport and facilities.

·              Improving the site for wider recreation purposes and contribution this will make to general health an fitness.

·              Ensuring a wide range of provision to cater for different age, gender and interest.

·              Particular benefit to athletics and football.

·              Cost of use.

·              Ensuring facilities are protected against misuse and vandalism.


If the proposal was taken forward the next steps would be:-


·              Develop more detailed draft plans for the Herringthorpe Leisure site and in particular address the issues raised above.

·              The Valuation Manager instructs a planning consultant to provide a planning brief and highway issues with potential solutions for the development of the sport and active recreation use on the Herringthorpe Leisure site and the potential residential development of the Leisure Centre and former Nursery/depot sites.

·              Planning consultants provide plans and 3D images of the planning brief for the whole site for the public to view.

·              Explore options for funding, including potential partnering arrangements.


If more detailed planning was undertaken costs would start to be incurred. These would have to be carried out at risk as currently there were no budgets or funding allocated to this proposal. Professional support may be required (e.g. production of master plan) and officer time would also be needed. It was suggested that this retrospectively funded from any capital receipts received from the site as part of the redevelopment proposals. This would require Cabinet approval via CSART in first instance.


At this point the uncertainties related to the need for an agreed vision and the absence of financial resources. It would also be difficult to establish any firm commitment from potential funders/partners until such time as a decision was taken on what the Council would like to do. A decision from Members on which way to move forward would enable officers to begin to provide greater certainty in these areas.


Cabinet Members welcomed the extensive consultation exercise and the feedback received, particularly from young people.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the feedback on the proposal for the future of the Herringthorpe Leisure Site be noted.


(2)  That the preparation of more detailed plans for the site be approved.


(3)  That the proposals be featured at Rotherham Show to generate further public interest in the proposed improvements.

Supporting documents: