Agenda item

Minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel held on 10th October, 2008


The following report was submitted:-


Health, Welfare and Safety Panel

Friday, 10th October, 2008



Present:-  Councillor R. S. Russell (in the Chair); Councillors Dodson, Swift, Whelbourn and Wootton; Mrs. S. D. Brook (NASUWT), Mrs. J. Adams (NUT) and Mrs. C. Maleham (UNISON).


Apologies for absence were received from The Mayor (Councillor G. A. Russell), Councillors P. A. Russell andSmith and from Mrs. S. Tudor (UNISON), Mr. J. W. Clay (ATL) and Mr. K. Moore (AMICUS).



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th July, 2008



Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, held on 11th July, 2008, be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman, with a clerical correction to Minute No. 8 (Habershon House), where it was clarified that Mrs. Susan Brook had attended the visit of inspection as a member of this Panel.



Statistics of Accidents, Injuries and Incidents of Violence to Employees



The Principal Health and Safety Officer submitted a chart summarising reported accidents to RMBC employees and also ‘RMBC all accidents’ during 2008.


The Panel noted that the corporate group dealing with violence to staff was soon to be re-established and the statistics about violence to staff, including details of working time lost because of subsequent absence, would be reported to future meetings of this Panel.


Resolved:- That the statistical information be noted.



Health and Safety Bulletin



Consideration was given to the Health and Safety Bulletin, containing recent articles and reports of legal cases relating to health and safety.


The following were highlighted:-


- matters of interest from the Health and Safety Executive (gas installer registration scheme; spot checking of construction sites in High Peak, Derbyshire);

- myth of the Month (written risk assessments; poles in fire stations);

- recent Court Cases.


Resolved:- That the Principal Health and Safety Officer distribute copies of the bulletin throughout the Authority and also publish the bulletin on the Council’s Intranet web site.



Health, Welfare and Safety - Initiatives and Procedures



The Panel noted information from the Principal Health and Safety Officer concerning:-


- premises where asbestos had been found;


- manual handling, RIDDOR reportable incidents;


- dealing with a large wasps’ nest at a Junior School;


- advice and assistance provided to 2010 Rotherham Limited in respect of asbestos being uncovered within one of the Council’s housing stock;


- inspection of premises, eg: Rothwell residential care home and the Millennium Centre;


- provision of in-house training courses, including the second IOSH Managing Safely course.


Resolved:- (1) That the information be noted.


(2) That the Panel place on record its appreciation of the work of the Emergency and Safety Team in providing advice and assistance to 2010 Rotherham Limited.



Visits of Inspection by the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel - Arrangements



Discussion took place on the arrangements for future visits of inspection to be made by Members of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel. It was noted that the visits scheduled for 19th September, 2008, had not taken place.


Reference was made to a subsequent visit by Health and Safety Officers to the RavenfieldPrimary School, where the presence of asbestos was now being dealt with.


With regard to future visits of inspection by the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, it was agreed that all Members provide their electronic mail addresses to facilitate contact before the visits and that badges be issued signifying membership of the Panel.



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