Agenda item

Housing Renewal in Rotherham


 Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, gave a powerpoint presentation on the Rotherham Housing Market Renewal Programme ‘4 Years On’ as follows:-


HMR Pathfinder Programme Target Areas

-              Wath and Swinton

-              Rawmarsh and Parkgate

-              Rotherham West

-              Rotherham East

-              Town Centre


Delivery Arrangements

-              Governance Arrangements

o                   ADF Executive Groups

o                   Project Sub-groups

o                   HMR Pathfinder Meeting

o                   TSY Board


-              Delivery Arrangements

o                   RSL Partnership

o                   Private sector partnerships

o                   EDS

o                   External consultancy


Housing Market Challenges – 4 years ago

-              Low property values

-              High void rates

-              Vulnerability not abandonment

-              Pockets of failure

-              Lack of housing choice

-              Lack of housing quality

-              Unsustainable stock

-              Failing service centres


Housing Market Challenges – Now

-              Rapid price rises but now falling – 15 to 30%

-              Difficulties in securing mortgages

-              Under valuing properties

-              Banks risk averse

-              Reluctance to enter housing market

-              Economic downturn – unemployment rising

-              Increasing demand for affordable housing

-              Mortgage repossessions on the increase



-              250 unsustainable homes demolished

-              396 new homes constructed

-              New Town Centre residential market

-              Award winning ECO housing development

-              £2.8M Gateways enhanced

-              £2M Parks and public spaces

-              2 Service centres improved

-              290 affordable homes built

-              £264,000 Safer Neighbourhoods


Linkages to other Programmes

-              Affordable Housing Programme

-              Regional Housing Programme

-              Renaissance Towns Initiative

-              Town Heritage Initiative

-              2010 Decent Homes Programme

-              Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder

-              Employment and training

-              Economic regeneration

-              Supporting People

-              Quality Bus Corridor

-              PCT – Health Living

-              Green Spaces Investment Programme

-              Children and Young People

-              Respect Agenda

-              Promoting Public Art

-              Zero Carbon Objectives


HMR Programme Funding Allocation

-              2004-06           £15.3M spent (100%)

-              2006-08           £15.6M spent (105%)

-              Total to date       £30.9M (4 years)

-              2008-11           £25.9M provisional allocation for 3 years


HMR Programme – What Next

-              Delivering the 2008-11 Programme in a changing market

-              Ensuring that the Programme was responsive to change

-              Strengthening partnership and delivery arrangements

-              Maintaining links to economic conditions and community cohesion

-              Supporting delivery of new affordable homes

-              Linkages to the Growth Housing agenda

-              Developing relationships with the Home and Communities Agency


A question and answer session ensued with the following points raised/clarified:-


-              Shared ownership;

-              Schemes were being explored or “try before your buy” whereby you rented a property above the social rent level.  The amount above the social rent went into a holding fund so over the years it was built up into a deposit for when  that person was in a position to purchase;

-              A Corporate approach was being developed to the challenging economic conditions, not just for housing, but linking in with all areas of the Council and external partners;

-              All the apartments in the Imperial Buildings and on the old Market Site had been sold.  90% of the apartments on the next phase (Keppel Wharf) had also been sold;

-              The need for increased partnership working with Highways when carrying out Gateway improvements particularly with regard to road markings


Tom was thanked for his very interesting presentation.


Resolved:-  That, in view of the recent television programme illustrating His Royal Highness Prince Charles’ interest in sustainability and regeneration, the Neighbourhood Investment Manager send him examples of the work that had taken place in Rotherham, particularly with regard to Henley Rise Eco Homes and Canklow.