Agenda item

Local Area Agreement Target - Serious and Acquisitive Crime

(a)       Presentation by Superintendent Keith Lumley, South Yorkshire Police

            (pages 20-27)


(b)       Operation Fawkes – report by Steve Parry, Safer Rotherham Partnership Co-ordinator

            (pages 28-30)


(a)  Detective Chief Inspector Terry Mann, South Yorkshire Police, gave the following powerpoint presentation on Offender Management:-


Why is current performance positive

-              Crime Reduction                                    15.5%

-              Crime Detections                                  33% (up 7%)

-              Serious Acq Crime Reduction               16%

-              Serious Acq Crime detections              39% (up 21%)

-              Burglary Reductions                              12%    Detections 29% (+18%)

-              Vehicle Crime Reductions                     21%    Detections 42% (+24%)


Since October New Shape Offender Management Unit (OMU)

-              OMU Review

-              Stole good practice

-              Reinvented a few wheels

-              Identified ‘thief takers’ – DIP – Intell – Partners

-              Identified main offenders – matrix scoring

-              Aligned tasking

-              Prioritised actions

-              Aligned BCU fund to support

-              Technology – trap car


Current Performance – since October 2007

-              500+ Prisoners

-              300 Charged

-              80 PPOs

-              180 Remanded in Custody

-              2,000+ Detections


Process Management

-              Week A



-              Week B



         Offender Matrix


         Jag (4 weekly)


Action at OMU – All Agencies

-              Matrix Action Review

-              Intell requirement

-              Intellactioning

-              Offender management – testing results – pickup

-              Offender intervention – treatment – housing

-              Offender action – arrest – recall – surveillance

-              Victim updates


Key messages

-              Integrate – front/back office elements – respect specialisms

-              Integrate with daily/bi-weekly/JAG processes

-              Involve/empower key agencies

-              Share intelligence

-              Identify opportunities – prevent – enforce – manage

-              Maintain other business – Op Corrode – key investigative capability


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues highlighted:-


o             Partnership working was key

o             Meetings were to be held between the Strategic Director and the District Commander in the New Year to discuss a closer working relationship

o             South Yorkshire Police’s focus was on customer, satisfaction and reassurance.  These would be the focus for the new Media Officer

o             A new mapping system would be available in the New Year through the Safer Rotherham website

o             The whole process of NAGs were being reviewed with possible inclusion of the new Community Crime Fighters

o             As part of their new way of working, the Area Partnership Managers would be Chairing SNT meetings

o             A seminar was to be held in the New Year by 2010 Rotherham Ltd. looking at anti-social behaviour in relation to the Tenancy Agreement

o             Our Future Group 3 was looking at the lessons learnt from the intensive neighbourhood management at Chesterhill Avenue and how to roll it out to the wider Borough


Terry was thanked for his presentation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That the Cabinet Member report back to the Scrutiny Panel on the discussions with South Yorkshire Police.


(3)  That a report be submitted to the Scrutiny Panel on the Chesterhill Avenue intensive neighbourhood management pilot.


(4)  That Steve Parry present the new data mapping system to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Panel.


(5)  That a report be submitted on the non-reporting of incidents.


(6)  That it be conveyed to Area Assembly Chairs that the Scrutiny Panel supports the holding of Area Assemblies in community venues.


(b)     Operation Fawkes


Steve Parry, Neighbourhood Crime and Justice Manager, Safer Rotherham Partnerships, presented a report on the above Operation which had been delivered in partnership by the Council, 2010 Rotherham Ltd., South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service between 21st October and 9th November, 2008.


The overarching objective had been to ensure a co-ordinated approach in preventing anti-social behaviour and other associated problems over the period through enforcement, education and a programme of diversionary activities for young people.


Resolved:-  That the positive outcomes of Operation Fawkes be noted.

Supporting documents: