Agenda item


- presentation by Mark Ford/Lewis Coates


Lewis Coates, Public Protection Manager, gave the following powerpoint presentation on Enforcement:-


Overview – Priority Drivers - Local

-              National Priorities

-              Local Area Agreement

-              Community Strategy

-              Noise Reduction Strategy

-              Enviro-Crime Strategy

-              Respect Agenda

-              SNT

-              Public


Service Provision and Impact – Services Provided:-

-              Traditional Environmental Health functions

-              Contaminated Land

-              Closed Landfills

-              Air Quality

-              Off-Road Motorbikes

-              Anti-Social Behaviour

-              Enviro-Crime

-              Rotherham Wardens

-              Dog Wardens

-              Pest Control

-              Licensing Enforcement


How Does it all fit together – National and Local

-              Impact

-              Vulnerable

-              Quality of Life

-              Anti-Social Behaviour

-              Contributory Factors


Actions – 2008/09 – Strategic and Policy

-              Air Quality Strategy refreshed

-              Enviro-Crime Strategy refreshed

-              Out of Hours Service extended

-              Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and Procedure refreshed

-              4% reduction in Domestic Noise compared wth 2007/08 (8% compared to 2006/07)


Service Demand 2008/09 (Quarter 1-3)

-              16,685 Service requests investigated

            Private Sector housing


            Pollution Control


            Pest Control

            Stray Dogs

            Rotherham Wardens

            Licensing Enforcement Investigations


Actions – Compliance 2008/09

-              349 Inspections of Private Rented properties

-              449 Planning Application consultations

-              114 Permitted Processes under Environmental Protection Act

-              All licenses premised in the Town Centre, Maltby, Brinsworth and Aston received Multi-Agency Compliance visits in December


Actions – Enforcement 2008/09 (Quarter 1-3)

-              126 Statutory Notices service on Private Sector housing

-              214 Abatement Notices under Environmental Protection Act 1990

-              125 Anti-Social Behaviour Enforcement Actions

-              87 Licensing Enforcement Actions

-              337 Fixed Penalty Notices for Enviro-Crime

-              41 Prosecutions

-              6 Seizures



-              Multi-Disciplinary Teams

-              ‘Patch’ Team Working

-              Shared Partner Service Standards – Safer Neighbourhood Team – Police Pledge – Neighbourhood Charters – Anti-Social Behaviour Performance

-              Increasing public reassurance and confidence

-              Anti-Social Behaviour, Selective Licensing, Closed Landfill sites

-              Stepping up customer/personalisation standards


A question and answer session ensued with the following points highlighted:-


  • Whether the direct effects of air quality and noise control within the Borough were reported and if so how this was done.  It was confirmed that noise control was monitored via the Noise Reduction Strategy at a number of levels.  In relation to air quality monitoring reports were produced which included facts and figures and these were presented to Parish Councils.
  • Concerns were raised about the air quality in the Brinsworth area, which was poor largely due to being located between the M1 and the Parkway.  Confirmation was given that work was ongoing with Sheffield City Council to monitor the situation and it was hoped that with the introduction of improved engines in vehicles that in time the air quality would improved.  Pressure was being applied to South Yorkshire Transport providers to ensure their vehicles were low emissions.
  • Whether the Junior Warden Scheme would be re-introduced to encourage young people to take a pride in their community.  Confirmation was given that this would only be possible if funding could be secured.  However community officers did frequently go to local schools to raise awareness of initiatives which were taking place.
  • Concerns were raised about raising children’s expectations in relation to taking part in initiatives before funding had been agreed.  It was felt that funding needed to be secured before offering places to children.
  • The question was raised as to whether there was any evidence of a better service being provided,.now that the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and Procedure had been refreshed.  It was confirmed that the figures were proof of an improved service, which was largely down to the ASB officers working closely with Environmental Health officers.

Supporting documents: