Agenda item

GCSE Examination Results 2008


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of School Effectiveness which set out the GCSE examination results for 2008 and how they compared to previous years, to the national average and to the results of statistical neighbours.


The key aspects of performance, as contained in the report, were:-


A. Overview

   i.      Performance at GCSE 5+A*-C across the LA rose for the sixth consecutive year

  ii.      On the now critical 5+A*-C including English and Maths indicator, the LA average rose 1.9% against a national average increase of 0.8%

iii.      Performance at 5+A*-G including English and Maths also rose 2.8% against a national average improvement of 0.5%.  Rotherham now exceeded the national averages at 5 A*-G and 5A*-G including English and Maths

iv.      9 of the 16 schools matched or exceeded Fischer Family Trust “D” measures for progress from KS2-4 i.e. progress equal to that of the top 25% of students nationally

  v.      There was important improvement in key core subject departments in the Borough’s most vulnerable schools, notably in English, which was helping to improve the overall performance of boys


B. Priority areas for action 2008/9

   i.      The collaborative programme focussed on 5+A*-C including English and Maths performance led by a Consultant Head Teacher working with senior leaders across the 16 schools had been sustained for a second year.  In 2008 it promoted significant improvement in targeted schools, well above national averages

  ii.      The culture of high expectations now pervasive across the secondary phase was exemplified in the aspirational targets set by schools for 2009 and 2010 which were consistently above FFT “D”

iii.      Improvement in the schools’ most vulnerable schools (those with the highest proportion of children receiving Free School Meals) remained a priority and had seen significant improvement over the last 3 years

iv.      2 of the 3 National Challenge Schools had performed above the 30% national threshold in 2008; 1 remained stable at 26%.  Rotherham, therefore, had 1 school below the floor target


C. Strategic focus of School Effectiveness Service

   i.      Targetted support for underachievement is co-ordinated across the School Effectiveness Service, Consultant Head Teachers and the nominated 3 lead consultancy schools

  ii.      The School Improvement Partner (SIP) programme had sharpened school self-evaluation, increased school leadership capacity and toughened the focus on Standards and Achievement. Rotherham’s practice was judged to be Outstanding by the National Strategies

iii.      Programmes promoting the development of senior leadership capacity in the secondary Phase were an area of excellence receiving regional and national recognition

iv.      Core subject consultancy demonstrated significant impact in underperforming departments in 2008 especially in English and Science

  v.      Partnership between schools andSES was unprecedentedly close, responsive and productive


The meeting discussed:-


-              The increase in boys’ performance at 5+A*-C

-              The performance of pupils from a black and minority ethnic background

-              The overall profile of Rotherham schools from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 having moved closer to the national CVA profile with the majority of schools in 2008 being in line with the national profile


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)         That the improved levels of performance at the end of Key Stage 4 be noted.


(3)         That all schools be encouraged to continue to improve their results, and strive to achieve outcomes at least in line with the national rate of improvement.


(4)         That the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning endorse the drive to:


-           reduce the gap between Rotherham’s performance and the national average performance especially in relation to 5A*-C including English and Maths;

-           continue to improve boys’ attainment

-           continue to improve the attainment of black, minority ethnic (BME) pupils and

-           continue improve the attainment of Looked After Children (LAC)


(5)  That the report be submitted to Cabinet and the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel for consideration.

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