Agenda item

14-19 Strategy including LSC Developments


The Director of Learning Services submitted a report on the White Paper proposals set out in ‘Raising Expectations: enabling the system to deliver’ which developed further the intention announced in the Machinery of Government Changes (June 2007) to transfer the responsibility for the commissioning of 16-19 education from Learning and Skills Councils to Local Authorities.


The Legislation required local authorities to group together as formal clusters representing a ‘travel to learn’ area.  The clusters needed to be in place by January, 2009, in order that they could undertaken from March, 2009, the proposed shadowing of the Learning and Skills Councils processes that would precede the transfer of 16-19 responsibilities in 2010/11.


The proposal for Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield local authorities to form the South Yorkshire Cluster was approved in November, 2008.  The sub-regional group had now made a Stage 2 cluster submission outlining the governance and management arrangements.


The proposal would be assessed for readiness by the Regional Planning Forum which was made up of representatives from the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber, Yorkshire Forward, local authorities and the LSC.  They would make recommendations to the Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department of Innovation University and Skills.


A sub-regional steering group and an operational group had been formed to prepare for the transfer.  A detailed action plan with key dates and decision required would be drawn up and the steering group would report regularly to members and the Chief Executive.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues highlighted:-


-              Consideration will be given to the funding allocation to each of the providers for the work they would be providing

-              The Authority would receive funding on the predicted increase in numbers of young people although it was known that a number of providers were offering places to young people over and above the predicted numbers.  Representations were to be made to the national LSC on the shortfall of funding

-              Approval awaited from Government Office

-              Transfer of staff from the LSC

-              Fully operational by July, 2010


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)  That the shortfall of funding be raised at the forthcoming meeting with the 3 local Members of Parliament.

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